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arm Section

This section must be called arm, and is configured in the Genesys Administrator Extension Server Application object of type Genesys Administrator Server.

The options in this section are required for the Audio Resource Management module in Genesys Administrator Extension.

Default Value: false
Valid Values: false, true
Changes Take Effect: After restart of GAX

Use this option with extreme caution.

Starting in release 8.5.240, this option specifies the number of digits in personality IDs, and therefore, how many personalities can be created. If this option is not set or is set to false (the default), the IDs are 2 digits long and allow for a maximum of only 99 personalities. This is existing behaviour.

When this option is set to true, the IDs are 3 digits long and allow for a maximum of 1000 personalities. This setting should be used only if you want to use more than 99 personalities. Otherwise, Genesys strongly suggests that you not use this option.

This option applies only to single-tenant configurations. Multi-tenant configurations support only 20 personalities per tenant because of the way routing engine interprets Audio Resource IDs (ARID).

Default Value: false
Valid Values: false, true
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies if the original audio file is to be deleted from the database after all required processing (including any format conversion and transfer to target storage) is complete. If set to true, the original file located in the target storage is used for any subsequent reprocessing, and if required, is downloaded from the target storage rather than from the database (from which it was removed).

This option enables the user to decide if he or she wants the system to delete the binary audio information in the original audio file from the database after processing is done. The advantage of deleting the information is that less database space is used. The disadvantage is that reprocessing is possible on the files located in target storage. These files could be subject to corruption, loss, or a problem with the target storage itself, thereby losing the original information. In this case, the database just offers redundancy and robustness of the data.

Default Value: announcement
Valid Values: Any valid folder
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the name of the folder where the audio data for audio resources of type Announcement is stored while the audio resource is stored in the database, encoded, and moved to target storage. This folder is specified relative to the path specified by the option local_path.

Default Value: music
Valid Values: Any valid folder
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the name of the folder where the audio data for audio resources of type Music is stored while the audio resource is stored in the database, encoded, and moved to target storage. This folder is specified relative to the path specified by the option local_path.

Default Value: /opt/gax/arm
Valid Values: Any valid path
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the absolute path to the location of local audio storage, that is, to the folders specified by the options local_announcement_folder and local_music_folder. The value must not be the same as that of target_path.

Default Value: /usr/bin/sox
Valid Values: Any valid path
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the absolute path to the SoX binary (executable) file; for example, C:\GCTI\sox\sox.exe on Windows.

Default Value: 20
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the maximum file size, in megabytes, for audio files that are uploaded to GAX.

Default Value: announcement
Valid Values: Any valid folder name
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the folder where all audio files of type Announcement, both original and encoded, are stored. Media Server retrieves the files from this folder and uses them. This folder is specified relative to the path specified by the option target_path.

If the delete_from_db_after_processing option is set to true, the original audio files stored in this folder are used for reprocessing, and are downloaded from this folder instead of from the database. However, the encoded files are always downloaded from this folder, not from the database.

Default Value: music
Valid Values: Any valid folder name
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the folder where all audio files of type Music, both original and encoded, are stored. Media Server retrieves the files from this folder and uses them.This folder is specified relative to the path specified by the option target_path.

If the delete_from_db_after_processing option is set to true, the original audio files stored in this folder are used for reprocessing, and are downloaded from this folder instead of from the database. However, the encoded files are always downloaded from this folder, not from the database.

Default Value: /mnt/arm/target
Valid Values: Any valid path
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the absolute path to the location of the folders specified by the options target_announcement_folder and target_music_folder. This path must appear local to the Genesys Administrator Extension server, even though target storage is located on a different host. The path specified here must be served by the ARM Web Proxy server (this is typically the root directory from the perspective of the web server). The value must not be the same as that of local_path.

This page was last edited on June 7, 2019, at 02:49.
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