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Recording Lifecycle Scheduler

The Recording Lifecycle Scheduler enables you to create rules and tasks for easier management of your voice and screen recordings.

Using the Recording Lifecycle Scheduler

  1. Using Genesys Administrator Extension, navigate to Administration > Recording Lifecycle Scheduler. The Recording Lifecycle Scheduler Nodes screen appears.

    When configuring the Recording Lifecycle Scheduler for a specific tenant, you must log into GAX using a user account belonging to the tenant.

    Gir sched locations labels.png

    This screen lists the Interaction Recording Web Services node paths (or Web Services node paths if you're using version or earlier), and the rules associated with each.

  2. Select the GWS Node Path to view the details of the rules applied to the node.

    Gir sched rules labels.png

Creating a Rule

  1. From the Recording Lifecycle Scheduler Rules window, click Gir sched add.png to open the Rule Details dialog:

    Gir sched rulesdetailsattacheddata labels.png
  2. Enter Name.
  3. Select Enabled.
  4. Select the time, in UTC, to run the rule.
  5. To add a new task to the rule, click Gir sched add.png. The New dialog appears:
    Gir sched rulestaskattachdata2 labels.png
  6. Important
    Only HTML supported characters are allowed in the fields, Attached Data Key and Value.
  7. Select the Recording Type.
  8. If you choose Voice for the Recording Type, select the Call Type.
  9. Select the labels from the Include Label or Exclude Label list. When an include label is added, the task will run against only the recordings that contain the label. When an exclude label is added, the task will exclude all the recordings that contain the specified label. Click Add Include Label or Add Exclude Label to add an include or exclude label field.
    Note: Applicable only when Recording Type is Voice.
  10. Fill in the Filters including the attached data if required (select Gir sched attachdatabutton.png for each key/value pair required).
  11. Fill in the Parameters. For more information about Filters and Parameters, see Recording Lifecycle Scheduler Parameters.
  12. Click OK.
Recordings that are protected from deletion (using the Non-Deletion API or SpeechMiner) will not be deleted by Media Lifecycle Management purge tasks.

What Else Can You Do With Tasks?

  • To move the order of the task in the Rules Details window, select one of the directional arrows.
  • To delete the task, click Gir sched delete.png.
  • To edit the task, click Gir sched edit.png.
This page was last edited on April 1, 2024, at 12:48.
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