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Create an Empty Program

Set the program properties and define its attributes (such as name, description, language, etc.), according to the related business issue.

Before you begin

Analyze your Business Needs


  1. In the Folder tree, select the folder to which you want to add a new program.
  2. Click New Program New program.png.
  3. Program Properties opens.

    Program properties.png

  4. Set the following parameters:
  5. Field Description
    Folder Displays the folder in which the new program will be placed. Click the Folder Browse button Folder browse.png and select a different location.
    Name Enter a unique name that is easy to correlate to the business issue.
    External ID The program ID that will be used by the external recording system. For instance, each interaction is assigned a program ID, so that when SpeechMiner receives the interaction it will know which program to use to analyze the interaction.

    Every interaction that enters the system is automatically assigned to a program.

    Language Select the Program language.

    When a system contains interactions that do not undergo Speech Recognition processing, the No Speech Recognition option appears in the Language list. Select this option if interactions associated with the program you are now creating should not undergo Speech Recognition processing. Topic recognition cannot be performed on interactions that do not undergo speech-recognition processing.

    Active Select this option to make the program automatically active when it is applied. That is, an active program can be used to analyze interactions.
    Priority The Priority level tells SpeechMiner the order in which it should process interactions that are in the processing queue. Since each interaction is associated with a program, each interaction receives the Priority level of the program it is associated with. Interactions with a higher priority are processed first. If two interactions in the queue have the same priority level, the processing order follows the process order set in SpeechMiner (either older or newer interactions first).

    There are five priority levels (Very High, High, Medium, Low and Very Low). The default priority level is Medium. You can change a program's priority level using the options available in the menu that appears when you right-click a program in the program tree (Increase Program Priority Increase priority.png, Decrease Program Priority Decrease priority.png).

    Sensitive Data
    • Filter data: removes sensitive information (for example, credit card number, ID number, and so on) from text interactions or transcripts of audio interactions.
    • Remove from audio: removes sensitive information from the audio associated with screen or video recordings.
    Description Enter a free text description of the program (optional).
  6. Click OK.
  7. The new program appears in the program tree.

By default every program instructs SpeechMiner to identify non-linguistic Events in the interaction (for example, paper ruffling).

What to do next

Adding Topics to a Program

Related Topics

Introducing the Program Interface

This page was last edited on December 28, 2014, at 14:03.
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