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endpoints:*tenant_dbid* Section

Specifies interaction queues for inbound messages. Substitute the tenant's database ID (in decimal format) for *tenant_dbid*. Each endpoints section can contain multiple options for various queues. In a multiple-tenant environment, you must create a separate endpoints:*tenant_dbid* section for each tenant.

*endpoint name for inbound paging*

Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: After Restart
This is a placeholder for the option that represents the queue, in a Business Process, where Social Messaging Server places interactions for processing. The actual option is created as a result of actions in Interaction Routing Designer (IRD), as follows:

  1. In IRD, add Social Messaging Server to a Business Process.
  2. Add an endpoint to Social Messaging Server.
  3. Connect the endpoint to a queue.
  4. Save the configuration.

Saving the configuration creates an option whose name is the endpoint name and whose value is the queue name. You must use this endpoint name in the value of the inbound-route-default option.

This procedure requires IRD 8.1.4 or later. With earlier versions of IRD, you can manually create an option whose name is the endpoint name and whose value is the queue name.
This page was last edited on October 16, 2018, at 17:04.
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