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Known Issues and Recommendations

iWD Manager

The Known Issues and Recommendations section is a cumulative list for all 9.0.x releases of iWD Manager. This section provides the latest information on known issues and recommendations associated with this product. It includes information on when individual items were found and, if applicable, corrected. The Resolved Issues section for each release describes the corrections and may list additional issues that were corrected without first being documented as Known Issues.

See also Internationalization Issues.

The installer for Windows does not include a countersignature. Windows will consider this installer as unsigned after the Genesys certificate expires.

ID: IWD-9972 Found In: Fixed In:

In some cases, wrong requests sent to iWD Manager API do not return the expected BAD_REQUEST responses.

ID: IWD-9617 Found In: Fixed In:

Browser bookmarks of iWD Manager pages are not supported if external identification (OAUTH) is enabled.

ID: IWD-9577 Found In: Fixed In:

If you have set a Default filter and want to remove an applied filter on the Global Task List tab by clicking on "No filter" from the drop-down menu, the Default filter is applied instead.

Workaround: Since "No filter" could be represented by a filter with a pre-defined column set and no criteria, you could create a new filter instead.

ID: IWD-9577 Found In: Fixed In:

The Global Task List and Filter tabs are not working as expected when a user does not have Read permission for at least one Agent Group.

Workaround: Add Read permission to at least one Agent Group for the impacted Access Group or Agent.

ID: IWD-9799 Found In: Fixed In:

If external identification (OAUTH) is enabled and cookies are cleared while working with iWD Manager, you can neither continue working nor re-login until the session expires or you reload the page in the browser.

ID: IWD-9799 Found In: Fixed In:

Bulk actions (Resume / Hold / Cancel / Modify / Restart) do not work for task selections that contain more than a half of the tasks from the Global Task List, when a custom query is applied.

Workaround: Perform bulk actions in small batches or one by one. For the REST API, use the 'include' option explicitly. Alternatively, configure a filter and apply it without a custom query to use bulk actions as usual.

ID: IWD-9637 Found In: Fixed In:

iWD Manager REST connectors do not support PEM and Windows certificates.

ID: IWD-7840 Found In: Fixed In: 

Because of a problem with GAX, installation of iWD Manager using GAX is broken on both UNIX and Windows.

Workaround—Use installation via IPs instead.

ID: IWD-6807 Found In: Fixed In: 

You cannot use spaces in Application names on Linux platforms.

ID: IWD-5867 Found In: Fixed In: 

ORS routing breaks if you try to hide reporting activity on the strategy level. This occurs because ORS internally uses Interaction Server reporting events to supply routing functionality.

ID: IWD-8453 Found In:  Fixed In: 

iWD Manager fails to open the Global Task List when started without the line -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 in the JavaServerStarter.ini file.

Workaround: Run iWD Manager with the -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 added. You must also configure all other components in UTF-8, otherwise there could be issues with non-Latin characters.

ID: IWD-9253 Found In: Fixed In:

Display of tasks in the Global Task List does not work correctly when a custom attribute has no translate-to option.

ID: IWD-8453 Found In:  Fixed In: 

Internationalization Issues

Information in this section is included for international customers. Release numbers in the Found In and Fixed In fields refer to the English (US) release of iWD Manager unless otherwise noted in the issue description.

Localization is available for this component from release

This page was last edited on November 22, 2021, at 10:32.
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