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Section: cengine
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Introduced: In Classification Server only

Specifies how an e-mail's Subject, Body, and Header fields are treated during screening.

  • If the option is set to true, the Pattern is found in any selected field (OR relation) check box for each individual rule is ignored, all selected content is concatenated into one string, and a screening rule is applied to that string.
  • If the option is set to false:
    • And the Pattern is found in any selected field (OR relation) check box is selected, all selected content is concatenated into one string, and a screening rule is applied to that string.
    • And the Pattern is found in any selected field (OR relation) check box is not selected, a screening rule is applied to each selected content separately and a screening result is calculated as follows: a screening result for the Subject AND a screening result for the Header AND a screening result for the Body. All selected email areas are included in a screening result calculation.

Classification Server Release Notes

Release Date Release Type Restrictions AIX Linux Solaris Windows
05/22/20 Update X X

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What's New

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

Resolved Issues

This release contains the following resolved issues:

The subject-body-header configuration option is modified and the option values have the following meaning:

  • If set to true, all selected content is concatenated into one string and a screening rule is applied to that string.
  • If set to false, a screening rule is applied to each selected content separately and a screening result is calculated as follows: a screening result for the Subject AND a screening result for the Header AND a screening result for the Body. All selected email areas are included in a screening result calculation.

See Screening Rule Reference for details.

Previously, if subject-header-body was set to false, a screening result was calculated as follows: a screening result for the Subject OR a screening result for the Header OR a screening result for the Body. In other words, the screening result was calculated on any or all of the email areas: the Subject, Body, or Header. (KM-4827)

Upgrade Notes

No special procedure is required to upgrade to release

This page was last edited on November 16, 2020, at 06:11.
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