Section: callback
Default Value: _callback_state,_callback_reason,_request_queue_time_stat,_request_ewt_service,_vq
Valid Values: Comma-separated list of keys
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Defines a list of filtering keys that can be passed in the Query Callback by Queues query of the Callback API.
Section: callback
Default Value: _desired_time,_callback_state,_callback_state,_callback_reason,_ors_session_id
Valid Values: Comma-separated list of keys
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies a list of keys whose values must be returned when fetching callback records with the Query Callback by Queues or Query by properties queries of the Callback Services API.
Note that the following keys are always returned: _id, _desired_time, _service_name, _callback_state, _expiration_time, _customer_number, _url, _callback_reason (optional), in addition to the keys defined in the _customer_lookup_keys option.
Section: General
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Name of the office hours service used to provide the available time slots for Callback. The Request Desired Time is verified against the defined regular and specific calendar hours.
Section: General
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Name of the office hours service used to provide the available time slots for Callback. The Request Desired Time is verified against the defined regular and specific calendar hours.
Section: Scheduled Call
Default Value: 5
Valid Values: 5,10,15,20,30,60,120
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Period of time during which GMS attempts to schedule a specific amount of requests. By default, the time buckets are 5 minutes and the max_request_by_time_bucket option is set to 100; as a result, a maximum of 100 scheduled requests can be done in the given 5 minutes bucket.
Starting in, the following values are valid for this option: 5,10,15,20,30,60,120.
Section: Scheduled Call
Default Value: 5
Valid Values: 5,10,15,20,30,60,120
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Period of time during which GMS attempts to schedule a specific amount of requests. By default, the time buckets are 5 minutes and the max_request_by_time_bucket option is set to 100; as a result, a maximum of 100 scheduled requests can be done in the given 5 minutes bucket.
Starting in, the following values are valid for this option: 5,10,15,20,30,60,120.
Section: General
Default Value: _customer_number
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Comma-separated list of properties to track back customer callback requests. You must only specify identification numbers such as phone numbers, user names, and so on.
For example: _customer_number,_phone_number
Section: General
Default Value: _customer_number
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Comma-separated list of properties to track back customer callback requests. You must only specify identification numbers such as phone numbers, user names, and so on.
For example: _customer_number,_phone_number
Section: Queue Management
Default Value: true
Valid Values: boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
If true, fix international phone numbers in the _customer_number parameter, by adding the '+' sign if missing.
Section: Queue Management
Default Value: true
Valid Values: boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
If true, fix international phone numbers in the _customer_number parameter, by adding the '+' sign if missing.
Section: callback
Default Value: _desired_time,_callback_state,_callback_state,_callback_reason,_ors_session_id
Valid Values: Comma-separated list of keys
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies a list of keys whose values must be returned when fetching callback records with the Query Callback by Queues or Query by properties queries of the Callback Services API.
Note that the following keys are always returned: _id, _desired_time, _service_name, _callback_state, _expiration_time, _customer_number, _url, _callback_reason (optional), in addition to the keys defined in the _customer_lookup_keys option.
Section: General
Default Value: _customer_number
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Comma-separated list of properties to track back customer callback requests. You must only specify identification numbers such as phone numbers, user names, and so on.
For example: _customer_number,_phone_number
Section: General
Default Value:
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
List of the exception patterns that should be verified before processing this callback request. See the Pattern configuration for details.
Section: Queue Management
Default Value: true
Valid Values: boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Disables callbacks for unreachable phone numbers that contain unexpected characters, cannot be parsed, or are too long for the specified country.
Section: Queue Management
Default Value: true
Valid Values: boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Disables callbacks for premium numbers, such as 900 numbers in the USA. Premium US numbers are listed in Wikipedia and are often called a 900 number or a 1-900 number ("one-nine-hundred"). The customer phone number is checked according to the country configured in the _default_country option.
Section: Queue Management
Default Value: true
Valid Values: boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Disables callbacks for unreachable phone numbers that contain unexpected characters, cannot be parsed, or are too long for the specified country.
Section: General
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Name of the office hours service used to provide the available time slots for Callback. The Request Desired Time is verified against the defined regular and specific calendar hours.
Section: General
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Name of the office hours service used to provide the available time slots for Callback. The Request Desired Time is verified against the defined regular and specific calendar hours.
Section: Scheduled Call
Default Value:
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Statistic used to define when a request should be submitted to the Callback Orchestration execution service. The request_execution_time_buffer value and request_queue_time_stat statistic options define when a queued request should be submitted to the execution service. For example, you can use the ExpectedWaitTime statistic to set this option:
Section: Queue Management
Default Value: true
Valid Values: boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Disables callbacks for premium numbers, such as 900 numbers in the USA. Premium US numbers are listed in Wikipedia and are often called a 900 number or a 1-900 number ("one-nine-hundred"). The customer phone number is checked according to the country configured in the _default_country option.
Section: Queue Management
Default Value: US
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Sets the default country code as defined in ISO 3166. You must set this option if _disallow_impossible_phone_numbers or _disallow_premium_phone_numbers is enabled.
Section: Queue Management
Default Value: true
Valid Values: boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Disables callbacks for unreachable phone numbers that contain unexpected characters, cannot be parsed, or are too long for the specified country.
Section: Queue Management
Default Value: US
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Sets the default country code as defined in ISO 3166. You must set this option if _disallow_impossible_phone_numbers or _disallow_premium_phone_numbers is enabled.
Section: Queue Management
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false, strict
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
- If true, prevents the callback creation if the same customer number has already two callbacks in the queue.
- If strict, prevents the callback creation if the same customer number has already one callback in the queue.
- If false, does not check whether the customer is already in queue when creating the callback.
This option applies to both immediate and scheduled callbacks.
Section: General
Default Value: 3
Valid Values: Integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Maximum number of times that the request for execution will be submitted to ORS. When this number is reached, the request is removed from the persistent queue and discarded.
Section: Scheduled Call
Default Value:
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Statistic used to define when a request should be submitted to the Callback Orchestration execution service. The request_execution_time_buffer value and request_queue_time_stat statistic options define when a queued request should be submitted to the execution service. For example, you can use the ExpectedWaitTime statistic to set this option:
Section: Scheduled Call
Default Value:
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Statistic used to define when a request should be submitted to the Callback Orchestration execution service. The request_execution_time_buffer value and request_queue_time_stat statistic options define when a queued request should be submitted to the execution service. For example, you can use the ExpectedWaitTime statistic to set this option:
Section: Scheduled Call
Default Value: 120
Valid Values: Integer (Seconds)
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Time within which a request should be submitted to the Callback Orchestration execution service.
Section: Scheduled Call
Default Value:
Valid Values: UTCDate
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Callback desired time. Format is ISO 8601 (in UTC) 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ'. For example: '2013-05-28T15:30:00.000Z'
Section: General
Default Value: _customer_number
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Sets the comma-separated list of mandatory customer lookup keys that must be provided in the callback schedule request. This list can contain only identification keys such as phone numbers, user names, and so on.
Section: URS Queueing
Default Value: 14400
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
The total maximum time (seconds) to wait for a target. After the specified duration has lapsed the virtual interaction will be removed from virtual queue and the callback service will exit.
This option is mandatory.
Section: Notification
Default Value: /genesys/1/document/service_template/callback/Resources/Strings/messages.json
Valid Values: url
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies the URL of the notification message file which contains the externalized strings to be displayed to the customer's mobile.
Section: General
Default Value: true
Valid Values: Boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
True to wait for an agent to connect. If this option is set to true,
the service will wait for the agent to initiate the interaction and to send the notification to the customer. If the option is set to false, the interaction can start right after the creation of the service instance. In voice scenarios,
the access information will be returned immediately with the service ID.
This option is mandatory.
Section: General
Default Value: voice
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Media type of the interaction that the service is expected to handle. This option enables URS to select an agent who has the appropriate media capabilities. This is a default value, automatically populated when using the predefined User-Terminated scenario. You do not need to change this value.
This option is mandatory.
Section: Voice - User Originated
Default Value: 30
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Used to book the access number resource for a period of time. The customer needs to make the call within the specified timeout to ensure a successful match.
This option is mandatory.
Section: General
Default Value: 3600
Valid Values: Integer (seconds)
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Maximum period of time (seconds) to wait for the agent to accept and answer the call after the customer is connected.
Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value: false
Valid Values: boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
If set to true, in an agent preview scenario, the call will be dialed from the route point specified by the _route_point option. Otherwise, the agent DN will make the call.
This option is mandatory.
Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value: false
Valid Values: boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
If true, and if the agent does not accept or reject the callback preview invitation in time (defined in the _agent_preview_timeout option), the agent status changes to NOT READY. Additionally, if you configured the _agent_preview_set_notready_reason option, this reason is used as the value of the ReasonCode extension of the EventAgentNotReady event that will be sent. If false (default), the agent status will not change.
Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value: ReasonCode
Valid Values: Any string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Key to use for the Agent Not Ready reason attribute if _agent_preview_set_notready_reason_attribute=true.
Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
If true, adds the reason key and value to the AttributeReason field of the EventAgentNotReady message. This occurs only if the agent is not ready and does not accept the invitation within the amount of time specified by _agent_preview_timeout, when _agent_preview_timeout_set_notready=true. See _agent_preview_set_notready_reason_key to define an attribute key.
Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value: N/A
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
String representation of a numeric value. If you configure this option and if _agent_preview_timeout_set_notready = true, it will be used as the value of the ReasonCode extension of the EventAgentNotReady event that will be sent.
Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Allows the agent to reject the call in the preview dialog.
- If the option is set to 0, the preview dialog does not display the reject button.
- If the option is greater than 0, its value determines the number of times that an agent can reject the service request; the reject option will not be displayed to the next agent.
Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value: false
Valid Values: Boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Enables Agent Preview. If set to true, the Preview Dialog with caller information is displayed to the agent.
Section: no category
Default Value:
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Defines the parameters (_ors, _redirect, and/or _target) that you wish to be able to overwrite in your REST queries.
This option enables you to pass non-request parameters in your REST queries. For example, if you set _overwritable_options=_ors, a customer application can schedule a callback and pass the _ors parameter of the REST query to submit this callback to a given ORS.
POST /1/service/callback/foo { "_ors": "http://myors:4421" }
Another scenario is to set _overwritable_options=_redirect in order to disable the redirection for some queries. For example, if you set the _redirect parameter for the foo service as follows....
[] _redirect=foo_b _overwritable_options=_redirect
.... when you invoke foo with a POST query, you can overwrite the value of the _redirect option and disable the redirection to foo_b:
POST /1/service/callback/foo?_redirect=""
Section: no category
Default Value:
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Defines the parameters (_ors, _redirect, and/or _target) that you wish to be able to overwrite in your REST queries.
This option enables you to pass non-request parameters in your REST queries. For example, if you set _overwritable_options=_ors, a customer application can schedule a callback and pass the _ors parameter of the REST query to submit this callback to a given ORS.
POST /1/service/callback/foo { "_ors": "http://myors:4421" }
Another scenario is to set _overwritable_options=_redirect in order to disable the redirection for some queries. For example, if you set the _redirect parameter for the foo service as follows....
[] _redirect=foo_b _overwritable_options=_redirect
.... when you invoke foo with a POST query, you can overwrite the value of the _redirect option and disable the redirection to foo_b:
POST /1/service/callback/foo?_redirect=""
Callback Services API
APIs related to Callback Services, builtin services, and ORS scenarios are detailed in GMS API References.
For custom samples, see:
- ClassicCallbackSample illustrates how to implement an IVR (Genesys Voice Platform VoiceXML) application that communicates with GMS and performs classic Callback scenarios.
- Custom Callback Sample implements an On-Dial plugin to interface with the GMS Callback service. Developers should use this sample as a reference to build a Composer application that is invoked as a plugin from GMS Callback.
The Service Management UI also includes a Sample panel to test your Callback Services.
Modified in: 8.5.2
Getting Started
When you add a callback service, you define a Service Name, which is referred to as {callback-execution-name} in this API documentation. Each time that you perform a callback query, you must specify the {callback-execution-name} in the URI parameters.
Accessing your Callback Service
The URLs used by the Callback API are dependent on the execution name of the Callback service that you have just created. Callback services are available at the following URL:
For instance, if you create a callback service named callback-for-mobile, then {callback-execution-name} is callback-for-mobile, its configuration in GMS is located in the service.callback-for-mobile section, and you can access the callback service at the following URL:
Overwriting Configuration in Queries
To overwrite service configuration parameters in your POST REST queries (Start-Callback), use the _overwritable_options option. This option lets you define a list of overwritable parameters that you will be able to pass in the Body of your REST request.
For example, if you set:
- _overwritable_options = _ors,_target
Then, you can pass _ors and _target in your REST query:
POST /1/service/callback/callback-for-mobile
"_ors": "http://myors:4421",
"_target": Billing@Stat_Server1.GA
Passing Configuration Tokens in Queries
- Added in: 8.5.104
In your service configuration, you can create token variables that can be used in other configuration parameters. Then, at runtime, you can pass values for these tokens in POST REST queries (Start-Callback) and these values will be used to modify your configuration.
To create a token variable, create a new service parameter and configure its value with a string matching the following format: $<any-token-name>$
- For instance, create:
- my_token_name = $my_token$
Then, you can use the body parameter my_token=<anyvalue> in your REST queries. As a result, the occurrences of $my_token$ in this service configuration will be replaced with the query's provided value.
For example, if you wish to create a callback request for the CLBCK-terminated-preview service using the Stat_Server1 server target, use the following query:
POST /genesys/1/service/callback/CLBCK-terminated-preview
Cache-Control: no-cache
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
When GMS receives my_token=Stat_Server1 in the query information, it replaces the $my_token$ placeholder with Stat_Server1 everywhere that it is used in the configuration of CLBCK-terminated-preview. Using our example, the result would be:
- _target = Billing@Stat_Server1.GA
Understanding Callback States
When the Callback request is submitted, it gets through several callback states and ORS handles some of these callback states while processing the associated callback interaction. You can access the callback status in the _callback_state parameter of the callback's JSON representation.
Callback states | While in ORS | Description |
PROCESSING | ![]() |
The customer is connected to an agent and talking with this agent. |
QUEUED | ![]() |
The callback is actively waiting for an agent in ORS/URS; the agent is not assigned yet. |
SCHEDULED | The Callback service handles the callback (there are no sessions started in ORS). While in this state, the request is handled by the callback service running in GMS until the specified desired_time is approaching. | |
ROUTING | ![]() |
Customer phone is reached and waiting for an agent. |
COMPLETED | The call has ended and the Callback is completed with the reason specified in _callback_reason. | |
PAUSED | ![]() |
The call is paused. See Pausing Callback for details. |
Callback reasons in COMPLETED State
You can get the following reasons in the _callback_reason parameter when receiving the COMPLETED state.
The Callback interaction was deleted prior to routing the interaction to the agent because the customer abandoned. |
Callback Service successfully routed the interaction to the agent. |
The agent canceled the callback preview request. To get this state reason, create an Agent First Preview service and configure the following options with the following values, for example: _agent_preview=true, _agent_preview_allow_reject=3, _agent_preview_set_notready_reason='Coffee Break', _agent_preview_set_notready_reason_attribute=false,_agent_preview_set_notready_reason_key='ReasonCode', _agent_preview_timeout_set_notready=true, _agent_preview_via_rp=false |
The agent rejected the request '<n>' times. |
Callback Service successfully routed the interaction to the answering machine. |
Callback Service received a cancel request for this callback. |
Callback Service received a cancel request from the Service Management UI for this callback. |
The Callback interaction could not be connected to the agent. This error may happen when the value of _max_time_to_wait_for_agent_on_the_call is too short. |
Replaces FAIL_USER_UNREACHABLE since GMS Callback Service could not connect the customer. |
Callback Service failed due to an unknown error. |
Callback Service could not connect the customer. The provided number was answered by a fax machine. |
The customer did not make the call within the expected _booking_expiration_timeout period defined for User-Originated scenarios. |
The _media_type option is set to an incorrect value. Callback Service only processes voice and chat interactions. |
The callback interaction was deleted prior to routing the interaction to the agent. This error may happen when _wait_for_agent=true and the agent hung up the call. |
The media type of the interaction is not supported by Callback Service. Callback Service only processes voice and chat interactions. |
Callback Service cannot load the strings resource file specified in the _notification_message_file option. |
Customer number is missing. |
The Callback request could not be queued. This error may happen when an error occurs while requesting the route delay to URS. |
Callback Service cannot reserve the requested target to handle the request. This error may happen when the value of _urs_queued_ttl is too short. |
Callback Service did not manage to handle the request in the specified time (_ttl). |
The user confirmation was not received although it was required; this issue can occur if _on_user_confirm_timeout is not set to CONNECT-ANYWAY. |
Reported as FAIL_CALL_TO_CUSTOMER prior to GMS |
Callback Service exited with no specified reason. |
GMS did not manage to submit the Callback service request to Orchestration Server for processing. |
List of API Queries
Start or Schedule Callback
Initiates a callback request. It validates the request by doing the following:
- Checks parameters, in general (in particular, if the target queue is valid).
- Checks the customer number against exceptions.
- Checks the time criteria of the request against the business.
- If invalid:
- Returns the appropriate error.
- Sends a reporting event to the GMS data manager indicating that the callback request has been rejected.
- If valid:
- Creates a unique ID for the request.
- Sends a reporting event to the GMS data manager indicating that the callback request has been accepted and started.
- This event also indicates the state of the request (immediate or scheduled).
- If the request needs to be scheduled for a later date/time, the request and its associated data will be stored in the module persistent data storage.
- If the request can be started now, an ORS session is initiated using the associated SCXML-based service with this particular callback request.
- Note: the provisioned data for the execution service to be started will be used as input along with the input parameters from the request itself.
- Returns the ID generated for this request.
- If invalid:
Starting in 8.5.2, you can redial a COMPLETED callback by submitting the callback ID to create a copy of this callback. The properties and user data of the copied callback are merged with the parameters of the new callback submitted in the POST query.
- The parameters specified in the POST query override the copied properties.
- Internal retry flags and properties such as _callback_state, _ors_session_id, _desired_time will be ignored when creating the callback copy.
POST /genesys/1/service/callback/{callback-execution-name}
| |||
Header | |||
Content-type |
| ||
URI Parameters | |||
Name | Type | Description | |
callback-execution-name *required | string
Name of the callback execution service provisioned in GMS. | |
Body (JSON content) | |||
_customer_number*required | string | Number to call back.
This parameter can also be replaced by any parameter specified in the option _mandatory_customer_lookup_keys (comma-separated list of attributes) that can identify a unique customer. | |
string | ID of a Callback in COMPLETED state. The properties and user data of this completed callback are copied in the new callback and use for redial.
| |
_desired_time | string | Desired time to have the callback. By default, the desired time is the current time.
This option format is ISO 8601 "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ" such as "2013-05-28T15:30:00.000Z" Note: The Callback is an immediate Callback based on the following rule: immediate = _desired_time < {current_time} + option(_request_execution_time_buffer) + computed(option(_request_queue_time_stat))
Additional examples:
| |
<property> | string | Any properties key/values to be attached. Key/Values may be used in Orchestration
execution service. Keys without an underscore prefix are User Attached Data. | |
_callback_state | string | Forces creation of Callback in a specified state.
Callback life-cycle externally to GMS. By default, the _callback_state value is either QUEUED or SCHEDULED depending if the Callback is processed as immediate or scheduled (respectively). | |
_urs_virtual_queue | string | Queue to use for this callback if several virtual queues are used for callback with identical configuration. | |
_request_queue_time_stat | string | Queue statistics. For example, "ExpectedWaitTime;Queue;8999@SIP_Server;Environment".
200 OK | |
Response Body (JSON content) | |
Name | Description |
The service id for which a successful callback request was registered. |
Dialog Event ID |
Dialog Action. |
Text to display |
Label for the OK button. |
500 Internal Server Error | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
50006 |
phrase |
message |
"Callback {id} reached maximum attempts to submit to ORS reached ({max-attempts})" |
exception | |
properties |
{ "id": "callback id", "max-attempts": <value for _max_ors_submit_attempts> } |
429 Too Many Requests | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
40001 |
phrase |
message |
"There is already {max_queued} or more Callbacks QUEUED for this number, please refer to _enable_in_queue_checking for detail." |
exception | |
properties |
{ "max_queued": <1 if _enable_in_queue_checking=strict or 2 if _enable_in_queue_checking=true>} |
429 Too Many Requests | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
40002 |
phrase |
message |
"Limit of queued callbacks for {service} is reached." |
exception | |
properties |
429 Too Many Requests | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
40003 |
phrase |
message |
"Limit of queued callbacks for {service} is reached for interval {interval}s." |
exception | |
properties |
429 Too Many Requests | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
40004 |
phrase |
message |
"Limit of queued callbacks for {service} is reached for parameter {parameter}. Reached {attempts} times today." |
exception | |
properties |
400 Bad Request | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
40020 |
phrase |
message |
exception | |
properties |
} |
400 Bad Request | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
40030 |
phrase |
message |
"Callback {id} to copy from cannot be found" |
exception | |
properties |
400 Bad Request | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
40050, 40051 |
phrase |
message |
exception | |
properties |
500 Internal Server Error | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
50020 |
phrase |
message |
exception | |
properties |
500 Internal Server Error | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
50005 |
phrase |
message |
message returned by Calendar service |
exception | |
properties |
500 Internal Server Error | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
50004 |
phrase |
message |
message returned by Capacity service |
exception | |
properties |
500 Internal Server Error | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
50030 |
phrase |
message |
exception | |
properties |
500 Internal Server Error | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
50040 |
phrase |
message |
message from redirected service |
exception | |
properties |
400 Bad Request | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
40040 |
phrase |
message |
exception | |
properties |
500 Internal Server Error | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
50050 |
phrase |
message |
"Error processing callback {message} " |
exception | |
properties |
{ "message": <message catched> } |
POST http://localhost:8080/genesys/1/service/callback/request-callback
"_customer_number": "5115",
"usr_customer_name": "Bob Markel",
"usr_reason": "billing question",
"_device_notification_id": "b16416334828b1d26ef14f329628b55b5a8c631d8928a371a5584722dd7fb673",
"_device_os": "comet",
200 OK { "_id":"a550a12e-ca77-4146-98d0-58960e0939f7" }
The result of this operation is different if the callback is immediate or schedule. If immediate, some information may be returned in response along with service_id.
200 OK
"ID": "0",
"Action": "ConfirmationDialog",
"Text": "You will receive the call shortly",
"OkTitle": "Ok",
"_id": "361-58ce803e-362c-477f-8ac8-5bbc93f9acc7"
The Cancel-Callback API cancels a Callback request, by doing the following:
- Validates that the request is still in the queue.
- If not, returns the appropriate error.
- If valid, removes the request from the scheduling queue.
- Checks the state of the Callback request:
- If _callback_state=QUEUED, a callback cancel event is submitted to the execution service.
- Callback request is marked _callback_state=COMPLETED with _callback_reason=CANCELLED.
DELETE /genesys/1/service/callback/{callback-execution-name}/{service_id}
| ||
URI Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
callback-execution-name *required | string
Name of the callback execution service of 'ors' type provisioned in GMS. |
service_id *required | string
This is the service id returned from the initial start callback response. |
discard_ors_failure | boolean | False by default. If true, GMS can bypass ORS failures and marks the cancellation of the callback.
Set this option to true to manage troubleshoot cases that happen if the callback session is exited in ORS while the record is not marked as COMPLETED in GMS. |
200 OK |
No JSON Body |
400 Bad Request | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
40010 |
phrase |
message |
exception | |
properties |
400 Bad Request | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
40020 |
phrase |
message |
exception | |
properties |
400 Bad Request | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
40030 |
phrase |
message |
exception | |
properties |
500 Internal Server Error | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
50030 |
phrase |
message |
exception | |
properties |
500 Internal Server Error | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
50050 |
phrase |
message |
"Error processing callback {message} " |
exception | |
properties |
{ "message": <message catched> } |
DELETE http://localhost:8080/genesys/1/service/callback/BasicCallback/a550a12e-ca77-4146-98d0-58960e0939f7 Result 200 OK
DELETE http://localhost:8080/genesys/1/service/callback/BasicCallback/a550a12e-ca77-4146-98d0-58960e0939f7 Result 400 Bad Request { "message": "No such request to cancel : [a550a12e-ca77-4146-98d0-58960e0939f7]", "exception": "" }
DELETE http://localhost:8080/genesys/1/service/callback/callback-test/361-cf088d4e-88ab-452c-ac1f-39086cc96cbe Result 400 Bad Request { "message": "Request already cancelled or completed : [361-cf088d4e-88ab-452c-ac1f-39086cc96cbe]", "exception": "" }
If you set discard_ors_failure=true, the previous query will get a 200 OK response, though the error will be logged as an error in ORS.
DELETE http://localhost:8080/genesys/1/service/callback/callback-test/61-cf088d4e-88ab-452c-ac1f-39086cc96cbe?discard_ors_failure=true Result 200 OK
The Reschedule-Callback API changes various input parameters associated with a given callback service. This request will have the Callback request id that is to be updated. This API does the following:
- Validates that the request is still in the scheduling queue.
- If not, returns the appropriate error.
- If valid, updates the request in the scheduling queue.
Note: The Reschedule operation is available only for requests where _callback_state=SCHEDULED.
PUT /genesys/1/service/callback/{callback-execution-name}/{service_id}
| ||
Header | ||
Content-type |
| |
URI Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
callback-execution-name *required | string
Name of the callback execution service of 'ors' type provisioned in GMS. |
service_id *required | string
This is the service id returned from the initial start callback response. |
Body (JSON content) | ||
_new_desired_time | string | The new time for which to reschedule the callback.
If provided and validated through office-hours, _callback_state will be automatically switched to "scheduled" or "immediate", discarding _callback_state property. |
_callback_state | string | Possible values are SCHEDULED, QUEUED, ROUTING, PROCESSING, COMPLETED.
Note: The _new_desired_time parameter triggers the re-schedule operation, discarding the _callback_state parameter. |
<other properties> | any | Properties to be updated in request. |
200 OK | ||
No JSON Body |
400 Bad Request | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
40010 |
phrase |
message |
exception | |
properties |
400 Bad Request | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
40020 |
phrase |
message |
exception | |
properties |
400 Bad Request | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
40030 |
phrase |
message |
exception | |
properties |
400 Bad Request | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
40050, 40051 |
phrase |
message |
exception | |
properties |
500 Internal Server Error | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
50020 |
phrase |
message |
exception | |
properties |
500 Internal Server Error | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
50005 |
phrase |
message |
message returned by Calendar service |
exception | |
properties |
500 Internal Server Error | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
50004 |
phrase |
message |
message returned by Capacity service |
exception | |
properties |
500 Internal Server Error | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
50030 |
phrase |
message |
exception | |
properties |
400 Bad Request | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
40040 |
phrase |
message |
exception | |
properties |
500 Internal Server Error | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
50050 |
phrase |
message |
"Error processing callback {message} " |
exception | |
properties |
{ "message": <message catched> } |
Successful Rescheduling
PUT http://localhost:8080/genesys/1/service/callback/ BasicCallback/a550a12e-ca77-4146-98d0-58960e0939f7 { "_new_desired_time":"2013-05-27T15:05:00.000Z" } Result 200 OK
Failed Rescheduling
PUT http://localhost:8080/genesys/1/service/callback /callback-test/361-d61e636da-3109-436c-877e-8d7174277bb9 { "_new_desired_time":"2014-07-22T10:00:00.000Z" } Result 400 Bad Request { "message": "Callback '361-738dadcb-9d20-4557-8e24-fddb82f9c1b8' is no longer scheduled. State=PROCESSING", "exception": " .CallbackExceptionInvalidOperation" }
No availability
PUT http://localhost:8080/genesys/1/service /callback/BasicCallback/a550a12e-ca77-4146-98d0-58960e0939f7 { "_new_desired_time":"2013-05-27T16:45:00.000Z" } Result 400 Bad Request { "message": "Too many requests at desired time [2013-05-27T16:45:00.000Z, 2013-05-27T16:50:00.000Z]. Proposing time slots.", "exception": " .CallbackExceptionAvailability", "availability": { "2013-05-27T16:50:00.000Z": 5, "2013-05-27T16:35:00.000Z": 5, "2013-05-27T16:40:00.000Z": 5, "2013-05-27T16:55:00.000Z": 3, "2013-05-27T16:25:00.000Z": 5, "2013-05-27T16:30:00.000Z": 5 } }
Sample operation typically performed by ORS execution
PUT http://localhost:8080/genesys/1/service/callback /callback-test/361-738dadcb-9d20-4557-8e24-fddb82f9c1b8 { "_callback_state":"PROCESSING", "_reason":"" } Result 200 OK {}
Delete Callback (Forget Me)
- Introduced in 8.5.201
Deletes one or more Callback Service instance(s) by passing service IDs or Customer Numbers. You can delete a Callback only if it is in SCHEDULED or COMPLETED status. This API enables you to support General Data Protection Regulation and enables you to "forget" customers.
To use this query, you need Basic Authentication. Therefore, you must provide the authentication credentials in the auth parameter of the operation. There are two ways to provide credentials in an auth object:
- In an open form containing the username and password fields of a user defined in the Configuration Server.
- In an encoded form using encoded fields, similar to the Basic Authentication header, which is a Base64-encoded composite string of "username:password".
POST /genesys/1/admin/callback/ops/delete
| |||
Header | |||
Content-type |
| ||
Body (JSON content) | |||
_customer_number | String array | List of Customer Numbers or Service IDs that identify the callback service instances that must be deleted. | |
_id | String array | List of service IDs that identify the callback service instances that must be deleted. |
200 OK | ||
Response Body (JSON content) | ||
Name | Description | |
Array | Array of service IDs and Customer Numbers that were deleted or were considered as successful with a reason.
Array | Array of service IDs and Customer Numbers that were not deleted with the associated error codes.
{ "code": 40020, "phrase": "INVALID_OPERATION", "_id": "118-576b21b4-a235-4ba5-92d4-102cbbb54bca", "message": "Callback 118-576b21b4-a235-4ba5-92d4-102cbbb54bca cannot be deleted - _callback_state=PROCESSING" } ] |
500 Internal Server Error | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
50020 |
phrase |
message |
exception | |
properties |
400 Bad Request | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
40010 |
phrase |
message |
exception | |
properties |
400 Bad Request | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
40020 |
phrase |
message |
"Cannot process 'filter' parameter correctly : {filter}" |
exception | |
properties |
500 Internal Server Error | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
50050 |
phrase |
message |
"Error processing callback {message} " |
exception | |
properties |
{ "message": <message catched> } |
POST http://localhost:8080/genesys/1/admin/callback/ops/delete
"_id": ["118-576b21b4-a235-4ba5-92d4-102cbbb54bca"],
"_customer_number": [
Response: 200 OK { "success": [ { "reason": "no callback(s) to delete", "_customer_number": "132456" }, { "_id": "118-27f3bed5-6e3a-4c89-903f-dae562b30481" }, { "_id": "118-c2ce7a84-d33a-4d8d-88a0-b76a563f2324" } ], "errors": [ { "code": 40020, "phrase": "INVALID_OPERATION", "_id": "118-576b21b4-a235-4ba5-92d4-102cbbb54bca", "message": "Callback 118-576b21b4-a235-4ba5-92d4-102cbbb54bca cannot be deleted - _callback_state=PROCESSING" } ] }
Query Callback By ID
- Introduced in 8.5.207
Retrieves a callback request by its ID.
| ||
URI Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
callback-execution-name *required | string
Name of the callback execution service of 'ors' type provisioned in GMS. |
id *required | string
Callback ID. |
200 OK | |
Response Body (JSON content) | |
Name | Description |
<none> |
[ { "_id": <callback id>, "desired_time": <ISO UTC time>, "url": <service URL>, "_expiration_time": <ISO UTC time>, "_service_name": <service-name>, "_customer_number": <customer number>, "_callback_state": <callback state>, "_time_scheduled": <ISO UTC time> } ]
400 Bad Request | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
40010 |
phrase |
message |
exception | |
properties |
400 Bad Request | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
40020 |
phrase |
message |
"Cannot process 'filter' parameter correctly : {filter}" |
exception | |
properties |
500 Internal Server Error | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
50050 |
phrase |
message |
"Error processing callback {message} " |
exception | |
properties |
{ "message": <message catched> } |
GET http://localhost:8080/genesys/1/service/callback/BasicCallback/120-07f85068-650d-4cce-a5e7-396dfa22455b
200 OK
"_callback_state": "SCHEDULED",
"_expiration_time": "2020-05-11T11:59:59.000Z",
"_service_name": "BasicCallback",
"_id": "124-07f85068-650d-4cce-a5e7-396dfa22455f",
"_customer_number": "12345",
"_url": "/genesys/1/service/callback/BasicCallback/120-07f85068-650d-4cce-a5e7-396dfa22455b",
"_time_scheduled": "2020-04-16T12:52:31.521Z",
"_desired_time": "2020-04-27T12:00:00.000Z"
Query-Callback by Lookup Properties
Modified in 8.5.111
The Query-Callback API queries the current set of outstanding Callback services associated with a given property.
- Outstanding Callback services are requests where _callback_state is one of the following values: SCHEDULED, QUEUED, ROUTING, PROCESSING, COMPLETED.
- Properties allowing the Callback request trackback are defined as comma-separated keys with the service option _customer_lookup_keys.
- The API returns each callback for which the looked-up property is or was equal to the value specified in the requested property.
- Starting in 8.5.111, you can configure the list of values to be retrieved when calling this query by setting the returned-keys option at the GMS application level.
- To use the _customer_number lookup property regardless of whether you specify a callback service name or not in the API URL, the _fix_plus_on_int_phone_numbers option must be identical in the callback section and in each service-specific section.
- This is the expected behavior if you stick to defaults.
- If a callback service has a distinct value for _fix_plus_on_int_phone_numbers, you can only use the _customer_number lookup property by specifying the service name in the API URL.
| ||
URI Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
callback-execution-name | string
Name of the callback execution service of 'ors' type provisioned in GMS. |
property=value *required | string
This is a property name used to query the callback. Properties allowing the Callback request trackback are defined as comma-separated keys with the service option _customer_lookup_keys.
If you specify several properties, you may need to use the operand property. |
operand | string | Operand to use for the properties defined in the service option _customer_lookup_keys. Possible values are AND or OR. Default is AND.
When multiple property=value are provided in the query, the operand specifies which operation to perform on matched Callback requests:
Since |
string |
Specifies a unique state to filter onto. For example:
Important The character "!" is used to negate a case.You can query the following callback states: SCHEDULED, QUEUED, ROUTING, PROCESSING, COMPLETED. |
Since |
string |
Specifies ISO timestamps. All callback matching lookup properties that were scheduled before this time will be filtered out. |
Since |
string |
Specifies ISO timestamps. All callback matching lookup properties that were scheduled after this time will be filtered out. |
200 OK | ||
Response Body (JSON content) | ||
Name | Type | Description |
<none> |
[ { "_id": <callback id>, "desired_time": <ISO UTC time>, "_callback_state": <callback state>, "_expiration_time":<ISO UTC time>, "_customer_number": <customer number>, "url": <service URL> }, ... ]
400 Bad Request | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
40010 |
phrase |
message |
exception | |
properties |
400 Bad Request | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
40020 |
phrase |
message |
"Cannot process 'filter' parameter correctly : {filter}" |
exception | |
properties |
500 Internal Server Error | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
50050 |
phrase |
message |
"Error processing callback {message} " |
exception | |
properties |
{ "message": <message catched> } |
GET http://localhost:8080/genesys/1/service/callback /BasicCallback?_customer_number=555-5461206
200 OK
"_id": "a550a12e-ca77-4146-98d0-58960e0939f7",
"desired_time": "2013-05-27T15:05:00.000Z",
"_callback_state": "QUEUED",
"_expiration_time": "2014-11-03T18:36:45.000Z",
"_customer_number": "555-5461206",
"url": "/1/service/callback/BasicCallback/a550a12e-ca77-4146-98d0-58960e0939f7"
"_id": "4a1ea889-1ef7-432d-a543-cff96b4a2daf",
"desired_time": "2013-05-27T15:10:00.000Z",
"_callback_state": "SCHEDULED",
"_expiration_time": "2014-11-03T18:36:45.000Z",
"_customer_number": "555-5461206",
"url": "/1/service/callback/BasicCallback/4a1ea889-1ef7-432d-a543-cff96b4a2daf"
Query-Availability v1
This query returns a simple map of slots in which the office capacity is not full.
GET /genesys/1/service/callback/{callback-execution-name}/availability
| ||
URI Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
callback-execution-name *required | string
Name of the callback execution service of 'ors' type provisioned in GMS. |
JSON Body | ||
start | date | Start date is specified in ISO 8601 format, using UTC as the timezone: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ. If not specified, it is assumed to be now. |
timestamp | date | Alias to start parameter; kept for compatibility reasons. |
number-of-days | integer | Used as an alternative to the end date. If neither end nor number-of-days is specified, the end date is assumed to be the same as the start date. |
end | date | End date is specified in ISO 8601 format, using UTC as timezone: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ. If neither end nor number-of-days is specified, the end date is assumed to be the same as the start date. |
max-time-slots | integer | Maximum number of time slots to be included in the response when the office is open and capacity is above zero. It can be used to improve the performance of the query over a long period of time. |
Request example:
GET http://localhost:8080/genesys/1/service/callback/Callback_VQ/availability?start=2014-12-03T15:00:00.000Z
The Callback controller provides a facet to the availability service, which uses the calendar service underneath. Just as the calendar service takes three non-mandatory input parameters (start, number-of-days, end), the availability service should accept the same parameters and pass them on to the calendar service.
- The response contains a map of time slots and capacity counters.
- The slots are ordered in ascending order.
- Any time slots where the capacity is full (for example, zero) are not provided in the response. Similarly, if the office is closed, those time slots are not provided in the response.
200 OK
// All periods are ordered in ascending time order
// there were no agents available between 13:20 and 13:30 UTC
//hence the time slot is not reported
Query-Availability v2
This query includes more query options than v1 and returns an array of ordered slots that include detailed capacity information and timezone information.
GET /genesys/2/service/callback/{callback-execution-name}/availability
| ||
URI Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
callback-execution-name *required | string
Name of the callback execution service of 'ors' type provisioned in GMS. |
start | date | Start date in the "ISO 8601" format, using the UTC timezone: "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ". If not specified, the default start date is the date on which the query was submitted.
start-ms | long | Start date in epoch time, that is, the number of milliseconds since 00:00:00, Thursday, 1 January 1970 (UTC).
number-of-days | integer | Number of days used to define the availability period starting at the start or start-ms date. You can use this parameter instead of the end or of the end-ms parameter. |
end | date | End date, in "ISO 8601" format, using the UTC timezone: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ. By default, if neither the "end" nor the "number-of-days" parameter is specified, then the end date is assumed to be the start date. |
end-ms | long | End date in epoch time, that is the number of milliseconds since 00:00:00, Thursday, 1 January 1970 (UTC).
Set only one of the end, end-ms, or number-of-days parameters. |
max-time-slots | integer | Maximum number of time slots to include in the response if the office is open and the capacity greater than zero. You can use this parameter to improve query performance over a lengthy period of time. |
timezone | string | Timezone for the start and end date parameters. Additionally, the response object will return the localTime fields formatted in this timezone. |
report-busy | boolean | If true, the response includes the slots where the office is open and where callbacks are booked to full capacity. By default, report-busy is false. |
JSON body: None. |
If successful, the response returns multiple values that describe the slots, availability, and capacity for a given slot.
200 OK | ||
Response Body (JSON content) | ||
Name | Type | Description |
String array of slots |
Array of ordered slots and each slot includes the minute duration (durMinutes), and the timezone.
{ "slots": [ { "utcTime": <UTC time>, "localTime": <UTC time>, "capacity": <capacity>, "total": <total> }, (...) ] "durationMin": <duration in minutes>, "timezone": <timezone> } Each slot includes:
400 Bad Request | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
40010 |
phrase |
message |
exception | |
properties |
400 Bad Request | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
40050, 40051 |
phrase |
message |
exception | |
properties |
500 Internal Server Error | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
50020 |
phrase |
message |
exception | |
properties |
500 Internal Server Error | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
50005 |
phrase |
message |
message returned by Calendar service |
exception | |
properties |
500 Internal Server Error | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
50004 |
phrase |
message |
message returned by Capacity service |
exception | |
properties |
500 Internal Server Error | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
50050 |
phrase |
message |
"Error processing callback {message} " |
exception | |
properties |
{ "message": <message catched> } |
Request example:
http://localhost:8010/genesys/2/service/callback/callback-PST /availability?start=2016-04-13T09:00:00.000&end=2016-04-13T16:00:00.000 &timezone=America/Toronto
"slots": [
"utcTime": "2016-04-13T13:00:00.000Z",
"localTime": "2016-04-13T09:00:00.000",
"capacity": 42,
"total": 100
"utcTime": "2016-04-13T13:05:00.000Z",
"localTime": "2016-04-13T09:05:00.000",
"capacity": 67,
"total": 100
"utcTime": "2016-04-13T13:10:00.000Z",
"localTime": "2016-04-13T09:10:00.000",
"capacity": 91,
"total": 100
"durationMin": 5,
"timezone": "Eastern Standard Time"
Query-Callback by Queue(s)
Modified in 8.5.111
The Query-Callback API queries the current set of outstanding Callback services in the given queue(s).
Starting in 8.5.111, you can filter and configure the list of values to be passed and retrieved when calling this query through the following options at the GMS application level: returned-keys and filter-keys.
To use this query, you need Basic Authentication. Therefore, you must provide the authentication credentials in the auth parameter of the operation. There are two ways to provide credentials in an auth object:
- In an open form containing the username and password fields of a user defined in the Configuration Server.
- In an encoded form using encoded fields, similar to the Basic Authentication header, which is a Base64-encoded composite string of "username:password".
GET /genesys/1/admin/callback/queues?target={callback-execution-name}&start_time={iso_start_time}&end_time={iso_end_time}
| ||
URI Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
{iso_start_time} | string | This is the minimum time for which to query callback requests.
The format is ISO 8601 "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ". For example: "2013-05-27T15:30:00.000Z" |
{iso_end_time} | string | This is the maximum time for which to query callback requests.
If not specified, requests that are due in the next 24 hours are returned. The format is ISO 8601 "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ". For example: "2013-05-28T15:30:00.000Z" |
{states} | string | Comma-separated list of callback states used to filter the returned results. For example, if states=SCHEDULED,QUEUED, only scheduled and queued callbacks are returned.
If not specified, all the callbacks of the given queue are returned. |
{max} | integer | This is the maximum number of requests to return for each queue.
If not specified, 500 maximum requests per queue are returned. |
callback-execution-name | string | Name of the callback execution service provisioned in GMS. For example, BasicCallback.
If not specified, the queues for all services are returned. |
{max} | integer | This is the maximum number of requests to return for each queue.
If not specified, 500 maximum requests per queue are returned. |
200 OK | |||
Response Body (JSON content) | |||
Name | Mandatory | Description | |
List of target queues
string |
If accepted, a tree list of target queues and the following properties:
400 Bad Request | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
40020 |
phrase |
message |
"Query range spans too wide time range (%d / %d). Adjust query parameters for time range." |
exception | |
properties |
500 Internal Server Error | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
50050 |
phrase |
message |
"Error processing callback {message} " |
exception | |
properties |
{ "message": <message catched> } |
GET http://localhost:8080/genesys/1/admin/callback/queues
200 OK { "BasicCallback": [ { "_customer_number": "654321", "_callback_state": "PROCESSING", "_desired_time": "2013-06-07T16:25:00.000Z", "_id": "fd30abb97bd04885b544893276fb534b", "url": "/1/service/callback/BasicCallback/fd30abb97bd04885b544893276fb534b" } ], "AdvancedCallback": [ { "_customer_number": "654321", "_callback_state": "QUEUED", "_desired_time": "2013-06-07T16:35:00.000Z", "_id": "07d2ddd506f04b4ba91aba59c4fa8871", "url": "/1/service/callback/AdvancedCallback/07d2ddd506f04b4ba91aba59c4fa8871" }, { "_customer_number": "654321", "_callback_state": "SCHEDULED", "_desired_time": "2013-06-07T16:45:00.000Z", "_id": "8f68d4969d904d039ccf0101fac39283", "url": "/1/service/callback/AdvancedCallback/8f68d4969d904d039ccf0101fac39283" } ] }
Query Counter Watermarks
This query counts the current set of executed callback instances per queues or for a given queue. Executed callback instances are:
- Callbacks that are in execution within ORS
- Callbacks do not have their _callback_state property set to SCHEDULED
- Callbacks do not have their _callback_state property set to COMPLETED in GMS storage. Callbacks in such a state for more than 3 hours are discarded.
To use this query, you need Basic Authentication. Therefore, you must provide the authentication credentials in the auth parameter of the operation. There are two ways to provide credentials in an auth object:
- In an open form containing the username and password fields of a user defined in the Configuration Server.
- In an encoded form using encoded fields, similar to the Basic Authentication header, which is a Base64-encoded composite string of "username:password".
| ||
URI Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
{callback-execution-name} | string | Name of a callback execution service. If you set this parameter, the response will return the watermarks for the specified service only. If the service name is not set, the response returns the total count of executed callback instances in queues and the count per service.
You can query watermarks for several services in a single query. To do so, add as many service_name values as you need to your query: GET /genesys/1/admin/callback/watermarks?service_name=service1&service_name=service2&service_name=service3 |
HTTP code | 200 |
HTTP message | OK |
Response Body (JSON content) | If accepted, a list of target queues and the count of callbacks that are in execution within ORS or that do not have their _callback_state property set to SCHEDULED or COMPLETED) in GMS storage.
{ "total": <total of callbacks in progress>, "services": { <service-1>: <number of callbacks in progress for service-1 >, ... <service-n>: <number of callbacks in progress for service-n>, } } |
500 Internal Server Error | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
50050 |
phrase |
message |
"Error processing callback {message} " |
exception | |
properties |
{ "message": <message catched> } |
GET http://localhost:8080/genesys/1/admin/callback/watermarks
200 OK
"total": 1,
"services": {
"callback-immediate": 0,
"callback-test": 1
GET http://localhost:8080/genesys/1/admin/callback/watermarks?service_name=callback-immediate
200 OK
"total": 0,
"services": {
"callback-immediate": 0
Check in Queue Position
This query enables your application to query for the position and Estimated Wait Time while the GMS Service request is in QUEUED status. This query is used to provide additional details in the Callback UI.
POST /genesys/1/service/{callback-service-id}/check-queue-position | |||
Name | Type | Description | |
BODY Parameters | |||
string | ID of the callback execution service. For example, 445-f4fa53ec-8e93-4836-ba35-f0bd74a025a8. |
HTTP code | 200 |
HTTP message | OK |
Response Body (JSON content) |
JSON-formatted information for the given service ID:
500 Internal Server Error | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
50050 |
phrase |
message |
"Error processing callback {message} " |
exception | |
properties |
{ "message": <message catched> } |
POST /genesys/1/service/445-f4fa53ec-8e93-4836-ba35-f0bd74a025a8/check-queue-position HTTP/1.1
Connection: close
Content-Length: 0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
200 OK
Export Cancelled Callback Records
Added in: 8.5.110
This query exports the callbacks that were cancelled by the Service Management UI only (Bulk Cancel).
- The data will be exported in CSV format.
- The request will export the records cancelled from the last 30 days to the next 15 days.
- You can export additional fields with the retrieved callback records.
By default, the CSV report includes the following default properties: _desired_time, _service_name, _customer_number, urs_virtual_queue, _vq_for_outbound_calls, and target.
To use this query, you need Basic Authentication. Therefore, you must provide the authentication credentials in the auth parameter of the operation. There are two ways to provide credentials in an auth object:
- In an open form containing the username and password fields of a user defined in the Configuration Server.
- In an encoded form using encoded fields, similar to the Basic Authentication header, which is a Base64-encoded composite string of "username:password".
POST /genesys/1/admin/callback/reportcancelled | |||
Name | Type | Description | |
BODY Parameters | |||
string | The reason for the cancellation. For example, CANCELLED_BY_ADMIN. | |
exported_properties | string | List of properties to export for each selected record. For example: ["_service_id,_desired_time"]. If this parameter is empty or missing, the following properties will be exported by default: _desired_time, _service_name, _customer_number, urs_virtual_queue, _vq_for_outbound_calls, and target. |
HTTP code | 200 | ||
HTTP message | OK | ||
Response Body (JSON content) | CSV-formatted results for exported records:
HTTP code | 400 |
HTTP message | Callback reason is missing. |
HTTP code | 204 |
HTTP message | No record found. |
500 Internal Server Error | |
Response body (JSON Content) | |
Name | Value |
code |
50050 |
phrase |
message |
"Error processing callback {message} " |
exception | |
properties |
{ "message": <message catched> } |
POST /genesys/1/admin/callback/reportcancelled
"callback_reason": "CANCELLED_BY_ADMIN",
"exported_properties": []
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials →true
Access-Control-Allow-Origin →chrome-extension://aicmkgpgakddgnaphhhpliifpcfhicfo
Access-Control-Expose-Headers →
Content-Disposition →attachment; filename="report.csv"
POST /genesys/1/admin/callback/reportcancelled
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: application/json
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.102 Safari/537.36
Cookie: JSESSIONID=1ff4o2zwehsbx6fzdfwb66jsa
Authentication: Basic=....
"callback_reason": "CANCELLED_BY_ADMIN",
"exported_properties": ["_service_id,_desired_time"]
Implement Preview and Disposition Scenarios
If you implement a custom agent desktop and wish to integrate the Preview and Disposition scenarios to your Callback application, you need to configure Preview and Disposition options in your Callback service. After you do this, your Custom Agent Application will receive the following UserEvent events from Orchestration Server:
- CallbackInvitationEvent—The Callback invitation that contains the attached data for the preview. The invitation includes the list of actions that the agent can perform–accept, reject, or cancel. Your Agent application displays the actions and the attached data for the preview to the agent, then submits a Preview Response to your Callback service.
- CallbackDispositionEvent—The Callback disposition event that provides the URL to which you submit the disposition selected by the agent. Your Agent application then submits a Disposition Response to your Callback service through this URL.