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Groovy Event Logger - Secure options configuration

Some of the options of the user-provided Groovy Event Loggers can contain sensitive data such as usernames or passwords used to access external services. Such options should be stored and accessed in a secure way. Set of such options can be different for each Groovy Event Logger and is not known in advance. Thus, in order to support arbitrary set of such options without script complications, Groovy Event Logger supports the following way to store and access secured options.

Sensitive option my-section/sensitive-option can be defined in option my-section:sensitive-option/password. Value of this option will be masked in GAX and IXN Server log. In script of Groovy Event Logger it can be accessed as if it was defined in my-section/sensitive-option option.


Section Option Value Visible value
producer-options:ssl.truststore.password password my-secret ********

Excerpt from the script:

def mySecret = new Section(options, 'producer-options').mandatoryString('ssl.truststore.password').value

Excerpt from the logs:

2019-12-11T11:54:53.531 Trc 06084 Configuration option set: producer-options\ssl.truststore.password -> ********
This page was last edited on December 26, 2019, at 06:23.
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