Section: dataset-<name>
Default Value: PT24H
Valid Values: String in ISO 8601 duration format, from PT15M to P30D
Changes Take Effect: After 60 sec timeout
Related Options: chunk-size
Specifies the interval at which Data Loader attempts to upload data, enabling fresh data stored in the Genesys Info Mart database to be automatically uploaded to the associated dataset. Used with dataset-agents-gim and the main interactions dataset, which are the datasets created directly from Genesys Info Mart data.
- If the update-period value is less than the value for the chunk-size option, Data Loader uploads all data after the watermark marking the end of the previous upload.
- If the update-period value is larger than the value of the chunk-size option, Data Loader uploads all data after the watermark, split into chunks of the size specified by the value of the chunk-size option.
NOTE: In the the examples below the value of the end-date option is set in the future.
- If update-period is set to 1 day (P1D) and chunk-size is set to one hour (PT1H), all the data after the previous watermark is uploaded in 1-hour chunks. This chunking is designed to prevent overloading your infrastructure.
- If you are uploading a dataset for the first time and set start-date to 90 days in the past, update-period to 1 day (P1D), and chunk-size to 30 days, Data Loader uploads the 90 days of data in three 30-day chunks.
Section: dataset-<name>
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: A valid schedule in Cron format
Changes Take Effect: On the next upload
This option enables you to execute the upload of a dataset on a preconfigured schedule. In release and lower, or if you do not set a value for the upload-schedule option, data upload scheduling is controlled using the update-period and chunk-size options.
Predictive Routing - Data Loader Release Notes
Release Date | Release Type | Restrictions | AIX | Linux | Solaris | Windows |
11/06/20 | General | Under Shipping Control | X |
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What's New
This release contains the following new features and enhancements:
- A new option, upload-schedule, enables you to specify a precise upload schedule using CRON expressions. If you do not configure this option, Data Loader continues using the value configured in the update-period option. (PRR-6592)
- With this release, starting the Data Loader Docker container starts local control agent (LCA) and optionally Data Loader. In previous releases, starting the container started only LCA, requiring an additional step to start Data Loader from GAX. See Install Data Loader and start the container for instructions on how to configure Data Loader to start when the container is started. (PRR-6993)
- Data Loader must be configured to have update privileges for Configuration Server so it can update the passwords used to access the GPR Core Platform and the anonymization salt value created to support anonymization. Data Loader now checks whether it has the correct permissions when it starts. If it does not have the required permissions, it quits and generates the following new log event message: 60813|STANDARD|INVALID_PERMISSIONS|Invalid permissions to update configuration parameters in %s. See log event 107-60813 for complete information about this message and how to resolve it. (PRR-6391)
Resolved Issues
This release contains no resolved issues.
Upgrade Notes
No special procedure is required to upgrade to release