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Notification Lists

Notification lists are used to inform groups of users within an organization about changes being made to the agents or resources. The notification lists are simply a collection of e-mail addresses. Administrators maintain the e-mail addresses from the Notification Lists page on the Administration module. These addresses are linked to the actions of Resource Management.

From the Notification Lists page, you can:

  • View the e-mail addresses on a notification list by selecting a single row in the table. The row expands to show the e-mail addresses.
  • Delete an e-mail address.
  • Search for an e-mail address.
  • Add a notification list.
  • Delete a notification list that is no longer used. Note that multiselection (for deletion) is not available for Notification lists (including e-mail addresses within a notification list) or Notification templates.
  • Update an existing notification list.
  • Reset the updates to a notification list before it is saved.
Add a Notification List

Start Procedure

  1. On the navigation bar, click Notification Lists.
    The Notification Lists page displays.
  2. Click New.
    The Add/Edit Notification List page displays.
  3. Type a name for the notification list.
  4. To add an e-mail address, type one in the Add E-mail field and click Add.
  5. Click Save.
    The Notification Lists page displays.
Edit a Notification List

Start Procedure

  1. On the navigation bar, click Notification Lists.
  2. Click the Edit icon next to the notification list that you want to edit.
  3. The Add/Edit Notification List page displays. The details display in the User’s E-mail section.
  4. Update the name of the notification list.
  5. To add a new e-mail address, type one in the Add E-mail field and click Add.
  6. Click Save. The Notification Lists page displays.
Delete an E-mail Address from the List

Start Procedure

  1. On the navigation bar, click Notification Lists.
  2. Click the Delete button next to the e-mail address you want to delete.
    The following message displays: “Do you want to delete the selected item?” with Yes/No buttons.
  3. Click Yes. The item is removed from the table.
    Click No to cancel the deletion. The confirmation dialog closes and the item remains in the table.
This page was last edited on May 20, 2014, at 01:54.
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