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Classification Server

This section provides information for administrators regarding Classification Server.

Modifying any of the following may have repercussions elsewhere in the system:

  • Categories
  • Standard responses
  • Field codes
  • Screening rules

If you modify any of these objects, it would be prudent to check any compiled strategies that use the following:

  • Acknowledgment
  • Attach Categories
  • Autoresponse
  • Chat Transcript
  • Classify
  • Classify Switch
  • CreateEmailOut
  • CreateSMS
  • Forward
  • Multi Screen
  • Screen

Perform this check by recompiling the strategies in question. If this is not possible, monitor the Classification Server log for errors related to screening rules and UCS logs for errors related to rendering of standard responses.

This page was last edited on December 17, 2013, at 18:54.
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