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Configure unixODBC for Oracle on Linux 64

  1. Go to the $DRIVER directory.
  2. Run the command:
  3. ./odbc_update_ini.sh $UNIXODBC $DRIVER Oracle11gDriver ORAONLIN64

    1. As a result, odbcinst.ini gets updated with:
    2. [Oracle11gDriver] Description = Oracle ODBC driver for Oracle 11g
      Driver = $DRIVER/libsqora.so.11.1
      Setup =
      FileUsage =
      CPTimeout =
      CPReuse =

    3. .odbc.ini gets updated with:
    4. [ORAONLIN64]
      Application Attributes = T
      Attributes = W
      BatchAutocommitMode = IfAllSuccessful
      BindAsFLOAT = F
      CloseCursor = F
      DisableDPM = F
      DisableMTS = T
      Driver = Oracle11gDriver
      DSN = ORAONLIN64
      EXECSchemaOpt =
      EXECSyntax = T
      Failover = T
      FailoverDelay = 10
      FailoverRetryCount = 10
      FetchBufferSize = 64000
      ForceWCHAR = F
      Lobs = T
      Longs = T
      MaxLargeData = 0
      MetadataIdDefault = F
      QueryTimeout = T
      ResultSets = T
      ServerName =
      SQLGetData extensions = F
      Translation DLL =
      Translation Option = 0
      DisableRULEHint = T
      UserID =

  4. Create a new Network Configuration file named $HOMEDIR/.tnsnames.ora with the following:
  5. MY_ORAQ =
        (ADDRESS_LIST =
          (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = oraclehost)(PORT = 1521))
        (CONNECT_DATA =
          (SERVICE_NAME = my_oraq)
  6. In the .odbc.ini file, change ServerName to be the same as SERVICE_NAME in the .tnsnames.ora file, and set UserID to SCOTT and set Password=tiger.
  7. Set variables:
  8. export ORACLE_HOME=$DRIVER/

  9. Test the DSN connection:
    ./isql -v ORAONLIN64
This page was last edited on June 19, 2020, at 14:27.
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