Known Issues and Recommendations
Genesys Rules System Rules Engine
The Known Issues and Recommendations section is a cumulative list for all 8.5.x releases of Genesys Rules System Rules Engine. This section provides the latest information on known issues and recommendations associated with this product. It includes information on when individual items were found and, if applicable, corrected. The Resolved Issues section for each release describes the corrections and may list additional issues that were corrected without first being documented as Known Issues.
See also Internationalization Issues.
GRE shows the incorrect older version 8.5.304.09 on the index.jsp screen. It must show the current version 8.5.306.xx.
ID: GRS-3769 | Found In: 8.5.306.02 | Fixed In: |
Debug messages related to messages sent to Message Server are currently being logged and cannot be turned off. This additional log traffic is restricted to only server status messages, which should have only minor impact.
ID: GRS-3556 | Found In: 8.5.305.02 | Fixed In: 8.5.306.02 |
A serious performance problem affecting releases from 8.5.303.09 to 8.5.303.13 caused by faulty handling of rule package expiry settings (set in option check-expired-status-on-start) has been fixed in release 8.5.303.14.
ID: GRS-3325 | Found In: 8.5.303.09 | Fixed In: 8.5.303.14 |
From GRS release 8.5.300.06 onwards, the _GRS_Environment Fact must be provided for all rule evaluations. In earlier releases, this Fact could be omitted for rules at the package level that did not use a Phase (that is, the Phase was defined to be * ). From 8.5.300.06, an empty _GRS_Environment fact must be provided in this case.
ID: | Found In: 8.5.300.06 | Fixed In: |
GRS requires a minimum version of Genesys Administrator 8.1.305.04 for configuring package-level permissions.
ID: GRS-2927 | Found In: 8.5.305.02 | Fixed In: |
Internationalization Issues
Information in this section is included for international customers.
There are no internationalization issues for this product.