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Section: agg-gim-thld-ID-IXN
Default Value: 5,15,3600,7200

Valid Values: a,b,c,d where each letter represents an integer from 0 to 2³¹-1 that represents one of the following thresholds:

  • a=short-abandoned threshold
  • b=acceptance threshold
  • c=response threshold
  • d=finish threshold

The sequence of values does not have to consist of increasing values.

Changes Take Effect: After start of the next aggregation cycle

Specifies four values that correspond respectively to the short-abandoned, acceptance, response, and finish thresholds.

Reporting and Analytics Aggregates Release Notes

Release Date Release Type Restrictions AIX Linux Solaris Windows
09/21/18 General X X

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What's New

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • Schema Enhancements — The following improvements in the RAA schema:
    • Asynchronous chat support — RAA now supports reporting on asynchronous (Async) chat sessions. Async chat sessions are sessions that last for a long period of time (potentially several days).
      The following changes support asynchronous (Async) chat: Two new aggregate tables (AGT_CHAT_AGENT and AGT_CHAT_AGENT_GRP) are added, and new columns are added to the AGT_CHAT_STATS table.
    • Callback aggregate table enhancements — A new metric, FORCE_DIALED, is added, which tracks calls that were force-dialed (or pushed) regardless of agent availability.
  • Logging Enhancements — The following improvements to RAA logging:
    • The SQL statement execution plan of a long query is now written to the log with the SEVERE log level when one of the writers processes aggregation for a period longer than the configured threshold (the value of deadlockThreshold in standalone mode, or the value of the option deadlock-threshold (in the [agg] section) when running in Genesys Info Mart). RAA stops in such cases.
    • Configurable warning thresholds are added: warningThreshold parameter for standalone mode, and a warning-threshold option (in the [agg] section) when in Genesys Info Mart. The default parameter value is 300 seconds (5 minutes). If the aggregation execution time exceeds the configured value, the SQL statement execution plan is written to the log with the log level WARNING.
    • When database interaction errors occur, the SQL query and parameter values are now added to the log (if logging is enabled).
    • When running in standalone mode, RAA log files are now enhanced as follows:
      • The local date, time, and timezone are appended to the record AGGREGATOR started.
      • The first letter of the severity level is added after the date of each log record. Severity levels are defined by Oracle, and are listed on the Oracle website.
  • Miscellaneous Enhancements
    • The Pre-set Date Filter prompt now includes a new option, Week to Date. Select this option to generate a report containing data from the current week, beginning with the most recent Sunday.
    • RAA now supports parameters in command line with or without '='. For example, both of the following are now accepted:
      java -jar GIMAgg.jar -printQuery AGENT
      java -jar GIMAgg.jar -printQuery=AGENT

Resolved Issues

This release contains the following resolved issues:

RAA now populates correct values in the ENTERED_OBJ_RES field of the ID aggregate table, as follows: For each Interaction, if the value of the Service Objective field in the Anchor Interaction Handling Attempt row is greater than 0, or if the RAA option default in the agg-gim-thld-ID-IXN section has a response threshold greater than 0 (3rd value, which is 0, if you do not specify a value), then RAA increments the value of ENTERED_OBJ_RES.

Previously, RAA instead used the logic: Service Objective >*=* 0.


RAA now populates correct values for NO_INPUT_ERROR and NO_MATCH_ERROR in the SDR_SESS_BLOCK aggregate table. These values populate corresponding metrics in the Genesys CX Insights Blocks Summary Report. (GII-6405)

On PostgreSQL deployments where there are several time zones configured in RAA, the performance of readPending operations is improved. Previously in such scenarios, aggregation could be delayed. (GII-6429)

On PostgreSQL deployments, RAA now creates missing indexes in Genesys Info Mart tables. Previously, missing indexes could cause aggregation to slow down or stop. (GII-6412)

In PostgreSQL deployments, the -updateAliases runtime parameter no longer fails in scenarios where Genesys Info Mart uses a database schema other than public and the GIM schema name is not the same as the GIM user name (database user). However, if the GIM schema name differs from GIM user name, and the GIM schema is not either public (on PostgreSQL) or dbo (on MS SQL), then you must follow the instructions in the GII-6394 Known Issue. (GII-6394, GII-6404)

When the aggregation process starts, it now correctly handles records in the AGR_NOTIFICATION table that Genesys Info Mart generated while the aggregation process was not running (and therefore not processing records from the AGR_NOTIFICATION table). With this enhancement, RAA now combines records having the same facts, tenant, ntf_filter, and intersection by periods.

Previously, a significant number of such records were duplicated in the RAA tables.


Upgrade Notes

Refer to the Deployment Procedure for this release to deploy the installation package within your environment.

This page was last edited on January 11, 2019, at 15:11.
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