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Section: channel-abc-hub
Default Value: 10
Valid Values: 1-3600
Changes Take Effect: After restart

Specifies how long, in seconds, fetched messages are reserved by Genesys Hub.


Section: channel-abc-hub
Default Value: applebcsession
Valid Values: Any valid string
Changes Take Effect: After restart

Specifies the media type assigned to interactions that are submitted to Interaction Server by Chat Server created by invite-to-chat requests (outbound chat sessions).


Section: channel-abc-hub
Default Value: An empty string
Valid Values: A valid endpoint
Changes Take Effect: After restart

Specifies the endpoint for outbound chat sessions created by invite-to-chat requests. This endpoint must exist in the Chat Server configuration. Chat Server will use this endpoint to place interactions to an interaction queue. If the option is not configured or empty, the channel does not support invite-to-chat requests.

For example: inbound-route-by-call = 101:chat_endpoint, where 101:chat_endpoint is the endpoint from the Chat Server configuration.


Section: operational-notifications
Default Value: Your message could not be transmitted.\nPlease try again later or call our hotline.\nWe apologize for the inconvenience.
Valid Values: Any string
Changes Take Effect: After restart

Enables users to customize the auto-reply message in case of Genesys Hub outage.

Genesys Driver for use with Apple Business Chat via Hub Release Notes

Release Date Release Type Restrictions AIX Linux Solaris Windows
06/26/19 General X X

Helpful Links

What's New

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • Agents can now initiate an outbound session with their customers. (MSGA-1373)
  • The following new configuration options are added:
    • msg-not-delivered: Enables users to customize the auto-reply message in case of Genesys Hub outage. (MSGA-1998)
    • inbound-route-by-call: Specifies the endpoint for outbound chat sessions created by invite-to-chat requests. This endpoint must exist in the Chat Server configuration. Chat Server will use this endpoint to place interactions to an interaction queue. If the option is not configured or empty, the channel does not support invite-to-chat requests.
    • media-type-chat-by-call: Specifies the media type assigned to interactions that are submitted to Interaction Server by Chat Server created by invite-to-chat requests (outbound chat sessions).
    • x-hub-pull-reserve-time: Specifies how long, in seconds, fetched messages are reserved by Genesys Hub.
  • Support for OpenJDK 11. See the Prerequisites section on the Messaging Apps/Social Engagement page in the Genesys Supported Operating Environment Reference Guide for more detailed information and a list of all prerequisites. (MSGA-2178)
  • Support for Windows Server 2019. See the Messaging Apps/Social Engagement page in the Genesys Supported Operating Environment Reference Guide for more detailed information and a list of all supported operating systems.

Resolved Issues

This release contains the following resolved issues:

An issue that prevented the driver from connecting to Genesys Hub via proxy is fixed. Now, basic authentication over HTTP is supported between Apple Business Chat driver and proxy. (MSGA-2121)

Upgrade Notes

No special procedure is required to upgrade to release

This page was last edited on July 29, 2021, at 10:29.
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