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Apache CXF—Java Client

To generate a Web Service Capture Point service proxy for Java use the wsdl2java tool:

wsdl2java -frontend jaxws21 -d <output directory> <WSDL URL>

For example:

wsdl2java -d c:\Temp\MyJSClient 

The tool generates a set of files for the proxy.

Create a simple Java console application to ping the service:

import java.net.URL;
import javax.xml.ws.Holder;
import com.genesyslab.interaction.*;

public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
      WebServiceCapturePoint service = new WebServiceCapturePoint(new 
      IWebServiceCapturePoint cp = service.getIWebServiceCapturePointHttpBinding();
      KVPairValue val = new KVPairValue();

      val.setValueString("I am coming from CXF client");

      KVPair pair = new KVPair();

      KVList extList = new KVList();

      Holder<KVList> extension = new Holder<KVList>(extList);
      Holder<String> eventTime = new Holder<String>();	
      Holder<KVList> userData = new Holder<KVList>();
      Holder<KVList> pingInfo = new Holder<KVList>();
      cp.ping(extension, eventTime, userData, pingInfo);

      System.out.println("Ping response time:" + eventTime.value);
      printKVList("PingInfo", pingInfo.value);
      printKVList("UserData", userData.value);
      printKVList("Extension", extension.value);
    public static void printKVList(String name, KVList kvList) {
      printKVList(name, kvList, "");
    private static void printKVList(String name, KVList kvList, String shift) {
      if (null == kvList) {
	 System.out.println(shift + name + "[KVList]=null");
      } else {
	 System.out.println(shift + name + "[KVList]=");
         for (KVPair pair : kvList.getKvitem()) {
	    KVPairValue value = pair.getValue();
            if (value.getValueInt() != null) {
	       System.out.println(shift + "\t" + pair.getKey() + "[int]="
	            + value.getValueInt());
	    } else if (null != value.getValueList()) {
	       printKVList(pair.getKey(), value.getValueList(), shift
	            + "\t");
	    } else {	
               System.out.println(shift + "\t" + pair.getKey()
                    + "[string]=" + value.getValueString());	
This page was last edited on April 17, 2020, at 18:11.
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