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Statistic Details

Pulse displays statistic details when you select a statistic while you are creating, cloning, or editing a template. This information includes the components of the statistic's stat type definition as well as other statistical parameters that form the statistical request that Pulse sends to Stat Server. You can modify a statistic's definition within Pulse when you create, clone, or edit a template.

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Statistic Details

Template Display Alias Description
Agent Group Status Logged In The number of agents that are currently logged in at all the DNs within a specified agent group, or at all the DNs at places within the specified place group.
Agent Group Status Ready The number of agents who are currently in the Ready state.
Agent Group Status Not Ready The number of agents who are currently logged in and who are currently in the NotReady state.
Agent Group Status ACW The current number of agents in the AfterCallWork status.
Agent Group Status Consult The current number of agents in CallConsult status (participating in consultation calls).
Agent Group Status Dialing The current number of agents in CallDialing status (dialing calls).
Agent Group Status On Hold The current number of agents in CallOnHold status; that is, where the agent has one or more calls on hold.
Agent Group Status Inbound The current number of agents in CallInbound status; that is, where the agent is conducting one or more inbound calls.
Agent Group Status Outbound The current number of agents in CallOutbound status; that is, where the agent is conducting one or more outbound calls.
Agent Group Status Internal The current number of agents in CallInternal status; that is, where the agent is conducting one or more internal calls.
Agent Group Status Waiting The current number of agents in WaitForNextCall status; that is, where one or more of an agent's DNs has no activity and is ready to receive the next call.
Agent Group Status Ringing The current number of agents in CallRinging status; that is, where one or more calls are waiting to be answered by an agent.
Agent Group Status Places Monitored The current number of places monitored.
Agent Group Status Places Not Monitored The current number of places not monitored.
Agent KPIs Login Time The total time that monitored agents were logged in. This stat type does not include logged-in time when the switch is disconnected from Stat Server. Applied to GroupAgents and GroupPlaces, this stat type calculates the total login time for all the agents belonging to the specified group.
Agent KPIs Ready Time The total time this agent spent waiting for the next call. The total duration of all WaitForNextCall statuses that completed for a particular agent during the reporting interval.
Agent KPIs Not Ready The total number of times that agents completed being in NotReadyForNextCall status during the reporting interval.
Agent KPIs Not Ready Time The total time that an agent's DN completed being in NotReadyForNextCall status during the reporting interval.
Agent KPIs Lunch Time The total time that an agent's DN completed being in NotReadyForNextCall status during the reporting interval.
Agent KPIs Break Time The total time that an agent's DN completed being in NotReadyForNextCall status during the reporting interval.
Agent KPIs ACW Time The total time an agent's DN(s) completed being in AfterCallWork status during the reporting interval. This typically represents the time an agent spent doing follow-up work after calls.
Agent KPIs In Handle Time Total time agents spend handling inbound calls.
Agent KPIs Out Handle Time Total time agents spend handling outbound calls.
Agent KPIs Handle Time Total time agents spend handling inbound or outbound calls.
Agent KPIs Avg Handle Time Average duration that agents spend handling inbound or outbound calls.
Agent KPIs Ring Time The total amount of time that calls were in CallRinging status and this status completed for an agent during the reporting interval.
Agent KPIs Ringing The total number of times CallRinging status completed for an agent during the reporting interval.
Agent KPIs Inbound The total number of times this agent's DN completed being in CallInbound status within the reporting interval.
Agent KPIs Outbound The total number of times this agent's DN completed being in CallOutbound status.
Agent KPIs Internal The total number of times this agent's DN completed being in CallInternal status.
Agent KPIs Held The total number of times that agents completed being in CallOnHold status during the reporting interval.
Agent KPIs Answered The total number of inbound and outbound calls answered by agents during the reporting interval.
Agent KPIs Transfers Made The total number of voice interactions transferred by this agent during the reporting interval.
Agent KPIs Abandoned Ringing The total number of inbound and internal calls abandoned while ringing on agent's DN during the reporting interval.
Agent KPIs Short Talk The total number of times this agent's DN completed being in Call status of less then specified duration.
Agent Login Current Status The current state (status) of a specified agent. Some examples of an agent's status include CallInbound, CallOutbound, and CallConsult.
Agent Login Time in Status The time agent spent in Current State.
Agent Login Reason Reason(s) selected by Agent.
Agent Login EmployeeId Agent's Employee ID.
Agent Login Place Agent's Place.
Agent Login Switch Agent's Switch.
Agent Login LoginId Agent's Login ID.
Agent Login Extension Agent's Extension.
Agent Login Position Agent's Position.
Agent Login Login Time The total time that monitored agents were logged in. This stat type does not include logged-in time when the switch is disconnected from Stat Server. Applied to GroupAgents and GroupPlaces, this stat type calculates the total login time for all the agents belonging to the specified group.
Agent Login Continuous Login Time Current continuous time Agent remained LoggedIn. Applied to GroupAgents and GroupPlaces this statistics calculates total of all Agents (Places) in the Group.
Campaign Activity Hit Ratio The percentage of successful dialing attempts initiated by a Campaign Manager with a call result of Answer (DialAnswer)-that is, a call is answered by a human voice-relative to the number of all dialing attempts made (DialMade) during the same time period.
Campaign Activity Estimated Time The estimated time, in minutes, to complete a campaign or calling list.
Campaign Activity Records Completed The total number of leads from calling lists (counting records from the same lead as one record) processed to the point that no further action will be taken.
Campaign Activity Dialed Abandoned The total number of dialing attempts with a call result of Abandon. CampAbandoned statistics pertain to a specified campaign or to a specified calling list.
Campaign Activity Dialed Answering Machine The total number of unsuccessful dialing attempts initiated by a Campaign Manager with a call result of Answering Machine Detected; that is, the Campaign Manager dropped the call because an answering machine was detected on the called party's side.
Campaign Activity Answers The total number of dialing attempts initiated by a Campaign Manager with a call result of Answer (when a call is answered by a human voice). In some contact centers, the call result can also mean Right Party Contacted; that is, the call is answered by a live person who is not the Wrong Party.
Campaign Activity Attempt Busies The total number of unsuccessful dialing attempts initiated by a Campaign Manager with a call result of Busy; that is, the call does not go through because of a busy signal for the called party.
Campaign Activity Attempts Cancelled The total number of unsuccessful dialing attempts initiated by a Campaign Manager with a call result of Cancel.
Campaign Activity Attempts made Total number of all dialing attempts made (initiated) by a Campaign Manager with any call results.
Campaign Activity DoNotCall Results The total number of completed dialing attempts initiated by a Campaign Manager with a call result of DoNotCall; that is, the customer asked to be put onto the 'Do not call list' when the call was intercepted by an operator. This case is also considered as an unsuccessful dial attempt.
Campaign Activity Dropped Results The total number of unsuccessful dialing attempts initiated by a Campaign Manager with a call result of Dropped. Dropped calls are those that are answered at the destination but then abandoned in the queue because no agent is available to take them.
Campaign Activity Fax Modem Results The total number of unsuccessful dialing attempts initiated by a Campaign Manager with a call result of Fax Detected or Modem Detected.
Campaign Activity No Answer Result The total number of unsuccessful dialing attempts initiated by a Campaign Manager with a call result of No Answer.
Campaign Activity Wrong Party Result The total number of unsuccessful dialing attempts initiated by a Campaign Manager with a call result of Wrong Party; that is, the call is answered by a live person but not the intended person.
Campaign Activity SIT Detected The total number of unsuccessful dialing attempts initiated by a Campaign Manager with a call result of DIALSITDetected. A Special Information Tone (SIT) identifies a network-provided announcement and precedes a machine-generated announcement when, for instance, a telephone number is invalid, no circuit is available, or a recorded operator message intercepts a call.
Campaign Callback Status Completed The total number of callbacks completed. The completion of a callback only indicates that the callback was performed; it does not indicate that the callback was completed successfully.
Campaign Callback Status Missed The total number of callbacks missed. A callback is considered as 'missed' if it is scheduled for a certain period of time, but for some reason the callback is not performed.
Campaign Callback Status Scheduled The total number of callbacks scheduled.
Campaign Callback Status Personal Completed Total number of personal callbacks completed. Completion of a personal callback only indicates that the callback was performed; it does not indicate if the callback was completed successfully.
Campaign Callback Status Personal Missed Total number of personal callbacks missed. A personal callback is missed, for example, because all outbound trunks are busy at the time of a scheduled callback or because an agent for whom a callback is assigned is busy or not logged in at the time of the scheduled personal callback.
Campaign Callback Status Personal Scheduled The total number of personal callbacks scheduled.
Campaign Group Activity Activated The total amount of time that a specific campaign group was in StatusActivated status. StatusActivated status indicates that the campaign has been loaded for a specified group, but that no dialing has yet occurred.
Campaign Group Activity Deactivated The total amount of time that a specific campaign group stays in deactivated status. StatusDeactivated status indicates that a campaign has not been loaded for the specified campaign group.
Campaign Group Activity Running The total amount of time that a specific campaign group stays in StatusRunning status. StatusRunning status means that a campaign is loaded for a specified group and that dialing is in progress.
Campaign Group Activity System Error The total time during which a specified campaign group has been in the SystemError system condition. This system condition indicates that a system error such as a switch failure or a software problem prevents the campaign from running and that dialing has stopped.
Campaign Group Activity Waiting Agents The total time during which a specified campaign group has been in the WaitingAgents system condition. WaitingAgents system condition indicates that no agents are available to run the campaign and dialing has stopped.
Campaign Group Activity Waiting Ports The total time during which a specified campaign group has been in the WaitingPorts system condition. This system condition indicates that no ports are available to initiate new calls and that dialing has stopped.
Campaign Group Activity Waiting Records The total time during which a specified campaign group has been in the WaitingRecords system condition. This system condition indicates that the campaign is out of records and that dialing has stopped.
Campaign Group Status Current State The current state of a campaign or a particular group in a campaign. The state of a campaign is determined by one of three possible object statuses - StatusDeactivated, StatusActivated, or StatusRunning and additional durable actions, which can accompany a particular status.
Campaign Group Status System Error The time since the system condition SystemError started for a specified campaign group.
Campaign Group Status Dialing Mode The amount of time that has elapsed during which a particular campaign group has been in the current dialing mode.
Campaign Group Status Waiting Agents The time since the system condition Waiting Agents started for a specified CampaignGroup. In this system condition, no agents are available to run the campaign on this group and dialing has stopped for this group.
Campaign Group Status Waiting Ports The time that has elapsed since a CampaignGroup has been in the current Waiting Ports system condition. In this system condition, no ports are available to initiate new calls and dialing has stopped.
Campaign Group Status Waiting Records The time that has elapsed while a specified campaign group has been in the current Waiting Record system condition. In this system condition, the campaign is out of records and dialing has stopped during the specified period.
Email Agent Activity Offered The total number of emails that were offered for processing to this resource or agent group during the specified period. This stat type counts interactions both offered by business routing strategies and other agents.
Email Agent Activity Accepted The total number of emails that were offered for processing and that were accepted during the specified period.
Email Agent Activity Rejected The total number of emails that were offered for processing to an agent or agent group, and that were rejected, during the specified period.
Email Agent Activity Terminated The total number of inbound emails that were terminated by an agent or agent group during the specified period.
Email Agent Activity Processed The total number of emails handled by an agent or agent group during the specified period.
Email Agent Activity Timed Out The total number of emails that were accepted, pulled, or created and subsequently revoked by this resource or agent group during the specified period because of prolonged nonactivity. For e-mail interactions, this stat type excludes revoked e-mail interactions that were rejected by the agent and includes interactions that timed out as not accepted while delivering.
Email Agent Activity Transfers Made The total number of email transfers made by this agent or agent group during the specified period. Applied to GroupAgents or GroupPlaces, this stat type calculates the total number of transfers made by all of the agents belonging to the respective group. This stat type counts each transfer instance separately including those where the agent transfers the same interaction more than once.
Email Agent Activity Transfers Taken The total number of email transfers taken by this agent or agent group during the specified period. Applied to GroupAgents or GroupPlaces, this stat type calculates the total number of transfers made by all of the agents belonging to the respective group. This stat type counts each transfer instance separately including those where the agent transfers the same interaction more than once.
Email Agent Activity Out Initiated The total number of purely outbound e-mail interactions originated by a resource or agent groups.
Email Agent Activity Int Initiated The total number of internal emails originated by this agent or agent group.
Email Agent Activity Pulled The total number of interactions that this agent or agent group pulled from any queue. Applied to GroupAgents, this stat type calculates the total number of interactions pulled by all agents within a specified agent group.
Email Agent Activity Processing Time The total amount of time that emails either: Were in processing at this place or this agent's or agent group desktop at the beginning of the reporting interval and finished processing within the same reporting interval or Started processing within the reporting interval and finished processing within the same reporting interval.
Email Agent Activity Avg Processing Time The average amount of time that an agent, a place, or a group there of spent handling email interactions.
Email Queue Activity Entered The total number of e-mail interactions that entered the queue during the specified period.
Email Queue Activity Stopped The total number of e-mail interactions for which processing has stopped while in this queue during the reported time period.
Email Queue Activity Moved The total number of emails that were moved from this queue to any other queue during the specified period.
Email Queue Activity Max Processed The maximum number of e-mails that either were awaiting processing or were in processing within the contact center during the specified period.
Email Queue Activity Min Processed The minimum number of e-mails that were either waiting processing or in processing within the specified period.
Email Queue Activity Current Waiting The total number of email interactions that are currently waiting to be processed.
Email Queue Activity Current In Queue The total number of email interactions that are currently in Interaction Queue.
eServices Agent Activity Utilization The percentage of time an agent was active processing Interactions as compared to login time.
eServices Agent Activity Login Time The total time that monitored agents were logged in.
eServices Agent Activity Email In Process The total number of interactions being handled by this resource at the moment of measurement. Applied to GroupAgents, this stat type provides the current number of interactions being processed by all the agents in a specified agent group.
eServices Agent Activity Email Offered The total number of emails that were offered for processing to this resource or agent group during the specified period. This stat type counts interactions both offered by business routing strategies and other agents.
eServices Agent Activity Email Accepted The total number of emails that were offered for processing and that were accepted during the specified period.
eServices Agent Activity Email Processed The total number of emails handled and processed by an agent or agent group during the specified period.
eServices Agent Activity Email Process Time The total amount of time the agents/agent groups spent processing email and SMS transactions.
eServices Agent Activity Chat In Process The total number of interactions being handled by this resource at the moment of measurement. Applied to GroupAgents, this stat type provides the current number of interactions being processed by all the agents in a specified agent group.
eServices Agent Activity Chat Offered The total number of chats that were offered for processing to this resource during the specified period. This stat type counts interactions both offered by business routing strategies and other agents.
eServices Agent Activity Chat Accepted The total number of chats that were offered for processing and that were accepted during the specified period.
eServices Agent Activity Chat Processed The total number of chats handled and processed by an agent or agent group during the specified period.
eServices Agent Activity Chat Process Time The total amount of time the agent/agent groups spent processing chat transactions.
eServices Agent Activity Social in Process The total number of current interactions being handled by this resource at the moment of measurement.
eServices Agent Activity Social Offered The total number of social media interactions that were offered for processing to this resource during the specified period. This stat type counts interactions both offered by business routing strategies and other agents.
eServices Agent Activity Social Accepted The total number of social media interactions that were offered for processing and that were accepted during the specified period.
eServices Agent Activity Social Processed The total number of social media interactions handled by an agent at this place or this agent at his desktop during the specified period.
eServices Agent Activity Social Process Time The total amount of time the agent/agent group spent processing social media transactions.
eServices Queue KPIs Email Waiting The total number of interactions of the media type X that have been submitted to this staging area and that are currently awaiting processing.
eServices Queue KPIs Email In Process The total number of interactions of the media type X that have been submitted to this staging area and that are currently in processing.
eServices Queue KPIs Email In Queue The total number of interactions of the media type X within this staging area at the moment of measurement.
eServices Queue KPIs Chat Waiting The total number of interactions of the media type X that have been submitted to this staging area and that are currently awaiting processing.
eServices Queue KPIs Chat In Process The total number of interactions of the media type X that have been submitted to this staging area and that are currently in processing.
eServices Queue KPIs Chat In Queue The total number of interactions of the media type X within this staging area at the moment of measurement.
eServices Queue KPIs Social Waiting The total number of interactions of the media type X that have been submitted to this staging area and that are currently awaiting processing.
eServices Queue KPIs Social In Process The total number of interactions of the media type X that have been submitted to this staging area and that are currently in processing.
eServices Queue KPIs Social In Queue The total number of interactions of the media type X within this staging area at the moment of measurement.
eServices Queue KPIs Work Item Waiting The total number of interactions of the media type X that have been submitted to this staging area and that are currently awaiting processing.
eServices Queue KPIs Work Item In Process The total number of interactions of the media type X that have been submitted to this staging area and that are currently in processing.
eServices Queue KPIs Work Item In Queue The total number of interactions of the media type X within this staging area at the moment of measurement.
Queue KPIs Current Calls The total number of live or virtual voice interactions currently waiting at a distribution DN. Applied to GroupQueues, this stat type calculates the total number of interactions waiting on all the queues belonging to the specified group.
Queue KPIs Entered The total number of first entries of voice interactions on a specified queue or at a specified route point. (Refer to the party state diagrams in the Overview book of the Reporting Technical Reference series.) Because the DistinguishByConnID option is turned on, Stat Server counts each call only once, even if an interaction entered a specified queue or route point or group of queues more than one time. When applied to GroupQueues, this stat type sums the number of such interactions for all queues in the group.
Queue KPIs Abandoned The total number of virtual or live voice interactions abandoned on a specified queue or route point when a caller hangs up while waiting on that queue or at that route point or if the customer line is dropped for any reason. The total number of transitions from a queued state to a NULL state when a party was abandoned from a specified queue or route point. Because DCID is turned on, Stat Server counts a specific interaction that was abandoned on more than one queue or route point only once.
Queue KPIs Cleared The total number of voice interactions that were cleared from this virtual queue. The concept of cleared calls applies to routing strategies where an interaction may wait in a virtual queue for one of several targets to become available. When a target does become available, the call is distributed to that target and is 'cleared' from other targets.
Queue KPIs Forwarded The total number of live, voice interactions that were distributed from a distribution DN to an agent and then transferred to another destination by redirection or forwarding. This stat type counts all instances of transfer, even if a particular interaction was transferred to another destination more than once. This stat type excludes interactions that were sent directly to other queues before being distributed to an agent and then forwarded or redirected.
Queue KPIs Answered The total number of virtual or live voice interactions distributed from a queue or route point directly to this agent and answered by this agent. Applied to GroupQueues, this stat type sums all answered calls (distinguished by connection ID) for all the queues or route points in that group. Note that because the DistinguishByConnID option is turned on, Stat Server counts an answered interaction that is distributed from several queues or route points in the same group only once.
Queue KPIs Answered No Wait The total number of virtual or live voice interactions distributed from a queue or route point directly to this agent and answered by this agent. Applied to GroupQueues, this stat type sums all answered calls (distinguished by connection ID) for all the queues or route points in that group. Note that because the DistinguishByConnID option is turned on, Stat Server counts an answered interaction that is distributed from several queues or route points in the same group only once.
Queue KPIs Answered < 10s The total number of live or virtual voice interactions distributed from a queue or route point directly to this agent and answered by this agent within specified threshold (measured in seconds). As applied Group- Queues, this stat type sums all answered interactions within the specified threshold for all queues or route points in that group. Because the DistinguishByConnID option is turned on, Stat Server counts an answered interaction distributed from several queues or route points within the same queue group only once.
Queue KPIs Answered 10 and 20s The total number of live or virtual voice interactions distributed from a queue or route point directly to this agent and answered by this agent within specified threshold (measured in seconds). As applied Group- Queues, this stat type sums all answered interactions within the specified threshold for all queues or route points in that group. Because the DistinguishByConnID option is turned on, Stat Server counts an answered interaction distributed from several queues or route points within the same queue group only once.
Queue KPIs Answered < 20s The total number of live or virtual voice interactions distributed from a queue or route point directly to this agent and answered by this agent within specified threshold (measured in seconds). As applied Group- Queues, this stat type sums all answered interactions within the specified threshold for all queues or route points in that group. Because the DistinguishByConnID option is turned on, Stat Server counts an answered interaction distributed from several queues or route points within the same queue group only once.
Queue KPIs Max Calls The maximum number of voice interactions simultaneously waiting in this queue during the given interval.
Queue KPIs Min Calls The minimum number of voice interactions simultaneously waiting in this queue during the given interval.
Queue KPIs Max Wait Time The maximum waiting time for live or virtual voice interactions currently on a queue or at a route point. Applied to GroupQueues, this stat type calculates statistics for all the queues in the specified group.
Queue KPIs Max Answer Time The maximum time that live or virtual voice interactions waited in a queue or at a route point before being answered by this agent. Applied to GroupQueues, this stat type represents the maximum duration of all wait times for answered interactions distributed from all queues or route points in the specified group.
Queue KPIs AWT The average amount of time during the reporting interval that a live or virtual voice or chat interaction waits on a specified queue or at a specified route point before the interaction is distributed.
Queue KPIs AHT The average amount of time during the reporting interval that agent spend handling Interaction distributed directly from this mediation DN.
Queue KPIs AWA The average amount of time during the reporting interval that a voice waits on a specified queue or at a specified route point before the interaction is abandoned.
Queue KPIs ASA The average amount of time during the reporting interval that a voice waits on a specified queue or at a specified route point before the interaction is answered.
Queue KPIs Service Level A ratio of calls answered to calls entered queue or route point.
Queue KPIs Service Level (10s) A ratio of calls answered within 10 seconds to calls entered queue or route point.
Queue KPIs Service Level (20s) A ratio of calls answered within 20 seconds to calls entered queue or route point.
Queue KPIs % Abandoned Percentage of calls that entered this queue or route point and were abandoned while in queue or while ringing on agent's DN.
Queue KPIs % Cleared Percentage of calls that entered this queue or route point and were cleared.
Queue KPIs Agents Logged In The number of agents that are currently logged into a given queue.
Queue KPIs Agents Ready The number of agents who are currently in the ready state, and who are logged in to the specified queue.
Queue KPIs % Agents Ready The number of agents who are in the ready state, out of all the agents who are currently logged in to the specified queue.
Queue KPIs % Ready Time The relative time spent by agents in ready state relative to login time.
Queue Overflow Reason Entered The total number of first entries of voice interactions on a specified queue or at a specified route point. (Refer to the party state diagrams in the Overview book of the Reporting Technical Reference series.) Because the DistinguishByConnID option is turned on, Stat Server counts each call only once, even if an interaction entered a specified queue or route point or group of queues more than one time. When applied to GroupQueues, this stat type sums the number of such interactions for all queues in the group.
Queue Overflow Reason Cleared The total number of voice interactions that were cleared from this virtual queue. The concept of cleared calls applies to routing strategies where an interaction may wait in a virtual queue for one of several targets to become available. When a target does become available, the call is distributed to that target and is 'cleared' from other targets.
Queue Overflow Reason % Cleared Percentage of Calls that Entered Queue or Route Points and were subsequently Cleared.
Queue Overflow Reason Overflow Closed The total number of voice interactions that were cleared from this virtual queue. The concept of cleared calls applies to routing strategies where an interaction may wait in a virtual queue for one of several targets to become available. When a target does become available, the call is distributed to that target and is 'cleared' from other targets.
Queue Overflow Reason Overflow Special Day The total number of voice interactions that were cleared from this virtual queue. The concept of cleared calls applies to routing strategies where an interaction may wait in a virtual queue for one of several targets to become available. When a target does become available, the call is distributed to that target and is 'cleared' from other targets.
Queue Overflow Reason Overflow Emergency The total number of voice interactions that were cleared from this virtual queue. The concept of cleared calls applies to routing strategies where an interaction may wait in a virtual queue for one of several targets to become available. When a target does become available, the call is distributed to that target and is 'cleared' from other targets.
Queue Overflow Reason Overflow Dissuaded The total number of voice interactions that were cleared from this virtual queue. The concept of cleared calls applies to routing strategies where an interaction may wait in a virtual queue for one of several targets to become available. When a target does become available, the call is distributed to that target and is 'cleared' from other targets.
Queue Overflow Reason Overflow Route The total number of voice interactions that were cleared from this virtual queue. The concept of cleared calls applies to routing strategies where an interaction may wait in a virtual queue for one of several targets to become available. When a target does become available, the call is distributed to that target and is 'cleared' from other targets.
Queue Overflow Reason Overflow Voicemail The total number of voice interactions that were cleared from this virtual queue. The concept of cleared calls applies to routing strategies where an interaction may wait in a virtual queue for one of several targets to become available. When a target does become available, the call is distributed to that target and is 'cleared' from other targets.
Queue Overflow Reason Overflow Message The total number of voice interactions that were cleared from this virtual queue. The concept of cleared calls applies to routing strategies where an interaction may wait in a virtual queue for one of several targets to become available. When a target does become available, the call is distributed to that target and is 'cleared' from other targets.
Queue Overflow Reason Overflow Outsourced The total number of voice interactions that were cleared from this virtual queue. The concept of cleared calls applies to routing strategies where an interaction may wait in a virtual queue for one of several targets to become available. When a target does become available, the call is distributed to that target and is 'cleared' from other targets.
This page was last edited on January 27, 2015, at 12:53.
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