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Contact Center Advisor and Workforce Advisor is part of 9.x starting in

Contact Center Advisor and Workforce Advisor Release Notes

Release Date Release Type Restrictions
05/31/22 Update

Contact Center Advisor and Workforce Advisor is platform-independent software. You can deploy the installation package on any operating system that Contact Center Advisor and Workforce Advisor supports.

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What's New

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • Mandatory installation step in new installations with Oracle–After you have deployed all the database schemas and have run the Contact Center Advisor/Workforce Advisor (CCAd/WA) installer, but before you start the XML Generator component for the first time, you must connect as the Advisors Platform schema owner and apply the advisors-platform-<version>_ValidateDatabaseInstall.sql script.
  • Compatibility–This release is compatible with the following Advisors components:
    • Advisors Platform release
    • Advisors Genesys Adapter release
    • Frontline Advisor release

Resolved Issues

This release contains the following resolved issues:

This release includes security fixes related to potential Apache Log4j vulnerabilities (CVE-2021-410, CVE-2019-17571). In particular, Log4j 1.2.17 has been replaced with reload4j 1.2.20. (PLT-8376)

Upgrade Notes

No special procedure is required to upgrade to release

This page was last edited on June 1, 2022, at 04:54.
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