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In the Column List:

  • P = Primary key
  • M = Mandatory field
  • F = Foreign key (where the term is used loosely to indicate a surrogate key reference to a field in another table, not a formal constraint)
  • DV = Default value
  • In the Data Type column, varchar/nvarchar means that the data type is varchar except in multi-language databases that use Unicode, in which case the data type is nvarchar.



In partitioned databases, this table is not partitioned.

This interval-based aggregate table provides a rollup of summarized agent session states. Rollups are derived primarily from the SM_RES_STATE_FACT table. Aggregation is performed along the TENANT, DATE_TIME, RESOURCE_, MEDIA_TYPE, and RESOURCE_GROUP_COMBINATION dimensions. The combination of keys to these dimensions uniquely identifies records in this table.

Durations for Not Ready and Wrap states are directly dependent on the configuration of the underlying Interaction Concentrator application that supplies data to Genesys Info Mart.

Note that this table is similar to AGT_I_MN_SESS_STATE_HOUR, but this aggregate table relies on SM_STATE_FACT, where AGT_I_MN_SESS_STATE_HOUR relies on SM_MEDIA_NEUTRAL_STATE_FACT.

The following columns and column descriptions apply to all AGT_I_SESS_STATE_* tables.

  • This document shows table information because it is more informative than view information. However, directly querying tables is not supported; perform your queries on views.
  • This document shows the HOUR structure for each table, as an example. For each table, the same structure is used for SUBHR through YEAR views.
  • Where referenced, IRF resources include:
    • Handling resources (such as self-service IVR ports, agents, or non-agent-associated DNs)
    • Mediation resources (such as a non-self-service IVR ports, voice treatment ports, ACD queues, routing points, and so forth) where the interaction ends in mediation before being distributed to a handling resource.
  • IRF is an abbreviation for the INTERACTION_RESOURCE_FACT table.
  • MSF is an abbreviation for the MEDIATION_SEGMENT_FACT table.
To assist you in preparing supplementary documentation, click the following link to download a comma-separated text file containing information such as the data types and descriptions for all columns in this table: Download a CSV file.

Hint: For easiest viewing, open the downloaded CSV file in Excel and adjust settings for column widths, text wrapping, and so on as desired. Depending on your browser and other system settings, you might need to save the file to your desktop first.

Column List


Column Data Type P M F DV
ACTIVE_TIME numeric(18,0)
READY_TIME numeric(18,0)
NOT_READY_TIME numeric(18,0)
BUSY_TIME numeric(18,0)
WRAP_TIME numeric(18,0)
READY numeric(18,0)
NOT_READY numeric(18,0)
BUSY numeric(18,0)
WRAP numeric(18,0)


The surrogate key that is used to join this aggregate table to the AGR_SET table.


The surrogate key that is used to join this aggregate table to the DATE_TIME dimension table to identify the calendar date and 15-minute interval that correspond to the start of the aggregated interval.


The surrogate key that is used to join records in this aggregate table to the RESOURCE_GROUP_COMBINATION dimension table to identify a specific combination of queue groups to which the queue was a member when the interaction entered the queue.


The surrogate key that is used to join this aggregate table to the RESOURCE_ dimension table.


The surrogate key that is used to join this aggregate table to the TENANT view to identify a specific tenant.


The surrogate key that is used to join this aggregate table to the MEDIA_TYPE dimension table.


The total amount of time, in seconds, between the beginning and end of this agent’s login session(s) on a particular media channel, irrespective of the intervals in which the resource session occurs. If an agent logs into multiple DNs, login duration is measured from the moment at which the agent logs in to the first DN to the moment at which the agent is no longer logged in to any DN. If the agent’s session was still active when the data was compiled, the agent’s session duration appears as null in the reports.


The total amount of time, in seconds, that this agent was in the Ready state on a particular media channel.


The total amount of time, in seconds, within the interval that this agent was in the NotReady state for a particular media channel (including Do Not Disturb duration, if configured) regardless of whether a reason was indicated.


The total duration, in seconds, of all of interaction-processing activities including the time that is associated with requests for consultation that the agent received and excluding the time spent processing after-call work.


The total amount of time, in seconds, within the interval that this agent spent in ACW state whether or not the reason for entering this state was related to an interaction.


The total number of times within the interval that this agent was in the Ready state on a particular media channel.


The total number of times within the interval that this agent was in the NotReady state on a particular media channel.


The total number of times that this agent was in the Busy state within the interval in order to process interactions including consultations and excluding after-call work.


The total number of times within the interval that this agent was in ACW state.

Subject Areas

This page was last edited on January 10, 2020, at 18:53.
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