JMS Capture Point Configuration Options
Refer to the eServices 8.1 Reference Manual for detailed descriptions of all Capture Point-related configuration options. This section briefly describes some of the configuration options. The following options should be configured in the settings section of the Capture Point application.
- inbound-queue-name (mandatory)—Specifies message queue from which incoming messages will be read.
- processed-queue-name (optional)—Specifies the message queue to copy successfully processed messages. If the option is empty, the successfully processed messages are consumed from the inbound queue and no copy remains anywhere except in the form of the newly created interaction.
- error-queue-name (optional)—Specifies the message queue to copy messages that cannot be processed from incoming queue. If the option is empty, unsuccessfully processed messages are consumed from the inbound queue and no copy remains.
- notification-queue-name (optional)—Specifies the message queue into which notification messages are placed. The notification queue provides the most details regarding processing of the messages out of the inbound queue and the progress in the interaction processing. For simple integrations, however, this might not be necessary.
- reconnect-timeout (optional)—Specifies the time interval (in seconds) between the reconnect attempts in case a connection with corresponding messages queue broker is broken. The minimum value is 3, the maximum value is 30, and the default value is 10.
- outbound-message-type (optional)—Specifies the type of messages the capture point sends to the outbound queues if they are present (processed, notifications, error). The possible values of this option are binary and text. The default value is binary. For the JMS Capture Point, setting this option to binary means that "BytesMessage" messages are sent and text means that "TextMessage" messages are sent.
- rollback-on-transformation-fail—Specifies that the message queue transaction should be rolled back if inbound message transformation fails for any reason. This option is set to false by default.
- after-rollback-delay—Specifies delay in seconds to wait before attempting to process inbound messages again after the previous transaction has been rolled back. The default value is 30, the minimum value is 0, and the maximum value is 300.
- jms-initial-context-factory (mandatory) A fully qualified class name of the factory class in a JNDI service provider that will create an initial context. For example, com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory is the factory class name for the file system service provider.
- jms-provider-url (mandatory)—Holds the name of the environment property for specifying configuration information for the service provider to use. The value of the property should contain a URL string (for example, ldap://somehost:389). In the case of a file system service provider, it contains the directory path to the .bindings file.
- jms-connection-factory-lookup-name (mandatory)—Specifies the name of the connection factory lookup name for the connection factory to be looked up in the initial context. Once looked up, the connection factory is used to create a connection with a JMS provider.
- number-receiving-sessions (optional)—Specifies the number of receiving sessions (number of consumers from the inbound queue) per capture point, consuming from the inbound queue. The minimum value is 1, the maximum value is 20, and the default value is 3.
- consumer-receive-timeout (optional)—Specifies the timeout (in milliseconds) on the message consumer blocking receive method. The minimum value is 200, the maximum value is 5000, and the default value is 1000.
- username and password (optional)—Specifies the username and the password to be used when the connection factory creates a connection to the message queue. If one of these parameters is missing, the connection is created with the default user identity.
For TIBCO EMS, set the value to com.tibco.tibjms.naming.TibjmsInitialContextFactory.
TIBCO EMS provides a built-in JNDI provider. For TIBCO EMS set the value to tibjmsnaming://hostname:7222.
For TIBCO EMS, this is the name of the factory that is created by using the create factory command.
For TIBCO EMS it is important to create a user with a password for Interaction Server to access queues.
To enable endpoints functionality for the integrated Capture Point, you must add a tenant on the Tenants tab of the Capture Point Application and you must add a section called endpoints to the configuration options. You can add the endpoints section manually in Configuration Manager or by using Interaction Routing Designer (IRD) version or later. The integrated Capture Point endpoints work in the same way as endpoints for media servers. Refer to the eServices Reference Manual, Universal Routing Business Process User's Guide and IRD Help for detailed descriptions.