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Upgrading Interaction Recording Web Services

This page describes how to upgrade to the latest version of the Interaction Recording Web Services component in an existing GIR installation using Interaction Recording Web Services. If you are using Web Services and Applications and are trying to migrate to use the Interaction Recording Web Services component, refer to Migrating to Interaction Recording Web Services from Web Services and Applications for migration instructions.

Upgrading the Cassandra Schema for Interaction Recording Web Services

  • If you are running both Web Services and Applications and Interaction Recording Web Services together (for example, if you are using Workspace Web Edition), a common database schema is used. Either follow the schema upgrade instructions below, or follow the schema instructions described in the Web Services and Applications Migration Guide.
  • Schema version is used by all versions of RWS up until
  • Schema version or (these versions are identical) is used by RWS versions from until
  • Schema version is used by RWS versions and later.


If you currently have Cassandra 1.2 installed:

Complete the following steps on one node where you have installed cassandra-cli:

  1. Make note of your current Interaction Recording Web Services (RWS) version.
  2. Copy the Interaction Recording Web Services install CD/data directory to the Cassandra node.
  3. In the data directory, notice that there are text files (for example, cf-schema-<version>.txt), for each version of RWS. Run all the Cassandra upgrade scripts after your currently installed version of RWS until the latest file, which is cf-schema-
    For example, if your RWS version is, you will need the following scripts:
    • cf-schema-
    • cf-schema-

    Note: If you previously installed cf-schema- (delivered with previous releases), do not upgrade to cf-schema-, as the schema files are identical.

  4. For each appropriate cf-schema-<version>.txt file, run the following command to update the Cassandra schema:
    cassandra_install_dir/bin/cassandra-cli -h cassandra_host --file cf-schema-<version>.txt

    cassandra_install_dir is where Cassandra is installed on the node.

    cassandra_host is the host name (FQDN) or IP address of the Cassandra node.

If you currently have Cassandra 2.2 installed:

Complete the following steps on one node where you have installed cqlsh:

  1. Make note of your current Interaction Recording Web Services (RWS) version.
  2. Copy the Interaction Recording Web Services install CD/data directory to the Cassandra node.
  3. In the data directory, notice that there are cql files (for example, cf-schema-<version>.cql), for each version of RWS that supports Cassandra 2.2. Run all the Cassandra upgrade scripts after your currently installed version of RWS until the latest file, which is cf-schema-
    For example, if your RWS version is, you will need the following scripts:
    • cf-schema-
    • cf-schema-

    Note: If you previously installed cf-schema- (delivered with previous releases), do not upgrade to cf-schema-, as the schema files are identical.

  4. For each appropriate cf-schema-<version>.cql file, run the following command to update the Cassandra schema:
    cassandra_install_dir/bin/cqlsh cassandra_host -f cf-schema-<version>.cql

    cassandra_install_dir is where Cassandra is installed on the node.

    cassandra_host is the host name (FQDN) or IP address of the Cassandra node.
This page was last edited on May 15, 2018, at 16:10.
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