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Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value:
Valid Values: A comma-separated list of Filter names.
Changes Take Effect: When the session is started or restarted.

Specifies the filters that are displayed to the supervisor for interaction management. The filter names refer to the names of the Application Option sections that define the Filters. See Creating Interaction Filters for Team Leads for more information.


Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value:
Valid Values: The name of a valid Business Attribute.
Changes Take Effect: When the session is started or restarted.
Related Options: interaction.case-data.order

Specifies the name of the Business Attribute that contains the Business Attribute values that are used to filter and render attached data in the interaction. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy as described in the Configuration Guide. You can define the display order of Business Attribute Values by creating an interaction-workspace section in the annex of the Business Attribute, then add the interaction.case-data.order option. This option is a comma-separated list of Business Attributes Value Names that specifies the order of the Business Attribute Values. The Attributes Values that are not listed in interaction.case-data.order option are put at the bottom of the list.


Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value: From,To,Subject,Received
Valid Values: A comma-separated list of attached data, for example: From,Subject,Received
Changes Take Effect: When the session is started or restarted.

Specifies the list of interaction fields that are displayed as columns in the Interaction Queue view.


Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value:
Valid Values: A comma-separated list of Filter names.
Changes Take Effect: When the session is started or restarted.

Specifies the filters that are displayed to the supervisor for interaction management. The filter names refer to the names of the Application Option sections that define the Filters. See Creating Interaction Filters for Team Leads for more information.


Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false.
Changes Take Effect: When the session is started or restarted.

Enables supervisors to access the Interaction Management feature.


Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false.
Changes Take Effect: When the session is started or restarted.

Enables supervisors to move interactions to a workbin.


Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false.
Changes Take Effect: When the session is started or restarted.

Enables supervisors to move interactions to a queue.


Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false.
Changes Take Effect: When the session is started or restarted.

Enables supervisors to access the Interaction Management feature.


Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false.
Changes Take Effect: When the session is started or restarted.

Enables access to My Team Workbins.

Enabling Supervisors to Manage Workbins and Queues

If an agent is set up as a supervisor for an Agent Group, you can configure that supervisor to read and manage the contents of workbins that belong to other agents in the group. You can also configure the supervisor to manage the contents of queues.

Supervisors can select a single interaction in a workbin or a queue and:

  • reassign it by moving it to another workbin or another queue
  • mark the interaction as Done, if it's an inbound email
  • delete the interaction if it's an outbound email

You can use the following options in the interaction-workspace section to grant the supervisor the right privileges to manage workbins and queues:

Creating Interaction Filters for Team Leads

Agents who are granted privilege.interaction-management.can-use can view "snapshots" of interactions from the Interaction Server database. To do this, system administrators should use Genesys Administrator Extension or Configuration Manager to build interaction filters (database requests that Workspace Web Edition sends to the Interaction Server database) and then set the interaction-management.filters to assign the filters to Team Lead agents.

Here are a few examples of criteria you could use to create a filter:

  • mediaType: The media type, such as email, of the interactions you want to request from the database.
  • age: The age of the interactions you want to extract. You could use this criteria to find interactions that have been received in the last four hours, or interactions that are older than one day, and so on.
  • Priority: The priority of the interactions you want to extract.
  • Queue: The name of the queue, or a comma-separated list of queues, where the interactions you want to extract are stored.
  • Time in Queue: The time that the interactions you wan to extract have been in the queue.
  • Received At: The date and time at which the interaction was received. The query can specify that the filter returns either all the interactions created on, before, or after this date, or within a range of two dates.

To create and use a filter in Workspace Web Edition, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a new section on the WEWS Cluster application object that is same as the name of the filter (for example: [FilterEmailAge]).
  2. Configure options for the filter by using the names of fields in the Interaction Server database. The options correspond to the criteria for the interactions you want to extract from the database. The filter section must contain the following options:
    • category: The name of the category that contains the filter — for example: Email
    • condition: The complete filter — for example: (priority >= 2) AND (MediaType='email') AND (_age() > 172800). See Specifying Filter Conditions for information about how to define the conditions of a filter.
    • display-name: The display name of the filter — for example: Older Than Two Days
    • displayed-columns: (Optional) The list of columns that are displayed for interactions in this filter — for example: From,To,Subject,Received. If this option is not set, the displayed columns are taken from the interaction-management.interactions-filter.displayed-columns option.
    • queues: The list of queues to which this filter applies — for example: email-routing-queue-inbound,email-default-queue.
    • case-data.business-attribute: (Optional) Specifies the name of the Business Attribute that contains the Business Attribute Values that are used to filter and render attached data for an interaction displayed in this filter. Use this option to enable agents who are configured to be supervisors to view different interaction content than the agents whom they supervise. This option is not mandatory. If it is not specified, Workspace displays the case data that is specified by the interaction.case-data.format-business-attribute option.
  3. For the Application object, Agent Group, or Agent, configure the value of the interaction-management.filters option to specify a comma-separated list of filters by the section name that you configured. For example:

Specifying Filter Conditions

A filter in Workspace is defined by specifying different property filters and linking them together by using AND and OR logical operators.

A property filter is composed of a property name (for example: MediaType, Queue, or SubmittedBy) and a property value — for example, MediaType='email'.

Refer to the eServices Interaction Properties Reference Manual for details about keywords, operators, and properties that can be used to query the Interaction Server database. Be sure to read about the different System properties and how to configure Custom properties — you can use both kinds of properties to define interaction filters.

You can use the following property types for System and Custom properties:

  • Integer
  • String — Strings are bracketed by single quote characters — for example: 'email'.
  • Timestamp — Use the _timestamp keyword from Interaction Server for the value — for example: _timestamp('2013-11-21 14:12:00')

Filter conditions use comparators and logical operators to test the value of a property against the value that is stored in the database field. The following operators are supported:

  • > (greater than)
  • < (less than)
  • >= (greater than or equal)
  • <= (less than or equal)
  • = (equal)
  • != OR <> (different from/not equal)
  • LIKE (contains the string) — for example, MediaType LIKE '%a%' finds all of the media types that contain the letter a. The % character acts as a wildcard. If MediaType LIKE 'ema%' is used, then media types that begin with ema are found. If MediaType LIKE '%at' is used, then media types that end with at are found.
  • NOT LIKE (does not contain the string)

For interaction properties that have the String type, you can avoid issues with database formatting differences for empty strings by using the _empty and _not_empty keywords. For example, to filter all the interactions that have an ExternalId property that is non-null, use _not_empty(ExternalId).

For interaction properties that have the Timestamp type, use the keywords that are described in the Translations section of the eServices Interaction Properties Reference Manual. For example, to find all interactions that were received between November 24 and November 29 in 2013, you would use the following conditions: ReceivedAt >=_timestamp('2013-11-23 00:00:00') AND ReceivedAt <= _timestamp('2012-11-29 00:00:00').

To make the columns in the Interactions table sortable, in the Interaction Custom Properties Business Attribute, you must explicitly declare the attribute as a column of the 'interactions' table of Interaction Server database.
This page was last edited on October 31, 2023, at 13:39.
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