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This page provides solutions to common problems in Web Services and Applications.

The following log for GWS API Service is saved to the ./log directory on the Web Services node, unless configured differently as part of the deployment.

  • gws-api-v2.log — Stores WARN level messages about Web Services.

To modify the log message levels, you can edit the logback.xml file and change the level to DEBUG or TRACE (instead of WARN):

<logger name="com.genesyslab" level="DEBUG" />

The following log for GWS Platform Service is saved to the /var/log/gws-service-platform directory on the Web Services node, unless configured differently as part of the deployment. To modify the log message levels, you can change the GWS_LOG_LEVEL environment variable to the following allowed values: ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE .

For Golden Signals to help with troubleshooting Web Services and Applications, see Monitoring section.


Common troubleshooting steps

  • Cache invalidation: The Cache invalidation operation cleans all caches where Configuration data is stored. However, it doesn't clean voice or mutlimedia context but only Configuration data.
Method POST
Request mapping .../api/v2/ops/cache
Permissions Cloud Administrator
Required attributes operationName (should be "ResetCache")


POST .../api/v2/ops/cache

   "operationName": "ResetCache"
This page was last edited on March 29, 2024, at 11:44.
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