This page was last edited on March 4, 2017, at 23:41.
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This section describes how to use the Genesys Softphone.
You can start the Genesys Softphone in one of two ways:
C:<Genesys Softphone Installation Directory>Genesys Softphone\GenesysSoftphone\GenesysSoftphone.exe C:<Genesys Softphone Installation Directory>Genesys Softphone\GenesysSoftphone\\ConfigFileName.config
To open the Genesys Softphone UI, right-click the Genesys Softphone (file:Spicon.png) icon from the Icon Tray:
file: Softphone_icon.png
and select Open.
When the Genesys Softphone first starts, it reads the user's information from the Softphone.cfg file, and automatically registers the user.
To verify that the user is registered:
The Genesys Softphone configures the input and output devices during start-up when it reads the list of devices from the Softphone.config file. However, if required, the softphone user can change the brand of device used while the Genesys Softphone is running.
To select an input or output device:
Each Genesys Softphone instance can have up to six SIP user accounts configured.
To view the number of users configured and their statuses:
You can make and receive calls from the calls tab.
From this tab, you can perform the following operations:
The microphone button shows the current mute status, either muted or un-muted. Clicking the microphone button changes the status.
Mute/un-mute functionality works on the application level and not the system level:
You may also mute/un-mute the microphone from the tray icon menu. To mute/un-mute the input device: