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Unable to view PDF nudges

Software product name Skills Management
Version Number 9.0.x and below
Subject Unable to view PDF nudges


When trying to view a PDF nudge from Performance DNA, you are shown an error message saying "Sorry, an unexpected problem occurred on the website". However, the other nudge types work as expected.

The Performance DNA application log file on the server contains a message similar to:

14/01/2019 16:54:12 - ERROR - An exception of type System.Net.WebException was caught
14/01/2019 16:54:12 - ERROR - The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
14/01/2019 16:54:12 -  WARN -    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebRequest& request)
                             ... (lots more lines) ...

The above IIS logs show that access to the requested nudge file is rejected with a 401.3 error.

This issue affects customers who aggressively restrict permissions for users.


The 401.3 error from IIS logs indicate that access to the nudge file is rejected due to file system permissions (that is, access is denied due to an ACL set on the requested resource).

The resolution is to:

  • Check the NTFS permissions in the QMedia/<tenant Id>/Nudges folder on your server's file system. The IIS server user (IUSR) might not have read permissions in the Nudges folder.
  • Grant the IUSR user with read permission to the Nudges folder, and view the Nudge again.
This page was last edited on August 9, 2019, at 13:44.
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