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SIP Endpoint SDK for OS X Release Notes

SIP Endpoint SDK for OS X is part of 9.x starting in
Release Date Release Type Restrictions AIX Linux Mac Solaris Windows
06/28/23 General X

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What's New

This release includes only resolved issues.

Resolved Issues

This release contains the following resolved issues:

Automatic audio device selection is improved in SIP Endpoint SDK to avoid selecting virtual devices (such as Microsoft Teams Audio) even when they are set as the default device. Virtual devices can be selected manually. (SEPSDK-2989)

The system.security.cipher-list (which specifies ciphers for TLSv1.2) and ciphersuites (which specifies ciphersuites for TLSv1.3) options are no longer exclusive and can be specified at the same time, if both TLS protocol versions are enabled. (SEPSDK-2958)

Upgrade Notes

No special procedure is required to upgrade to release

This page was last edited on June 28, 2023, at 09:21.
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