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TENANT Dimension

The TENANT dimension describes the iWD tenant, and the values are populated from the values set up in iWD Manager. The tenant forms part of the ownership chain for a task.

The TENANT Dimension
Field Data Type Description
TENANT_KEY int Primary key of this table.
TENANT_CONFIG_ID int iWD Manager ID for the tenant
TENANT_CONFIG_EVENT_ID int Event that created or updated the tenant record.
TENANT_RUNTIME_ID varchar(255) iWD Manager runtime ID for the tenant
TENANT_NAME varchar(255) Descriptive name of the tenant
CUSTOM_DIM_KEY int Key to the CUSTOM_DIM dimension, identifying custom attributes of the tenant.
CREATED_ETL_AUDIT_KEY int Key to the ETL_AUDIT dimension, identifying the ETL job that created this record.
UPDATED_ETL_AUDIT_KEY int Key to the ETL_AUDIT dimension, identifying the ETL job that updated this record.
VALID_FROM datetime The date, in YYYY-M-D HH:MM:SS F format, from which this tenant is valid.
VALID_TO datetime The date, in YYYY-M-D HH:MM:SS F format, until which this tenant is valid.
VERSION int Version of the record.
This page was last edited on August 13, 2013, at 11:16.
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