Capture Point Messages
There are eight main messages supported by the iWD capture points. For all of these messages other than Create Task, it is possible to use one of two different identifiers for the task:
- The Interaction Id (also sometimes referred to as the Task Id)—An identifier generated by the Genesys Interaction Server and therefore guaranteed to be unique within the iWD system.
- The Capture Id—Normally the Capture Id is mapped directly to an identifier of the corresponding work item on the source system, such as a Siebel SR number. The Capture Id is stored by Interaction Server as an interaction property with the key ExternalId.
Submit Task
This message is used to create a new task in iWD. When a new task is created, many task attributes can be set, based on data coming from the source system. The main purpose of passing such data along with the Create Task message is for iWD to use this data in its business rules, in order to classify, prioritize, and distribute the task to the appropriately skilled employee. For example, the data record for a work item in the source system may contain information about:
- A product or service that was ordered.
- An ID of the work item
- The customer’s status with the company
- The original due date for the work item.
All of this information may be valuable to pass into iWD to be used as criteria to determine how to appropriately prioritize the task in iWD, how to select the right skilled employee, what due date to give to the task, and so on.
Update Task
This message is used to update or change task attributes in iWD, which means that the value of specified task attributes will be modified. Normally this message is sent to iWD from the source system based on some event that occurred on the source system itself, requiring that iWD be informed of the most up-to-date values of a data attribute, or attributes, that changed. For example, a customer record may be updated on the source system, which in turn initiates an update to a particular work item. Perhaps the due date of a work item was updated because a customer called into the contact center, and it is important to propagate this date to iWD to update the task that has not yet been processed. Such an update may have important implications for how the priority of the task is calculated within iWD.
Restart Task
This message is used to return a task to the starting point of the iWD business process. All tasks that are created in iWD flow through a simple business process that manages the lifecycle of the task in iWD. This business process defines the points at which business rules are invoked on the task, for example to classify it and prioritize it. The business process also defines the criteria used for the Genesys routing engine to distribute the task to the right employee. By restarting the task, the source system is instructing iWD to return the task back to the beginning of this business process, which will allow the task to be re-classified and then go through the remaining business rules to be prioritized. A use case for this would be if there was an error in the processing of the task, either in iWD or on the source system. This may occur for example if some critical piece of data is missing in the work item’s data record that caused it to be mis-classified or not classified at all (and thus, placed into an error state). Once this missing piece of data is added, the processing of the task within iWD may be re-initiated by using this Restart Task message.
Hold Task
This message is used to temporarily suspend the processing of a task in iWD. It may be used in cases where something occurs on the source system that necessitates that the task not be distributed to an employee. For example, some key information is missing from the work item’s data record and this information must be provided on the source system before resuming the processing of the associated task in iWD.
Resume Task
This message is used to resume processing of a held task.
Stop Info
This message is used to Stop or delete a task. Stopping a task means that the task is removed from the running interactions task list and is deleted from the Interaction Server database. Only existing, running, or held interactions can be stopped.
Get Task Info
This message is used to query iWD to return all the information that is known about a task. This includes all the attributes of the task as well as its status, and the ID of the employee who is working on the task, if it has been assigned. The primary reason to use this message is when using a capture point such as the Web Service Capture Point, which is not bi-directional in nature and therefore will not generate unsolicited notifications to the source system when a task is assigned to an employee or a business rule updates the value of some task attribute. The notification returned by this request is known as the Task Info message.
Replies & Notifications Sent by the Capture Points
Depending on the capture point being used, the messages will return different replies. For example, if the Submit Task message is used to create a new task in the iWD system, upon success the reply returned to the source system from iWD will be the ID of the task. If the request fails, an error number and message will be returned. In addition, three of the capture points—the JMS, XML File, and Database Capture Points—will provide unsolicited notifications back to the source system, when certain events occur in the iWD system. For example, if an employee is assigned to a task in iWD, a notification will be generated back to the source system informing the system of the ID of this employee. These notifications can be filtered based on configuration parameters, so that only the notifications of interest will be sent by the capture point.