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Known Issues and Recommendations

Genesys Interactive Insights

The Known Issues and Recommendations section is a cumulative list for all 8.5.x releases of Genesys Interactive Insights. This section provides the latest information on known issues and recommendations associated with this product. It includes information on when individual items were found and, if applicable, corrected. The Resolved Issues section for each release describes the corrections and may list additional issues that were corrected without first being documented as Known Issues.

See also Internationalization Issues.

During installation or upgrade of BI 4.1 software, Genesys recommends that you always enter an administrator password that meets minimum complexity requirements (a combination of upper case, lower case, and numbers, and having a minimum length of 8 characters).

Note: Creating an administrator password that does not meet these requirements can lead to a failed installation of BI 4.1.

For Microsoft SQL Server, Genesys recommends that you use the following drivers to configure a connection to the GI2 Universe:

  • For Windows, OLE DB drivers
  • For UNIX, JDBC drivers

The information in the Genesys Interactive Insights Universe Guide documentation about the Interaction ID > Stop Action metric detail is inaccurate, as follows: The Universe Guide states that, for voice interactions, the value presented in this metric indicates whether the 'initiating party' released the call. In fact, it should state that the value indicates whether the 'subject of the IRF' released the call. The statement in the Universe Guide is correct in scenarios where the initiating party is also the subject of the IRF, however it is incorrect in other scenarios, for example in the case of an inbound call, where the subject of the IRF is an agent, but the initiating party is a customer.

ID: GII-6569 Found In: 8.5.000 Fixed In: 

GI2 releases earlier than do not support SAP BI 4.2. If you install BI 4.2 without upgrading to a recommended GI2 release, drilling up from Agent to Agent Group in customized reports can fail, producing an error such as:

The following database error occurred: The multi-part identifier 'GROUP_GROUP_TYPE_CODE' could not be bound...


To resolve this issue, install GI2 or later. Alternatively, you can retain an older release of GI2, and work around this issue by following the instructions for GI2 releases that are incompatible with BI 4.2 in the Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide.

ID: GII-5717 Found In: 8.5.000 Fixed In: 

The Callback Details Report displays the desired callback time as a duration, rather than as a timestamp. In deployments with RAA releases or later, you can work around this issue by enabling reporting on the desired callback time (as a timestamp) in the Callback Detail Report, as follows:

  1. In Designer/Information Design Tool:
    1. Create a new Desired Timestamp metric, in the Callback Detail class, with a definition of CALLBACK_FACT_GI2.DESIRED_TS_TIME
    2. Save the universe and export to the BO/BI Server
  2. In InfoView/BI Launchpad, open the Callback Detail Report in Edit mode, and perform the following steps:
    1. Change the report query to include Desired Timestamp.
    2. Drag this metric into the Timestamp section of the report.
    3. Delete the Desired Time column from the report.
    4. Save the report.
ID: GII-5993 Found In: Fixed In:

In some scenarios, GI2 installation scripts that perform customization of BOE environment can corrupt BOE web content, causing errors when setting the Report Destination, such as the following:
An error occurred. -1 Try again.
To work around this issue, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Tomcat configuration file for editing from one of the following locations:
    • Windows: <BIP_INSTALL_DIR>\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\wdeploy\conf\config.tomcat7
    • Linux: <BIP_INSTALL_DIR>/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/wdeploy/conf/config.tomcat7
  2. In the Tomcat configuration file, add the following line above the as_instance line (or if it is already present, ensure that it points to the tomcat directory):
    as_dir=<TOMCAT DIR>
    For example:
    as_dir= C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\tomcat
  3. From the as_service_name line, make note of the Tomcat service name (such as iBOEXI40Tomcat).
  4. Save changes to the Tomcat configuration.
  5. Stop the Tomcat service.
  6. On Windows deployments, back up and delete the following folders:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\tomcat\webapps
    C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost
  7. Navigate to one of the following directories:
    • Windows: <BIP_INSTALL_DIR>\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\wdeploy
    • Linux: <BIP_INSTALL_DIR>/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/wdeploy
  8. Execute the following command:
    wdeploy.bat/sh tomcat7 deployall
  9. Start the Tomcat service.

Note that this workaround removes the Genesys logo from the GI2 GUI.

ID: GII-5926-BO Found In: Fixed In:

After installation of BI 4.1 SP6, when viewing reports in Web Intelligence, errors such as the following may appear:

The server is busy. Please save any pending change and try again later. If the problem persists, contact your BusinessObjects administrator. (Error: ERR_WIS_30284)

At the time when the error is generated, Web Intelligence typically consumes an unusually large amount of machine memory.

To work around this issue, perform the following steps:

  1. For each BOE user, set the variable MALLOC_ARENA_MAX=1. Note: In some cases, you may want to set this variable to a higher value to improve general machine performance. Please consult SAP note 1968075 for more information.
  2. In CMC, unselect the option Enable Memory Analysis in WebIntelligenceProcessingServer properties.
  3. Stop BOE, log the BOE user out, and log back in. The system picks up the newly set MALLOC_ARENA_MAX variable.
  4. Start BOE.
ID: GII-5715-BO Found In: 8.1.405.05 Fixed In:  

For deployments with BI 4.1 SP6, using the Information Design Tool to edit the SQL Query for LOV fails with the following error:
This combined query cannot run because one of the queries contains incompatible objects. (IES 00021)

ID: GII-5110-BO Found In: 8.1.405.02 Fixed In:  

When PostgreSQL DBMS is used for the Info Mart database, drilling up or down on the Main tab of Agent Wrap Report can cause the following error to appear:
Database error: ERROR: UNION types bigint and text cannot be matched.
To work around this issue:

  1. Open the Information Design Tool (or Universe Design Tool, depending on the format if your universe).
  2. Import the GI2_Universe.
  3. Change the value of the DISTINCT_VALUES parameter from DISTINCT to GROUPBY.
  4. Save the universe and publish it to the repository.
ID: GII-5008 Found In: and 8.1.405.02 Fixed In:  

Genesys recommends that you enable Automatic Refresh both on the server, and on a per-document basis. Note that doing so might cause some reports to be invalidated; to work around this issue, see GII-3331. For information about the Automatic Refresh option, see the Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide.

ID: GII-4780 Found In: 8.1.400.17 Fixed In:  

In cases where you drill on a 3D chart on the Agent Queue Report and a dimension on that chart has a very long name, the corresponding Axis name can disappear from the chart.

ID: GII-4569-BO Found In: 8.1.300.03 Fixed In:  

For interactions that last more than one hour and that cross two hour intervals (thus appearing within three hours), incorrect counters can appear in interval-based reports after you drill up from HOUR to DAY level in reports. These interactions are counted in each hour interval into which they cross and are double-counted based on the sum of AG2_I_AGENT_HOUR values for DAY aggregate level. Interval-based reports do not support drill up from HOUR to DAY dimension.

ID: GII-4544 Found In: 8.1.300.03 Fixed In:  

When you select Date from a Calendar, BI 4.1 can sometimes return the previous day’s date. If this happens, you can correct the problem by setting the time zone to UTC. For more information, see the Genesys Interactive Insights User’s Guide.

ID: GII-4387-BO Found In: 8.1.300.03 Fixed In:  

If you apply Asian-language Language Packs, you might see truncated strings in cells, even if the wrap property is enabled for cells. This occurs because Business Objects reports use the Arial font by default; however the Business Objects engine is unable to control spacing for Asian characters if the Arial font is used. SAP, the maker of Business Objects, recommends that you resolve this problem by replacing Arial with a font that correctly wraps the text, such as MS Gothic.


To switch the Business Objects (BO) server to use, for example, MS Gothic font, replace the Arial font definition using the following steps:

  1. Browse to the folder where BO servers is installed, for example:
    • <BI Install Dir>\Business Objects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\win32_x86\fonts
    • <BI Install Dir>\Business Objects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\win64_x64\fonts
  2. Open the file fontalias.xml, and edit the Arial font definition to match the following:
    <FONT NAME="Arial">
    <FONTATTRIBUTE BOLD="false" ITALIC="false" LOGICAL="Arial" PHYSICAL="arial.ttf;Arial.ttf"/>
    <FONTATTRIBUTE BOLD="true" ITALIC="false" LOGICAL="Arial Bold" PHYSICAL="arialbd.ttf;arialb.ttf;Arial-Bold.ttf"/>
    <FONTATTRIBUTE BOLD="false" ITALIC="true" LOGICAL="Arial Italic" PHYSICAL="ariali.ttf;Arial-Italic.ttf"/>
    <FONTATTRIBUTE BOLD="true" ITALIC="true" LOGICAL="Arial Bold Italic" PHYSICAL="arialbi.ttf;arialz.ttf;Arial-BoldItalic.ttf"/>
    <FONTFAMILY PLATFORM="java" NAME="Arial, Helvetica, 'Courier New', 'Times New Roman'"/>
    <FONTFAMILY PLATFORM="html" NAME="Arial, Helvetica, 'Courier New', 'Times New Roman'"/>
    <FONT NAME="Arial">
    <FONTATTRIBUTE BOLD="false" ITALIC="false" LOGICAL="MS Gothic" PHYSICAL="msgothic.ttc,1;ARIALUNI.TTF;kochi-gothic-subst.ttf"/>
    <FONTFAMILY PLATFORM="java" NAME=" 'MS Gothic', 'Arial Unicode MS'"/>
    <FONTFAMILY PLATFORM="html" NAME=" 'MS Gothic', 'Arial Unicode MS'"/>

Note: Alternatively, you can continue to use Arial as the font on the BO server. In this case, you can change the font of each GI2 report to prevent strings from being truncated in the cells.

ID: GII-4298 Found In: Fixed In:  

In the BI LaunchPad, the My Favorites and Inbox elements of the My Documents tab are unavailable for Developer/Editor/Viewer/Basic users when GI2 is first deployed. This occurs because permissions for these objects are not saved in the LCMBIAR file and are thus lost after deployment. To work around this issue, set permissions from the Central Management Console (CMC) for both Inboxes and Personal Folders:

  1. On the Inboxes or Personal Folders tab, right click the user title, and in the context menu, select User Security.
  2. Ensure there is at least one principal listed: to add a principal, click Add Principal.
  3. For each principal listed, select the principal, and click Assign Security
  4. Assign the Access Level Full Control, and click Apply to save your changes.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 for each GI2 user, on both the Inboxes and Personal Folders tabs.
ID: GII-3333-BO Found In: 8.1.300.03 Fixed In:  

If you have enabled the Automatic Refresh option to resolve issues (such as ER #197659540) where #ToRefresh appeared in reports instead of the expected data, some reports may be invalidated. Running these reports returns an error indicating that an incorrect date format is used. To work around this issue, rebuild the queries for the affected reports, as follows:

  1. Select an affected report, and on the Data Access Tab, click Edit.
  2. Click View Query Script.
  3. In the Query Script Viewer dialog, select Use custom query script -> Use the query script generated by your query.
  4. A Warning dialog box appears (Do you want to restore your script generated by your Query?). Click Yes. In the Query Script Viewer dialog, click Close.
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 for each query in the report.
  6. Click Run Queries, and select Run all Queries.
  7. If data appears in a report, purge the data.
  8. Save each report.
ID: GII-3331-BO Found In: 8.1.300.03 Fixed In:  

Due to a Genesys Info Mart design limitation, Agent Group reports might include metrics for the No Group group that include DNs that are not part of any group.

ID: ER# 318840785 Found In: Fixed In:  

Should you experience performance issues with the Details reports (Interaction Flow Report, Interaction Handling Attempt Report, Transfer Detail Report) where the GI2 universe ANSI92 parameter has been set to Yes, then to improve performance, you should do the following:

  1. Make a copy of the GI2_Universe and name it appropriately; for example, GI2_Universe_NOANSI92.
  2. In the copied universe, set the value of the ANSI92 parameter to No.
  3. Export your modification to the BusinessObjects repository.
  4. In Web Intelligence, update the slow-performing detail report by editing the query to point to the copied universe.
ID: ER# 311140451; Found In: Fixed In:  

Access from one report to the next might not function as expected within the same Mozilla Firefox browser window for the Handling Attempt, Agent Details, and Transfer Detail reports. As the workaround, you can derive the values for one report from another by opening the hyperlinks in a new browser window or tab (by right-clicking the hyperlink and selecting the appropriate menu item).

ID: ER# 297079261 Found In: Fixed In:  

In some callflow scenarios involving the customer leaving the call during a transfer or conference initiation, due to a Genesys Info Mart limitation (noted in ER#s 287617711, 286023177, and 286022901), the following measures might not reflect the full duration of the consultations:

  • All consult measures in GI2 Universe that are based on CONSULT_* columns in the aggregates
  • All warm consult measures that are based on *_WARM_* columns in the aggregates
  • All conference-initiated measures that are based on CONFERENCE_INITIATED_* columns in the aggregates.
ID: ER# 299444482 Found In: Fixed In:  

Due to a limitation with BI 4.1 software, you cannot perform drill operations on the Interaction Volume Service Type Trend Report. Any drill attempt will generate the following error: An internal error occurred while calling "executeDrillAction" API. (Error: ERR_WIS_30270"). Once you click OK to clear the message, another appears: Invalid session. To resume interactivity with this report you must either close and re-open it or close and re-open your browser.

ID: ER# 278188221, GII-4570 Found In: Fixed In:  

The GI2 reports will count an invitation for collaboration that an agent declines as Consult Received Accepted when the agent uses Genesys Agent Desktop (or a custom desktop using the same SDK) to decline the invitation. Refer to ER 247946331 in the Genesys Info Mart 8.0 Release Notes for additional information.

ID: ER# 250850268 Found In: Fixed In:  

The BO server cannot correctly process the complex query generated by the Interaction Volume Summary Report when you drill for results. Drilled results that are returned might contain unexpected or missed data.

ID: ER# 251979921 Found In: Fixed In:  

All of the GI2 reports reference the DATE_TIME Info Mart table to identify the date and time keys that should be used to query data. If this table is not populated or if report users request data for dates that extend beyond the date/time keys stored in this table, the reports will return No Data. Refer to the Genesys Info Mart 8.x Deployment Guide for information about how to populate this table.

ID: ER# 254094061 Found In: Fixed In:  

In the agent and queue reports, drilling up for agent group (or queue group) results, back down again, and then removing the report's drill filter might yield doubled results for those agents (or queues) that belong to two or more agent (or queue) groups where the contact center activity performed by the groups overlap. To avoid this problem, use either of the following two workarounds:

  • Use the Agent(Queue) Group prompt for the report. This restricts the data in the report to one group only.
  • On each of the other tabs, apply the same Simple Report that is applied on the tab where you drilled down.
ID: ER# 256339463, GII-4437 Found In: Fixed In:  

If an agent's current state is in progress when agent-state data is extracted and transformed within Info Mart, then the aggregation of this data will round the agent's state duration up to the nearest aggregation interval, which is 30 minutes, by default. After the state ends and after the subsequent GIM extraction and transformation, the aggregation of this data will be updated to reflect the actual duration. In other words, durations of current agent states are always rounded up to 30 minutes until these states end and are transformed.

ID: ER# 256527670 Found In: Fixed In:  

If you try to parse some universe objects or perform a check of the GI2 Universe in Designer, you might encounter one or more of the following messages:

Parse failed: Invalid Definition (UNV0023)
Parse failed: Exception:DBD (DBMS-dependent message)

You can ignore these messages—for the following objects—because the GI2 reports that employ these objects function properly.


Flow\Interaction ID
Flow\Start Timestamp
Flow\End Timestamp
Flow\Customer ID
Flow\Agent\Queue Order
Flow\Segment ID
Service Objects\Pre-Set Day Filter
Service Objects\Pre-Set Date Filter


Queue\PreSetAndDateRange Abn
Queue\PreSetAndDateRange Ans
Service Objects\Agent (single)
Handling Attempt\Customer ID
Handling Attempt\PreSetAndDayAndTimeRange
Ixn State\Ixn State PreSetAndDayAndTimeRange
State\Agent State PreSetAndDate
Session\Session PreSetAndDate
PreSetAndDateRange<FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> (in all classes)</FONT>
PreSetAndDate<FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> (in all classes)</FONT>


All measures (such as Agent\Activity\Influence Score) whose reference metric ID begins with the @ sign (@A_INFLUENCE) also generate this error message upon parsing. (In Designer, the metric ID is found on the Source Information tab of the measure's properties.)

ID: ER# 258784277 Found In: Fixed In:  

Exercise caution when selecting prompt values for the Detail reports especially if your Info Mart is a sizeable one storing a lot of unpurged detail (fact) data. The default prompt values supplied when opening such reports are for demonstration purposes and the reports query fields many of which are not indexed. The lengthy, full-table scans that result when the range of values specified in the prompts is wide might not complete before Web Intelligence times out. Performance of the detail reports improves significantly when you narrow the selection of values at all prompts.

ID: ER# 259604661 Found In: Fixed In:  

In multi-tenant configurations where one tenant's schema shows data only for that particular tenant, the Detail GI2 reports will not report Interaction activity that crosses the tenant barrier. This is by design.

ID: ER# 260050606 Found In: Fixed In:  

GI2 might report a successful installation even if warning or error messages are present. To confirm whether or not an installation was successful, Genesys recommends that you check deploy_unv_rep.log for error.

ID: ER# 262019661 Found In: Fixed In:  

When running GI2 against an Info Mart on the DB2 RDBMS, report results might yield data that is rounded incorrectly for those measures that were defined using the DB delegated function. If the formula for such measures yields fractions (such as averages and percentages), the resultant values will be rounded down only to the tenths place—for example, 0.2 instead of 0.23. To obtain a higher degree of precision, update the measure's definition in Designer to use 1.0000 wherever 1.0 is used. In the modified formula, specify as many zeros as the degree of precision that you are trying to achieve.

ID: ER# 229971505-BO Found In: Fixed In:  

The BO server might stop or hang indefinitely during the following Web Intelligence operations:

  • Drilling on graphs that employ smart (DB-delegated) measures.
  • Drilling on tables that employ smart measures and where table contents are ranked.

These operations are most commonly performed on the Summary tab of GI2 reports.

ID: ER# 233433961‑BO Found In: Fixed In:  

During the UNIX installation of BI 4.1, you might encounter an error regarding the UTF-8 locale setting. If this parameter is set incorrectly, installation will cease. To correct this, issue one of the following commands prior to installation:

export LANG=en_US.utf8
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8

The command you select depends on your UNIX platform.

ID: ER# 220315067‑BO Found In: Fixed In:  

In Report Info, the values for prompts that allow multiple selections display values in the order you selected them rather than alphabetically.

ID: ER# 185568701‑BO Found In: Fixed In: 

Take care when interpreting report results that show data which has been drilled up from its original aggregation level. The layout of each report defines section breaks which are appropriate only to the original aggregation level designed for the report. For example, the Agent Interval Based Report has been designed with a section break on Agent Name. The Call Volume Service Type Report (the name of the report in the 7.6.x releases) has been designed with a section break on Service Type Name. (In 8.0, the name of this report was changed to Interaction Volume Service Type.)

The composition of these section breaks is not dynamic in light of drilling operations that are performed on the report. Drilling up to Agent Group in the Agent Interval Based report, for example, does not redefine the section break to occur on agent groups. As such, reports for drilled aggregation levels display results that might appear unbecomingly sectioned.

As a workaround, you can customize a report to provide results that are appropriately sectioned for the desired aggregation level.

ID: ER# 195952061‑BO Found In: Fixed In:  

You may encounter the following error when handling a large report or when a large number of users are running reports in parallel: Unexpected behavior: Java heap space

ID: ER# 199008223 Found In: Fixed In:  

At times, report values might not fit in the cell space provided by the GI2 reports. Instead of the expected data, Web Intelligence displays ##### to clearly denote the problem. This occurs under the following circumstances:

  • The length of the data for some of the measures shown in report is larger than the provided width of the column. This might especially be the case for total and subtotal measures.
  • Some measures, such as "smart" measures, require a report to be refreshed upon drill. For cells that contain these measures, Web Intelligence, by design, displays #TOREFRESH instead of the cell's value. For cells that are too narrow to display the #TOREFRESH message in its entirety, Web Intelligence instead displays #####. .

The workaround to make all report values visible is to expand the width of the affected columns to accommodate the data for all of the cells within those columns. As a result of this operation, you might also need to expand the width of the report page to accommodate all of its columns.

To prevent delegated measures from returning #TOREFRESH values in some reports when aggregation values are not available at the time a query is run, you can enable the Automatic Refresh option either on the server, or on a per-document basis. The Automatic Refresh option can invalidate some reports, as described in GII-3331, and requires that you enable Keep Last Values as follows:

  1. Open the Information Design Tool and enable the option Keep Last Value for the following date/time related parameters in the GI2 Universe: Pre-set Day Filter, Pre-set Date Filter, Start Date, End Date, Report Date.
  2. Restart the BI 4.1 server.
ID: ER#s 197659540‑BO, 195952606‑BO, GII-4391 Found In: Fixed In:  

Internationalization Issues

Information in this section is included for international customers. Release numbers in the Found In and Fixed In fields refer to the English (US) release of Genesys Interactive Insights unless otherwise noted in the issue description.

In deployments where GI2 release is installed with release Language Packs, some text in the reports is not translated.

ID: GII-6501 Found In: Fixed In:  

In deployments where GI2 release is installed with release Language Packs, hyperlinks to other reports fail when clicked, and an error is displayed, similar to the following:
While trying to invoke the method ...a null object loaded from a local variable at slot 11.

ID: GII-6500 Found In: Fixed In:  

In deployments where GI2 release is installed with release Language Packs, some prompts on some reports, are not translated. To work around this issue:

  1. Log in with an account that has the necessary permissions to edit reports.
  1. Run the report.
  2. Verify that the prompts are now translated,
  3. Save the report.

Subsequently, each time the report is run, the prompts will be translated.

ID: GII-6418 Found In: Fixed In:  

The GI2 8.5 Language Packs are not compatible with SAP BI 4.2.

ID: GII-6305 Found In: Fixed In:

If you apply Asian-language Language Packs, you might see truncated strings in cells, even if the wrap property is enabled for cells. This occurs because Business Objects reports use the Arial font by default; however the Business Objects engine is unable to control spacing for Asian characters if the Arial font is used. SAP, the maker of Business Objects, recommends that you resolve this problem by replacing Arial with a font that correctly wraps the text, such as MS Gothic.


To switch the Business Objects (BO) server to use, for example, MS Gothic font, replace the Arial font definition using the following steps:

  1. Browse to the folder where BO servers is installed, for example:
    • <BI Install Dir>\Business Objects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\win32_x86\fonts
    • <BI Install Dir>\Business Objects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\win64_x64\fonts
  2. Open the file fontalias.xml, and edit the Arial font definition to match the following:
    <FONT NAME="Arial">
    <FONTATTRIBUTE BOLD="false" ITALIC="false" LOGICAL="Arial" PHYSICAL="arial.ttf;Arial.ttf"/>
    <FONTATTRIBUTE BOLD="true" ITALIC="false" LOGICAL="Arial Bold" PHYSICAL="arialbd.ttf;arialb.ttf;Arial-Bold.ttf"/>
    <FONTATTRIBUTE BOLD="false" ITALIC="true" LOGICAL="Arial Italic" PHYSICAL="ariali.ttf;Arial-Italic.ttf"/>
    <FONTATTRIBUTE BOLD="true" ITALIC="true" LOGICAL="Arial Bold Italic" PHYSICAL="arialbi.ttf;arialz.ttf;Arial-BoldItalic.ttf"/>
    <FONTFAMILY PLATFORM="java" NAME="Arial, Helvetica, 'Courier New', 'Times New Roman'"/>
    <FONTFAMILY PLATFORM="html" NAME="Arial, Helvetica, 'Courier New', 'Times New Roman'"/>
    <FONT NAME="Arial">
    <FONTATTRIBUTE BOLD="false" ITALIC="false" LOGICAL="MS Gothic" PHYSICAL="msgothic.ttc,1;ARIALUNI.TTF;kochi-gothic-subst.ttf"/>
    <FONTFAMILY PLATFORM="java" NAME=" 'MS Gothic', 'Arial Unicode MS'"/>
    <FONTFAMILY PLATFORM="html" NAME=" 'MS Gothic', 'Arial Unicode MS'"/>

Note: Alternatively, you can continue to use Arial as the font on the BO server. In this case, you can change the font of each GI2 report to prevent strings from being truncated in the cells.

ID: GII-4298 Found In: Fixed In:  

This page was last edited on September 17, 2019, at 17:02.
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