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Get and Basic Get Services

Get Service

This is a Get service that returns node information. You can use the Get service (with associated Service Template) to isolate a GMS node based on GMS status. This service has the following characteristics:

  • It returns an HTTP response code of either 200 OK or 503 Service Unavailable, by default.
  • For 200 OK responses, it also returns all options specified in the configuration.

You can create a service of this type in your environment, and configure your load balancer to use the service as the health check. To take a node out of service (for load balancing purposes and based on your load balancer settings), simply configure the service to return the required HTTP code (503, 404, and so on).

Sequence Diagrams





Using the GMS Service Management User Interface, load the Get service template, and configure the Get service.

Required get Options
Option Name Option Value Description
_type builtin Type of service.
_offline_code 503 HTTP code to return when GMS is OFFLINE (default is 503).
_online_code 200 HTTP code to return when GMS is ONLINE (default is 200).
_service get Service name.
custom_parameter_1 value1 Available for custom values.

Note: Do not use a leading underscore with the custom parameters. Custom parameters with leading underscores will not be returned in responses from the service.

custom_parameter_2 value2 Available for custom values.

Note: Do not use a leading underscore with the custom parameters. Custom parameters with leading underscores will not be returned in responses from the service.


Enable / Disable Node

Enables changing the GMS node status:

  • ONLINE: GMS is OK to process requests.
  • OFFLINE: GMS is running, accepts requests, but Load Balancer will be aware that it will need to remove this GMS from the active GMS list (for future maintenance). The Application in Solution Control Interface (SCI) will appear as Suspended.
  • SHUTDOWN: GMS shuts down.

Note: The following two URLs are protected by Basic Authentication:

  • POST
  • POST
Method POST
URL /genesys/1/admin/node/changestatus/{status}
Parameter   Type   Mandatory Description
URI Parameters
status string mandatory ONLINE, OFFLINE, SHUTDOWN
HTTP code 200
HTTP message OK

Get Node Status

Method GET
URL /genesys/1/service/{serviceName}
Parameter   Type   Mandatory Description
URI Parameters
serviceName string mandatory Name of the builtin "GET" service defined in Service Management UI.
HTTP code 200
HTTP message OK
Body A JSON object with list of defined parameters


Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
gms_user: dd
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.1.1 (java 1.5)

Response in case of GMS being online:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 15:38:55 GMT
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-store
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Server: Jetty(7.6.0.v20120127)

Basic Get Service

(Introduced in GMS

This is a basic_get service that returns service information. You can use the basic_get service to isolate a GMS service based on the Configuration Manager option. This service has the following characteristics:

  • It returns an HTTP response code based on the result option defined in Configuration Manager. If the result is 404, a 404 error will be thrown on the service response.
  • It returns a JSON list of values defined in Configuration Manager if the value of the result option is 200.


The following table shows an example for the section service.basicget service in Configuration Manager:

Option Name Option Value Description
_service basic_get Service name.
_type builtin Genesys Mobile Services-based services.
error_code 404 Not Found HTTP error code.
result 404 HTTP response code.


Option name Option type Restriction on value Description
result String Mandatory

Valid values: 200,401,403,404,503, and so on.

A valid HTTP response code (http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html). If result=200, the response body will contain a JSON list of options defined in Configuration Manager (options that do not have a leading underscore, for example, error_code or result).

Example of response:

error_code=200 OK
HTTP Response:
    "result": "200",
    "error_code": "200 OK"
This page was last edited on November 24, 2017, at 09:50.
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