Customizing Work Items
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Purpose: To provide information about the customization of WorkItems.
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Before You Start
Work items are interactions which are not predefined in Interaction Workspace, in opposition to e-mail, instant messaging, voice, and chat interactions. You can define these work items to extend the Interaction Workspace Specificities; for instance, if your solution integrates sms, or fax, or additional media, you can define new work items to handle these interactions. The following step-by-step tutorial explains how to configure your solution to support work items, and then, how to customize your Interaction Workspace to integrate them. The code snippets are extracted from the Genesyslab.Desktop.Modules.CustomWorkItemSample, available in the Interaction Workspace samples.
Set Up System Configuration
First of all, set up the System Configuration as described in Enabling an agent to use Workitems to handle custom media types of the Deployment Guide to create a new Media Type.
Displaying the content of Workitems
To display the content of work item interactions, you need to implement a customized view as explained in Customize Views and Regions. The Genesyslab.Desktop.Modules.CustomWorkItemSample.Window.Content shows how to create a new view handling this task:
- ICustomWorkItemViewModel.cs and ICustomWorkItemView.cs implement de MVVM pattern.
- CustomWorkItemViewModel.cs manages the workitem interaction as IInteractionOpenMedia.
- CustomWorkItemView.xaml and CustomWorkItemView.xaml.cs display the interaction's data and implement the ICustomWorkItemView interface, in addition to using the model.
In CustomWorkItemView.xaml.cs, the CustomWorkItemView instance is initialized with the model which contains the open media interaction. [C#]
// file CustomWorkItemView.xaml.cs
public partial class CustomWorkItemView : UserControl, ICustomWorkItemView
public CustomWorkItemView(ICustomWorkItemViewModel customWorkItemViewModel)
Model = customWorkItemViewModel;
At creation, this class retrieves the open media interaction from the application's context dictionary, as follows: [C#]
// file CustomWorkItemView.xaml.cs
///IView members
public object Context { get; set; }
public void Create()
Model.Interaction = contextDictionary.TryGetValue("Interaction") as IInteractionOpenMedia;
Then, you can bind the properties in your XAML code. For instance, in the CustomWorkItemSample, the content grid displays a label media type and the associated value, defined as follows: [XAML]
<!-- file CustomWorkItemView.xaml -->
<Label localization:Translate.Uid="Windows.CustomWorkItemView.MediaType"
HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Center" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0"
Content="{localization:Translate Default=Media Type:}"/>
<Label HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Center" Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="0"
Content="{Binding Interaction.EntrepriseInteractionCurrent.IdType.SubMediaType}"/>
The CustomWorkItemSampleModule class implements the IModule interface and adds the new customized view to the list of active views, as shown here in the RegisterViewsAndServices() method called by the : [C#]
// file CustomWorkItemSampleModule.cs
protected void RegisterViewsAndServices()
container.RegisterType<ICustomWorkItemViewModel, CustomWorkItemViewModel>();
container.RegisterType<ICustomWorkItemView, CustomWorkItemView>();
Handle the work item
Using Work Items as described in Inserting a Command in a Chain, you can perform the following actions on work items:
- Accept
- Decline
- Mark done
- Attach data
- Search and/or move to workbin
- And so on.
Or, you can use the Open Media Service of the Enterprise SDK API to perform additional actions. In that case, you must create your commands. The CustomWorkItemToolBarView.xaml in Genesyslab.Desktop.Modules.CustomWorkItemSample.Toolbar implements a stop processing button, by using the CustomWorkitemStopProcessingCommand command created in the Genesyslab.Desktop.Modules.CustomWorkItemSample.CustomWorkitemCommand.cs file. The creation of this command follows the guidelines of Creating a Command. At first, the sample implements the IElementOfCommand interface which retrieves the Genesyslab.Enterprise.Services.IOpenMediaService, as shown here: [C#]
// file CustomWorkitemCommand.cs
class CustomWorkitemCommand : IElementOfCommand
protected readonly IUnityContainer container;
protected ILogger log;
protected IOpenMediaService openMediaService;
protected const int timeout = 10000;
public CustomWorkitemCommand(IUnityContainer container)
this.container = container;
this.log = container.Resolve<ILogger>();
this.log = log.CreateChildLogger("CustomWorkitemCommand");
IEnterpriseServiceProvider enterpriseServiceProvider = container.Resolve<IEnterpriseServiceProvider>();
this.openMediaService = enterpriseServiceProvider.Resolve<IOpenMediaService>("openmediaService");
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
#region IElementOfCommand Members
public virtual bool Execute(IDictionary<string, object> parameters, IProgressUpdater progressUpdater)
return false;
The CustomWorkitemCommand class is a base class for further specific commands. In this example, it uses the Open Media Service to stop processing the interaction, as shown in the following code snippet. [C#]
// file CustomWorkitemCommand.cs
class CustomWorkitemStopProcessingCommand : CustomWorkitemCommand
public CustomWorkitemStopProcessingCommand(IUnityContainer container) : base(container) { }
public override bool Execute(IDictionary<string, object> parameters, IProgressUpdater progressUpdater)
IInteractionOpenMedia interactionOpenMedia =
parameters.TryGetValue("CommandParameter") as IInteractionOpenMedia;
if ((interactionOpenMedia != null)
&& (interactionOpenMedia.EntrepriseOpenMediaInteractionCurrent != null))
if (!interactionOpenMedia.EntrepriseOpenMediaInteractionCurrent.IsInWorkflow)
return false;
parameters.TryGetValue("Reason") as KeyValueCollection,
parameters.TryGetValue("Extensions") as KeyValueCollection);
return false;
catch (Exception exp)
log.Error("CustomWorkitemStopProcessingCommand StopProcessing, Exception "
+ interactionOpenMedia, exp);
return true;
The Genesyslab.Desktop.Modules.CustomWorkItemSample.CustomWorkItemSampleModule implements the IModule interface and is responsible for adding the new command to the chain of commands. [C#]
/// file CustomWorkItemSample.cs
void RegisterCommands()
ICommandManager commandManager = container.Resolve<ICommandManager>();
new List<CommandActivator>() { new CommandActivator() {
CommandType = typeof(CustomWorkitemStopProcessingCommand) ,
Name="StopProcessing" } });
In the CustomWorkItemToolBarView class, the event-handler of the Stop Processing button retrieves and executes the command: [C#]
// File: CustomWorkItemSample.Windows.ToolBarView.cs
private void StopProcessingButton_Click(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)
IChainOfCommand Command = container.Resolve<ICommandManager>().
new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "CommandParameter", Model.Interaction } },
Customizing Workitem Icons
As an additional customization step for new work items, you can create icons to facilitate the identification of the information related to work items. In that purpose, you need to create or edit a dictionary file, such as for instance, the Genesyslab.Desktop.Modules.CustomWorkItemSample.en-US.xml xml file in the Genesyslab.Desktop.Modules.CustomWorkItemSample project. Declare your new icon as follows:
<Value Id="<myworkitemobjectId>.<workitemchannel>" ImageUrl=<ImagePath> IcoUrl=<IcoPath> />
- where myworkitemobjectId is the object ID customized in the Interaction Workspace.
Name | Object Id | Customization example |
Media Channel Icon | Channel.OpenMedia.WorkItem.Image | <Value Id="Channel.OpenMedia.WorkItem.Image.customworkitem" ImageUrl="<ImagePath>" /> |
Interaction Icon | InteractionWorkItem.Image | <Value Id="InteractionWorkItem.Image.customworkitem" Ico="<IcoPath>" ImageUrl="<ImagePath>"/> |
Transfer Button | Windows.ToolbarWorkitemView.
ButtonTransfer |
<Value Id="Windows.ToolbarWorkitemView.ButtonTransfer.customworkitem" ToolTip="Custom WorkItem Transfer" ImageUrl="<ImagePath>"/> |
Transfer Menu | Windows.ToolbarWorkitemView.
MenuItemOneStepTransferDialer |
<Value Id="Windows.ToolbarWorkitemView.MenuItemOneStepTransferDialer.customworkitem" Text="Custom Workitem _Transfer" Tooltip="Custom Workitem Transfer" ImageUrl="<ImagePath>" /> |
'Move to Workbin' button | Windows.ToolbarWorkitemView.
ButtonMoveToWorkbin |
<Value Id="Windows.ToolbarWorkitemView. ButtonMoveToWorkbin.<workitemchannel>"ToolTip="Custom Move to workbin" ImageUrl="<ImagePath>"/> |
New Custom Button in WorkItem ToolBar | Windows.ToolbarCustomWorkItemView.<ButtonName> | <Value Id="Windows.ToolbarCustomWorkItemView.Button1" ToolTip="Stop Processing" Text="Stop Processing"/> |
Interaction icon in the Interaction History | Contacts.ContactHistoryView.
InteractionWorkItem |
<Value Id="Contacts.ContactHistoryView.InteractionWorkItem.<workitemchannel>" ImageUrl="<ImagePath>"/> |
Interaction Icon in Workin management | InteractionWorkItem.MediaType.Image | <Value Id="InteractionWorkItem.MediaType.Image.<workitemchannel>" ImageUrl="<ImagePath>"/> |
For instance, here is the Genesyslab.Desktop.Modules.CustomWorkItemSample.en-US.xml xml file in the Genesyslab.Desktop.Modules.CustomWorkItemSample project, which customize label, images, and icons.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Dictionary EnglishName="English" CultureName="English" Culture="en-US" CustomDictionary="true">
<Value Id="Channel.OpenMedia.WorkItem.Image.customworkitem"
ImageUrl="pack://application:,,,/Genesyslab.Desktop.Modules.CustomWorkItemSample;component/Images/CustomWorkItem.png" />
<Value Id="Windows.ToolbarCustomWorkItemView.Button1" ToolTip="Stop Processing" Text="Stop Processing"/>
<Value Id="Windows.CustomWorkItemView.MediaType" Content="Media Type:"/>
<Value Id="Windows.CustomWorkItemView.InteractionType" Content="Interaction Type:"/>
<Value Id="Windows.CustomWorkItemView.InteractionSubType" Content="Interaction Sub-Type:" />
<Value Id="Windows.CustomWorkItemView.MyCustomContent" Content="My custom content" />
<Value Id="InteractionWorkItem.Image.customworkitem"
<Value Id="Windows.ToolbarWorkitemView.ButtonTransfer.customworkitem" ToolTip="Custom WorkItem Transfer"
<Value Id="Windows.ToolbarWorkitemView.ButtonMoveToWorkbin.customworkitem"
ToolTip="Move To Workbin In Progress"
<Value Id="Windows.ToolbarWorkitemView.MenuItemOneStepTransferDialer.customworkitem"
Text="Custom Workitem _Transfer"
Tooltip="Custom Workitem Transfer"
ImageUrl="/Genesyslab.Desktop.Modules.CustomWorkItemSample;component/Images/TransferCustomWorkItem.png" />
<Value Id="Contacts.ContactHistoryView.InteractionWorkItem.customworkitem"
<Value Id="InteractionWorkItem.MediaType.Image.customworkitem"