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The Advisors accessibility interface functionality is a subset of JAWS Standard software. It provides audio and a series of keyboard shortcuts that can be used to navigate the tabulated information on the screen. The screen content is translated into voice in the local language. Additional language options are dependent on the version of Advisors used in your enterprise.

Accessibility Interface Home Page

The accessibility interface home page contains navigation links.

The links are available only if you have permissions to use them (see Role-Based Access and Permissions).

The navigation links open the following pages:

  • CCAdv/WA dashboard pages:
    • Reporting - Contact Centers
    • Reporting - Application Groups
    • Geographic - Contact Centers
    • Geographic - Application Groups
    • Operating Unit - Contact Centers
    • Operating Unit - Application Groups
  • Additional WA dashboard pages:
    • Geographic Regions - Network CCs
    • Reporting Regions - Network CCs
    • Operating Units - Network CCs
    • Application Groups - Network CCs
  • the Alerts page (applicable to both CCAdv and WA)

Navigation on the Home Page

Use the TAB key (move forward) and the SHFT+TAB key combination (move backwards) to move between links on the home page.

The accessibility software provides audio to identify each link when you select it. To open a page from a link, select the link and press Enter on your keyboard.

Dashboard Pages

When you open a dashboard page, the accessibility software reads the view name and navigation help tips.

The dashboard pages consist of tables that provide information associated with reporting regions, geographic regions, operating units, and application groups. In tables that contain metric values, the accessibility software notifies you if metric values have triggered a violation. The audio reads "critical" or "warning" after any metric value that is in violation.

The Contact Center Advisor accessibility interface groups the metrics that display on any dashboard page first by channel, then by time profile group, and finally alphabetically by metric name.

Alerts Page

To find the total number of critical and warning alerts, navigate to the Alerts page, which contains a table that provides information such as:

  • metric names and descriptions
  • metric values
  • alert level for each metric (alerts are ordered by alert level: critical, then warning)
  • description of each alert

Basic Navigation on Dashboard and Alerts Pages

To navigate using a link, select the link and press Enter on your keyboard.

Keyboard shortcuts can be used in conjunction with the screen reader accessibility software, as an alternative to the standard browser navigation. Information about the keyboard shortcuts is provided in the navigation instructions on the accessible dashboard pages.

This page was last edited on July 5, 2018, at 23:00.
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