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SOLUTION Dimension

Each tenant in iWD can have one or more solutions. A solution can be configured in iWD for testing a new iWD configuration, independent of a production solution. Solution information is stored in the SOLUTION dimension which is populated from iWD Manager configuration. Many fact tables in the iWD Data Mart include a SOLUTION_KEY column to join to this dimension.

The SOLUTION Dimension
Field Data Type Description
SOLUTION_KEY int Primary key of this table.
SOLUTION_CONFIG_ID int iWD Manager ID for the solution.
SOLUTION_CONFIG_EVENT_ID int Event that created or updated the solution record.
SOLUTION_RUNTIME_ID varchar(255) iWD Manager runtime ID for the solution.
TENANT_KEY int Key to the TENANT dimension, identifying the tenant with whom the solution is associated
SOLUTION_NAME varchar(255) Descriptive name of the solution.
CREATED_ETL_AUDIT_KEY int Key to the ETL_AUDIT dimension, identifying the ETL job that created this record.
UPDATED_ETL_AUDIT_KEY int Key to the ETL_AUDIT dimension, identifying the ETL job that last updated this record.
VALID_FROM datetime The date, in YYYY-M-D HH:MM:SS F format, from which this solution is valid.
VALID_TO datetime The date, in YYYY-M-D HH:MM:SS F format, until which this solution is valid.
VERSION int Version of the record.
This page was last edited on August 13, 2013, at 11:14.
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