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Deploying Privacy Manager


  • Genesys Administrator Extension (GAX):
    • Privacy Manager 8.5.305.01 and later must use a GAX release between and 9.0.001.xx.
    • Privacy Manager 8.5.300.10 must use a release between GAX to
  • UCS or later.
  • UCS Proxy or later.
  • Classification Server or later.
  • If a previous version of Privacy Manager was installed on the current host, uninstall that version.
One UCS instance can support multiple tenants in Privacy Manager, and each tenant's data is stored separately from other tenants. The graphic below shows two tenants (Environment and Tenant_extra) using one UCS instance (ContactServer_852_2). The Environment tenant has data that is not accessible in the Tenant_extra tenant.
ES Admin PM853 MultiUCS.png

Create a Zip File

  1. Create a temporary folder on your desktop.
  2. Copy the IP folder from the original location (typically, the product CD) into the temporary folder.
  3. Copy the templates folder from the original location into the temporary folder.
  4. Zip the temporary folder.

Alternatively, contact Genesys Customer Care to obtain the required Zip file containing the installation package and associated templates.

Installing the plugin

Local Control Agent or higher

  1. Upload the Privacy Manager installation package (IP) to GAX. Refer to the GAX documentation for more information.
  2. Extract the IP to any folder.
  3. Navigate to the ip folder in the extracted folder.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • On Windows, run setup.exe.
    • On Linux, run install.sh.
  5. Restart GAX.

Local Control Agent or lower

  1. Add the following option to the Application Options tab of the Genesys Administrator Extension (GAX) Application object on the host:
    Section name: [asd]
    Option name: plugin_ip_list
    Option value: PrivacyMng64 (for the Windows host) or PrivacyMng (for the Linux host)
    This option is also used by eServices Manager Plug-in for GAX and Content Analyzer Plug-in for GAX. If you are running both eServices Manager and Content Analyzer with Privacy Manager, the value can be a comma-separated list; for example, eSMngrPlgnAdm,PrivacyMng,CntAnlzPlgnAdm.
  2. Restart GAX.
  3. Upload the Privacy Manager installation package (IP). If you previously uploaded the IP, do so again.
  4. Carry out the plug-in installation process. To uninstall Privacy Manager, use the general procedure for removing a plug-in.
  5. Restart GAX.

Uninstalling the plugin

On Linux

  1. Stop GAX.
  2. Go to <GAX_HOME>/webapp/WEB-INF/lib on the file system (where <GAX_HOME> is your home folder for the GAX application).
  3. Delete the gax-privacy-manager-<$version$>.jar file (where <$version$> is the version of the plugin).
  4. Go to <GAX_HOME>/plug-ins on the file system.
  5. Delete the gax-privacy-manager-<$version$>.jar file.
  6. Go to <GAX_HOME>/webapp/plugins on the file system.
  7. Delete the gax-privacy-manager folder.
  8. Start GAX.

On Windows

  1. Stop GAX.
  2. Go to Programs and Features.
  3. Find and run Genesys Privacy Manager Plug-in for GAX <$version$> (where <$version$> is the version of the plugin).
  4. Select the Remote check box.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Click Yes in Confirm Windows.
  7. Click Finish.
  8. Go to <GAX_HOME>/webapp/plugins on the file system (where <GAX_HOME> is your home folder for the GAX application).
  9. Delete the gax-privacy-manager folder.
  10. Go to <GAX_HOME>/plug-ins on the file system.
  11. Delete the gax-privacy-manager-<$version$>.jar file.
  12. Start GAX.
This page was last edited on February 11, 2020, at 03:30.
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