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In the Column List:

  • P = Primary key
  • M = Mandatory field
  • F = Foreign key

Table GO_FieldHist

Modified: 8.1.514.56 (size of the OldValue and NewValue columns increased in Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and PostgreSQL deployments)

This table contains information about the history of the field changes in the records, as reported by OCS, during chain processing.

To assist you in preparing supplementary documentation, click the following link to download a comma-separated text file containing information such as the data types and descriptions for all columns in this table: Download a CSV file.

Hint: For easiest viewing, open the downloaded CSV file in Excel and adjust settings for column widths, text wrapping, and so on as desired. Depending on your browser and other system settings, you might need to save the file to your desktop first.

Column List


Column Data Type P M F Description
ID bigserial X X The unique, autonumbered ID of this record. This is the primary key.
ChainGUID varchar(64) X X The unique identifier of the chain processing attempt, as reported by OCS. This ID cannot to be changed during chain processing. Same as GO_CHAIN.CHAINGUID.
RecordHandle integer X X The record handle of the record taken from this custom field.
FieldID integer X X The DBID of the Field configuration object.
OldValue varchar(4000) The previous value of the field. On record load time the value is null.

In release 8.1.514.56, the size of this column was increased from 255 chars in Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and PostgreSQL deployments.

NewValue varchar(4000) The new value of the field.

In release 8.1.514.56, the size of this column was increased from 255 chars in Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and PostgreSQL deployments.

PrevEnter timestamp The GMT-equivalent date and time when the previous value of the field was reported by OCS.
PrevEnter_ts integer The UTC-equivalent value of the PREVENTER field. Milliseconds are truncated.
PrevEnter_tcode integer A reference, derived from the value of the PREVENTER_TS field, to a record in the G_TIMECODE table.
Seq integer X The sequence number of the record within the field change history.
ChainHistSeq integer X X Same as GO_CHAINREC_HIST.SEQ.
CallAttID varchar(50) The call attempt GUID. This is generated and assigned by OCS. The GUID is unique for each outbound call producing attempt. Same as GO_CHAINREC_HIST.CALLATTID.
Added timestamp X The GMT-equivalent date and time when the change of the field was reported by OCS. This is taken from the Outbound Contact Server event.
Added_ts integer The UTC-equivalent value of the ADDED field. Milliseconds are truncated.
Added_tcode integer A reference, derived from the value of the ADDED_TS field, to a record in the G_TIMECODE table.
GSYS_DOMAIN integer Contains the data source session ID (DSS_ID) for the session that was active when the data was processed by ICON. For more information, see the description in System Fields (for DB2Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, or PostgreSQL, respectively).
GSYS_PARTITION integer Key used for partitioning.
GSYS_SYS_ID integer System ID. Reserved for future use.
GSYS_SEQ bigint Insert Sequence. Not unique.
GSYS_USEQ bigint Update Sequence. Not unique.
GSYS_TS timestamp Reserved
GSYS_TC integer Reserved
GSYS_EXT_VCH1 varchar(255) Reserved
GSYS_EXT_VCH2 varchar(255) Reserved
GSYS_EXT_INT1 integer Reserved
GSYS_EXT_INT2 integer Reserved
This page was last edited on January 10, 2020, at 15:27.
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