TIBCO—JMS Capture Point Application
This example assumes the following:
- The host of the TIBCO message queue service is called tibhost.
- Queues called inbound, error, notification, and processed are defined.
- Both user name and password are guest.
- The connection factory is called tibconnectionfact.
Configuring a JMS Capture Point Application Object (TIBCO example)
- On the Options tab, create a section called settings. In this section add the following options:
- capture-point-type=jms
- inbound-queue-name=inbound (the same as the queue name)
- error-queue-name=error
- processed-queue-name=processed
- notification-queue-name=notification
- xsl-inbound-transform-path=./iwd_scripts/iWD2IxnServerTransformer.groovy (points to the default iWD Compatibility scripts)
- xsl-outbound-transform-path=./iwd_scripts/IxnServer2iWDTransformer.groovy
- username=guest
- password=guest
- jms-connection-factory-lookup-name=tibconnectionfact (the name of the connection factory on TIBCO)
- jms-initial-context-factory=com.tibco.tibjms.naming.TibjmsInitialContextFactory
- jms-provider-url=tibjmsnaming://tibhost:7222
- (Optional) In case the lookup of the Connection Factory over JNDI on Tibco EMS is protected by simple authentication, do these additional steps. In the Options tab, create a section called jms-additional-context-attributes. In this section add the following options:
- java.naming.security.principal=<username> // JNDI user
- java.naming.security.credentials=<password> // JNDI password
- java.naming.security.authentication=simple
- Important<username> and <password> are the credentials used to authenticate on the JNDI server and may be different from those used to authenticate the connection to the JMS objects.
- java.naming.security.principal=<username> // JNDI user
- On the Connections tab, add the Interaction Server that will use this JMS Message queue.
Next Steps
- Configure the Interaction Server options that are required to load JVM and the necessary libraries.
This page was last edited on January 22, 2020, at 08:58.
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