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Notification Templates

Notification templates provide standard content for e-mails that describe the directives and actions taken from Resource Management. Notification templates are preconfigured messages that users can send to affected agents (and users) who are on notification lists. Administrators maintain notification templates from the Notification Templates page. Templates can also be created dynamically (while using Resource Management); however, they must be managed from the Notification Templates page.

Notification Templates Page

From the Notification Templates page, you can:

  • Add a notification template. If you have permission, you can create up to 50 distinct templates.
  • Delete a notification template that is no longer used. Note that multiselection (for deletion) is not available for Notification lists (including e-mail addresses within a notification list) or Notification templates.
  • Update an existing notification template.
  • Reset the updates to a notification template before it is saved.

Notification templates are composed of the name of the template and its contents.

Skills Change Statement

The skills change statement is one of the following:

  • The following skills have been added: <list skill name and level>
  • The levels of the following skills have been changed: <list skill name and new level>
  • The following skills have been removed: <list skill name>

Default E-mail Notification Templates

The following table shows the default e-mail formats of the notification templates.

Action Target Object E-mail Subject E-mail Body
Status Change Agent Notification of Status Change Your status has been changed to <new status inserted here>

Additional Comments:
<Insert any comments entered by the user – this is what is displayed in the message textbox>

Status Change Supervisor Notification of Status Change The status of the listed agents in agent group <Insert agent group name here> has been changed to <Insert new status here>.

Additional Comments
<Insert any comments entered by the user— this is what is displayed in the message text box>
Agents Affected
<Insert list of agents from this agent group here>

Status Change Users on Notification List Notification of Status Change The status of the listed agents in agent group <Insert agent group name here> has been changed to <Insert new status here>.

Additional Comments
<Insert any comments entered by the user— this is what is displayed in the message text box>
Agents Affected
<Insert list of agents from this agent group here>

Skill Change Agent Notification of Skill Change Your skills have been changed. <Insert statement about how skills have been changed—see description after table>.

Additional Comments
<Insert any comments entered by the user— this is what is displayed in the message text box>

Skill Change Supervisor Notification of Skill Change The skills of the listed agents in agent group <Insert agent group name here> have been changed. <Insert statement about how skills have been changed—see description after table>.

Additional Comments:
<Insert any comments entered by the user—this is what is displayed in the message text box>
Agents Affected
<Insert list of agents from this agent group here>

Skill Change Users on Notification List Notification of Skill Change The skills of the included agents have been changed. <Insert statement about how skills have been changed—see description after table>.

Additional Comments sent to Agent
<Insert any comments entered by the user—this is what is displayed in the message text box>
Additional Comments
<Insert the additional comments entered for the notification lists here>
Agents Affected:
<Insert list of agents here>

General Notification Agent <title of template that is used> Message From the Operator:

<Insert any comments entered by the user—this is what is displayed in the message text box>

This page was last edited on May 19, 2014, at 13:28.
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