Voice Platform Media Control Platform Release Notes
Release Date | Release Type | Restrictions | AIX | Linux | Solaris | Windows |
08/28/15 | General | X | X |
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What's New
This release contains the following new features and enhancements:
- Use the option mediamgr.recordmp3audiobuffer to configure duration of the MP3 recording buffer.
Section: mpc
Valid Values: an integer 2000 or greater
Default: 4000
Takes effect: At start/restart.
Specifies the duration of the audio buffer for MP3 recording, in milliseconds.
- The Media Control Platform's NGI VXML interpreter supports caching of JavaScript (JS) content, which improves performance.
Use the following configuration options to set the values for this functionality: maximum count of cached script, maximum cache size, minimum cached script size, and enable or disable script caching:
Section: vxmli
Valid value: An integer 0–1,000,000
Default: 10,000
Takes effect at start/restart. Specifies the maximum number of scripts that may be cached concurrently.
Specifies the maximum size, in bytes, of all concurrently cached scripts.
Section: vxmli
Valid value: An integer 0-50,000,000
Default: 2,000,000
Takes effect at start/restart.
Specifies the minimum size, in bytes, of a script to be cached.
Section: vxmli
Valid value: An integer 0- 1,000,000,000
Default: 200
Takes effect at start/restart.
Enables/disables ECMAScript caching in the VoiceXML interpreter.
Section: vxmli
Valid value: false (default) or true
Takes effect at start/restart. - The Media Control Platform supports mp3 compression at 8 kbps for mono recording. To enable 8 kbps mono recording, make these settings:
- [mpc] mp3.bitrate=8
- msml.record.channels=1 OR msml.record.channels2=1
The default compression remains 16 kbps.
- MCP now supports mono-channel recording during MSML GIR recording for all file formats.
Use these configuration parameters to specify the channel information:
(The two IVR profile parameters below are in the gvp.service-parameters section of the IVR profile record.)
Specifies the number of channels that MCP must use for MSML GIR recording.
Valid values: fixed, 1 (mono) or 2 (stereo, the default)
Takes effect immediately.
Specifies the number of channels that MCP must use for MSML GIR recording.
Valid values: fixed, 1 (mono) or 2 (stereo, the default)
Takes effect immediately.
If the above parameters are missing from the IVR profile configuration, then MCP uses the parameters below as substitutes, to determine the type of recording (mono or stereo).
Specifies the number of channels that MCP must use for MSML recording to dest.
Valid values: 1 (mono) or 2 (stereo, the default) Takes effect immediately.
Specifies the number of channels that MCP must use for MSML recording to dest2.
Valid values: 1 (mono) or 2 (stereo, the default)
Takes effect immediately.
- The Media Control Platform supports DTMF clamping (also known as masking) while agent and caller are in conference with IVR. See MCP release for details.
Resolved Issues
This release contains the following resolved issues:
Third-party recording applications no longer consume excessive memory. (GVP-22567)
The description of the new parameter [fm]revalidatestaleresponse is incorrect inside the MCP configuration XML file (mcp.xml). You can find the correct description in the What's New section of the MCP Release Note. (GVP-22421)
The Media Control Platform no longer terminates unexpectedly when it encounters a socket error while sending the response to a SIP message that has no branch in the via header. (GVP-22412)
MCP no longer terminates during a bridge transfer from a caller with a display name that contains the symbol <. (GVP-22411)
MCP no longer provides anonymous download access to recording files uploaded to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) during MSML GIR recording. (GVP-22395)
The Media Control Platform no longer terminates after a call transfer failure. (GVP-22368)
MCP no longer terminates after application connections were updated. (GVP-22292)
Media Control Platform no longer terminates when a URL ends with the fragment separator #. (GVP-22284)
SIP INFO DTMF messages generated by Media Control Platform during a conference now conform to the standard format, which enables third-party software to read these messages. (GVP-22259)
Difficulties when sending SIP responses no longer cause MCP to leak calls. (GVP-22258)
The Media Control Platform can now correctly expose a header with multiple dots (.) in its name, when comparing the header with a key from session_vars. (GVP-22216)
The MRCPv1 client now correctly picks an alternate port once it reaches the edge of the port range. (GVP-22215)
Now, when the Media Control Platform is configured with connections to a primary and backup MRCP Proxy, MCP can use the MRCP Proxy backup server if it is needed when the Configuration Server is not accessible and the local configuration file of the MCP is used. (GVP-22213)
When handling SRTP packets, the Media Control Platform no longer terminates calls with the error message Error 7 decrypting an SRTP packet. (GVP-21498)
Upgrade Notes
No special procedure is required to upgrade to release