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Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value: (http:\/\/(www.)?
Valid Values: A regular expression.
Changes Take Effect: When the session is started or restarted.

Specifies the regular expression that identifies a URL in the Case Information area. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy as described in this Deployment Guide.


Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value: Pinned,Floating
Valid Values: Pinned, Floating
Changes Take Effect: When the session is started or restarted.
Dependencies: interaction-bar.quick-access-modes.<media-type>

Specifies the list of modes that are available to present interactions. The available modes are:

  • Pinned: the interaction view occupies the full available size, shared with Supporting Views like Contact and Responses.
  • Floating: the interaction view is presented in a floating window that is painted above any other kind of content and that fits the visual material to display. This view cannot display content displayed on the right part, such as Contact Profile or Responses.

When more than one mode is specified, by default the first mode in the configured list is used. The end user can switch from one mode to the other using a dedicated control. For a given media type, this option can be overridden by option interaction-bar.quick-access-modes.<media-type>.


Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value: Pinned,Floating
Valid Values: Pinned, Floating
Changes Take Effect: When the session is started or restarted.
Related Options: interaction-bar.quick-access-modes

Use this option as a template to specify the list of modes available to present interactions of the given media type. The available modes are:

  • Pinned: the interaction view occupies the full available size, shared with Supporting Views like Contact and Responses.
  • Floating: the interaction view is presented in a floating window that is painted above any other kind of content and that fits the visual material to display. This view cannot display content displayed on the right part, such as Contact Profile or Responses.

When more than one mode is specified, by default the first mode in the configured list is used. The end user can switch from one mode to the other using a dedicated control. When it is defined for a media type, this option overwrites the definition of the generic option interaction-bar.quick-access-modes.


Workspace Web Edition provides the following options for managing Interactions:


  • Default Value: Pinned, Floating
  • Valid Values: Pinned, Floating
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the list of modes that are available to present interactions. The available modes are:
    • Pinned: the interaction view occupies the full available size, shared with Supporting Views like Contact and Responses.
    • Floating: the interaction view is presented in a floating window that is painted above any other kind of content and that fits the visual material to display. This view cannot display content displayed on the right part, such as Contact Profile or Responses.
    When more than one mode is specified, by default the first mode in the configured list is used. The end user can switch from one mode to the other using a dedicated control. For a given media type, this option can be overridden by option interaction-bar.quick-access-modes.<media-type>.


  • Default Value: Pinned, Floating
  • Valid Values: Pinned, Floating
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Use this option as a template to specify the list of modes available to present interactions of the given media type. The available modes are:
    • Pinned: the interaction view occupies the full available size, shared with Supporting Views like Contact and Responses.
    • Floating: the interaction view is presented in a floating window that is painted above any other kind of content and that fits the visual material to display. This view cannot display content displayed on the right part, such as Contact Profile or Responses.
    When more than one mode is specified, by default the first mode in the configured list is used. The end user can switch from one mode to the other using a dedicated control. When it is defined for a media type this option overwrites the definition of generic option interaction-bar.quick-access-modes.


  • Default Value: History,CaseData
  • Valid Values: History,CaseData
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Defines the content of the Case Information area in the interaction. The CaseData key enables the display of the attached data that is defined by the interaction.case-data.format-business-attribute option. The History key enables the display of interaction history information like the Origin field. The order in which the values are specified defines the order of the Case Data and History information in the Case Information area. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy, as described in Overriding Workspace Options.


  • Default Value: false
  • Valid Values: true, false
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Enables Workspace to display hyperlinks that are part of the case information. See also the [expression.url option.

This option can be overridden by a routing strategy, as described in Overriding Workspace Options.


  • Default Value: An empty string.
  • Valid Values: Letters A to Z and a to z. Numbers 0 through 9. The underscore and space characters.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the name of the Business Attribute that contains the Business Attribute values that are used to filter and render attached data in the interaction.This option can be overridden by a routing strategy as described in Overriding Workspace Options. You can define the display order of Business Attribute Values by creating an interaction-workspace section in the annex of the Business Attribute, then add the interaction.case-data.order option. This option is a comma-separated list of Business Attributes Value Names that specifies the order of the Business Attribute Values. The Attributes Values that are not listed in interaction.case-data.order option are put at the bottom of the list.


  • Default Value: #17849D
  • Valid Values: Valid Hexidecimal (HTML) color code.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the color of the border of the Case Data view frame. Examples: #FFBA00 for a Gold color, #6F7074 for a Silver color, #B8400B for a Bronze color. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy as described in Overriding Workspace Options.


  • Default Value: #FFFFFF
  • Valid Values: Valid Hexidecial (HTML) color code
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the color of the foreground of the Case Data view header. Example #FFFFFF for white color. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy as described in Overriding Workspace Options.


  • Default Value: true
  • Valid Values: true, false
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: If the value of this option is true, changes to the case data after a voice interaction has been released are prevented. When some values are modified or added after the voice call is released, the update is pushed to back-end as a User Event when agent clicks 'Mark Done'. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy as described in Overriding Workspace Options.


  • Default Value: -1
  • Valid Values: -1 to MAXINT
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the delay, in seconds, before the cache of a disposition request result is cleared. If set to -1, the dispositions are kept in cache until the browser page is refreshed, or until the agent logs out and logs back in.


  • Default Value: ""
  • Valid Values: The name of a key to be displayed as a folder in the Disposition view.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: The key that is used to populate attached data or a user event when a disposition code is submitted to the back-end system, such as T-Server, Interaction Server, and Contact Server. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy as described in Overriding Workspace Options.


  • Default Value: true
  • Valid Values: true, false
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Set to true to expand the whole Dispositions tree by default; false to collapse the tree.


  • Default Value: false
  • Valid Values: true, false
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies whether it is mandatory for the agent to set a disposition code before Marking Done an interaction. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy as described in Overriding Workspace Options.


  • Default Value: false
  • Valid Values: true, false
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: If this option is true, Workspace prevents changes to Disposition after a voice interaction is released. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy as described in Overriding Workspace Options.


  • Default Value: DispositionCode
  • Valid Values: Letters A to Z and a to z. Numbers 0 through 9. The underscore and space characters.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the key that is used to populate attached data or a user event when a disposition code is submitted to the back-end system, such as T-Server, Interaction Server, and Contact Server. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy as described in Overriding Workspace Options.


  • Default Value: false
  • Valid Values: true, false
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Enables the adding of attached data to the interaction in UserEvent. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy as described in Overriding Workspace Options.


  • Default Value: DispositionCode
  • Valid Values: Letters A to Z and a to z. Numbers 0 through 9. The underscore and space characters.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies a character string that specifies the name of the Business Attribute that contains the Attribute Values that are used as an enumerated value for a disposition code. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy as described in Overriding Workspace Options.


  • Default Value: 5,10,25,50
  • Valid Values: A comma-separated list of numbers that define the number of rows per result page from which the agent can make selections.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the possible values for the number of rows per page in the Interaction Management content view. Values grater than 100 are not recommended due to performance impact. The maximum value depends on the content of interactions and the robustness of your network. If you specify a value that is too high, the request to get a snapshot fails and an error message is displayed.


  • Default Value: 10
  • Valid Values: An integer from 1 through 50.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the default value for the number of rows per page in the Interaction Management content view.


  • Default Value: An empty string
  • Valid Values: A comma-separated list of Filter names.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Defines the filters that are displayed to the supervisor for interaction management. The filter names refer to the names of the Application Option sections that define the Filters. See Creating Interaction Filters for Team Leads for more information.


  • Default Value: From,To,Subject,Received
  • Valid Values: A comma-separated list of attached data — for example: From,Subject,Received
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the list of interaction fields that are displayed as columns in the Interaction Queue view.


  • Default Value: An empty string.
  • Valid Values: An attached data key name (string). The list is provided in the Attached Data in the strategy.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Enables the overriding of certain application options by using a transaction object. This option provides the key name of the attached data that contains the list of transaction objects.


  • Default Value: An empty string
  • Valid Values: A string that represents an attached data key
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Workspace enables the Reject voice call operation in SIP Server environments that use multi-site routing. The reject route mechanism has been extended to accommodate different types of 'reject' implementations, depending on the context. Use this option to enable the reject route mechanism by specifying a string as a key to be used at run-time to retrieve the behavior description from the interaction user data. It is the responsibility of the administrator to define the multi-site reject criteria.

The reject route is specified in the interaction user data in the following format: <reject-method>:<dn>@<switch>.

When reject-method is specified, ensure that the following characters are also specified: :, @, and the switch field. The following are possible values for the reject-method attribute:

  • sst - Reject applies the following action: SingleStepTransfer(OtherDN=<dn>,Location=<switch>).
  • release Reject applies the following action: releaseCall. This value must be applied when the value of the TServer/divert-on-ringing SIP Server configuration option is set to false.
If the value of dn@switch corresponds to the same routing point as the one that is handling the call that is being delivered to the agent, the action will succeed only if the value of the TServer/divert-on-ringing SIP Server configuration option is set to true.


  • Default Value: ""
  • Valid Values: A comma-separated list of option section names that correspond to web extension views. For example: Extension1, Extension2
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the list of Web Applications that are configured to be displayed at the Interaction level. Refer to the Enabling integration of web applications in the agent interface for information about creating web application objects in the configuration layer. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy as described in Overriding Workspace Options.


  • Default Value: false
  • Valid Values: true, false
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Enables supervisors to move interactions to a queue.


  • Default Value: false
  • Valid Values: true, false
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Enables supervisors to move interactions to a workbin.


  • Default Value: false
  • Valid Values: true, false
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Allows supervisors access to Interaction Management.


  • Default Value: false
  • Valid Values: true, false
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Enables supervisors to edit case data for interactions directly from Workbins and Interaction Queues without pulling the interactions first.
This page was last edited on October 31, 2023, at 13:39.
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