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Database Schema Changes Overview

DevGuide2.png Purpose: To provide a high-level description of changes in the Info Mart 8.x schema.

Genesys Info Mart release 8.x brings a number of architectural and functional changes that affect the Info Mart database schema.

Simplified Database Model

The lowest level of data details that Genesys Info Mart provides in release 8.x is better aligned with Interaction Concentrator model. The GIDB (Global Interaction Database) within the Genesys Info Mart database schema represents a subset of Interaction Database (IDB) tables and stores data from any number of IDBs, consolidating data from multiple IDBs in one database instance.

The Info Mart schema no longer includes the following fact tables for storing segment-based data:


The Info Mart schema no longer includes the following fact extension tables because the INTERACTION_FACT table now includes the necessary fields that store both voice and multimedia data:


A number of columns have been removed from the following tables--either as obsolete or because other fields (new or existing) provide the same type of data:

Obsolete Intraday and Historical Tables and Views

Intraday tables are no longer separated from their corresponding historical fact tables. Instead, the ETL (extraction, transformation, and loading) process stores data directly into a single set of fact tables from which the data is available for both historical and near real-time reporting. All the intraday fact tables (whose names started with the prefix R_) have been removed from the Info Mart 8.x schema.

In line with this change, Genesys Info Mart 8.x provides no separate intraday (R_*), historical (H_*), or blended fact views.

Agent Activity Details

The following tables have been removed, because GIDB tables now provide similar low-level details on agent activity:

The Info Mart schema no longer includes the following fact tables:

Instead, summary (SM_*) tables provide summarized login session data, agent state data, and agent state reason data for each agent resource. Calculation of the agent summarized state is made according to a new, deterministic model. Genesys Info Mart release 8.x stores a single reason code at a time in the SM_RES_STATE_REASON_FACT table, which is different from release 7.6. Refer to Genesys Info Mart 8.0 User's Guide for more details about agent data processing.

Changes to Aggregation Tables

The Info Mart schema no longer includes aggregation tables, by default. Aggregation tables that start with AG2_* are now available, under new names, with either Genesys Interactive Insights (GI2) reports or Reporting and Analytics Aggregates (RAA) package. Support for aggregation tables that start with AG_* is discontinued in release 8.0.

  • For the complete list of aggregation tables that were preserved in release 8.x, see Aggregation Tables.
  • For the complete list of aggregation tables that were retired in release 8.x, see Obsolete Tables.

Changes to Audit Information

The AUDIT_ table in the Info Mart schema has been replaced with an administrative control table, CTL_AUDIT_LOG. As a result, the following two fields, which remain present in fact and dimension tables, point now to records in the new audit table:


Furthermore, the following two fields have been removed from all fact, dimension, and aggregate tables because the data is provided in the CTL_AUDIT_LOG table:


DATE_TIME Dimension Improvements

The date and time model has been simplified by reducing both the number of predefined date and time related tables in the schema and the number of date and time related fields in the fact tables. At the same time, release 8.x provides flexibility in the creation of custom DATE_TIME dimension tables.

For more information, see Changes to Time-Related Tables and Fields.

Outbound Contact Details Processing

The number of columns in the CONTACT_ATTEMPT_FACT table has been reduced.

A number of 7.6 tables that stored Outbound Contact details have been replaced with views, which provide the same level of detail, based on data in GIDB tables. For a complete list, see Tables Replaced with Views.

Multimedia Data Storage

As mentioned in the Simplified Database Model section, the MMEDIA_IXN_FACT_EXT and MMEDIA_SEG_FACT_EXT tables have been removed from the Info Mart schema. Instead, the INTERACTION_RESOURCE_FACT, IXN_RESOURCE_STATE_FACT, and MEDIATION_SEGMENT_FACT tables now store multimedia data in the same fields as those that are used for voice data.

Special GIDB tables (with the suffix *_MM) store low-level details for Genesys eServices/Multimedia and 3rd Party Media interactions.

The STOP_ACTION table, that stored the reasons for a multimedia interaction to be stopped, has been removed from the schema.

User Data Handling

The mechanism for processing and storing user data has been improved to allow flexibility and to accommodate any number and type of user data that is captured in a contact center environment. As a consequence, the following tables have been removed from the schema:


For more information, see Changes to User Data Tables and Fields.


The purging logic has been modified. While with Genesys Info Mart release 7.6, data could be either removed entirely or flagged for deletion, release 8.x implementation supports data removal only. In 8.x, purging is performed in accordance with configurable data retention policies for the various types of data. As a consequence, the PURGE_FLAG field is not populated in any table, although it is retained in the schema as a reserved field in some fact tables.

Obsolete Views

While both single-tenant deployment applications and multi-tenant deployment service-provider applications are still advised to query dimension and fact data from the read-only views, the read-only views on all the dimensions and facts are no longer provided for a single-tenant environment. Instead, a set of views can be created by using the make_gim_view_for_tenant.sql script.

Additionally, the following views have been removed from the Info Mart schema as obsolete:


Further Information About Schema Changes

For more information that pertains to the Info Mart database schema compatibility between releases 7.6 and 8.x, refer to the following sections of this document:

This page was last edited on March 18, 2013, at 23:32.
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