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The log4j.properties File

The log4j.properties file is used to configure initial logging for the Rules Engine and for the Genesys Rules Authoring Tool. Once the Rules Engine and GRAT are initialized, logging is done through the configured Application options. The log4j.properties file contains logging attributes that are used during the startup of the application, before the configured log settings are read by Configuration Server. In general, you should not have to modify this file and you can accept the default values. But should you need to change the defaults, perform the steps in the following procedure:


  1. Locate the log4j.properties file. This file can be found in the .war file, which is located in the installation directory.
  2. Extract the .war file by using WinZip or a similar tool for extraction. (For the Rules Engine and the Rules Authoring Tool, the .war files are named genesys-rules-engine.war and genesys-rules-authoring.war, respectively).
  3. Open the file in a text editor, and update any logging parameters.
  4. Save the file.
  5. Add the modified log4j.properties file back into the original .war file by using WinZip (or a similar tool). Be very careful to preserve the “path” of that file during this step.

Locating Log Files

Before connecting to Configuration Server, GRAT and GRE will log by default to the relative path:

  • "logs/GRATInit"
  • "logs/GREInit"

These logs are useful in debugging start-up issues; for example, if GRAT or GRE are unable to connect to Configuration Server.

  • In UNIX based systems, these initial logs can be found under your application servers "logs" directory.
  • In Windows based servers, these initial logs can be found in the \Windows\SysWOW64\logs directory.

You can change the initial location of these logs by editing the log4j.properties file as described in this section.

After GRAT or GRE connect to Config Server, the log location is determined by the application's configuration options (log section).

This page was last edited on February 20, 2015, at 11:19.
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