Working with Workforce Advisor
This page describes ways to view data in Workforce Advisor (WA) in addition to what is described in the Viewing Contact Center Data topic.
Selecting the Organizational Hierarchy
You can group information in the WA Contact Centers pane in the following ways:
- By reporting region, then by contact center, then by application group
- By reporting region, then by application group, then by contact center
- By geographic region, then by contact center, then by application group
- By geographic region, then by application group, then by contact center
- By operating unit, then by contact center, then by application group
- By operating unit, then by application group, then by contact center
- By reporting region, then by network contact centers (CCs)
- By geographic region, then by network contact centers (CCs)
- By operating unit, then by network contact centers (CCs)
- By application groups, then by network contact centers (CCs)
Each grouping presents different values because of the way in which the rollups are calculated.
Values on the Contact Centers Pane
Values are calculated on the cumulative average or sum for the current interval since the most recent even half-hour interval (for example, 09:00, 15:30, 22:00). This interval is from 0 to 30 minutes long. Point-in-time metrics also appear on the display.
Special Metric Values
When a metric calculation's denominator is zero or the data is not available, the dashboard displays N/A.
If a metric value cannot ever be supplied by the external data source, the dashboard displays a dash (-) in its place.
Contact Groups Included in the Rollups
The metric values on each level in the Contact Centers pane are calculated from the lower level values—contact groups or agent groups' real-time data, and grouped by the elements related to the given rollup level.
Some forecast values for contact groups are already supplied as percentages or averages calculated for a 30-minute interval. Forecast values in aggregations in the Contact Centers pane are then calculated as weighted values using another raw metric or its simple aggregation as a weight.
Summaries for Metric Values
Summaries for metric values are one of two types:
- Simple aggregations—SUM, MAX, MIN, COUNT of the lowest level raw values, grouped by the elements related to the rollup level.
- For example, the number of actual calls offered (Act NCO) on the Application Group level of the Geographic Region–Contact Center–Application Group view is the aggregation of calls offered (SUM(Calls Offered)) taken from all applications associated with the contact groups that are included in the rollup, grouped by geographic region, contact center, and application group and belonging to the given geographic region, contact center, and application group.
- The number of calls offered on the Enterprise level is calculated as (SUM(Calls Offered)) taken from all contact groups included in rollup contact groups.
- Calculated values—Values calculated using formulae based on simple aggregations of the values from elements with properties that match the given rollup level. For example, average handle time is the aggregation of handled time divided by the aggregation of calls handled. The average handle time (AHT) on the Application Group level of the Geographic Region–Contact Center–Application Group view is Handle Time/Calls Handled taken from the set of applications associated to contact groups that are included in the rollup which belong to the given geographic region, contact center and application group.
Displaying Contact Groups and Agent Groups
You can change the way in which the Contact Groups and Agent Groups are displayed in the following ways:
- Associated With a Contact Center
- Associated With an Application Group
- Associated With an Agent-Group Contact Center
Associated With a Contact Center
To display the contact groups and agent groups associated with a contact center, in the Contact Centers pane, select the contact center at level two or three.
The Contact Groups pane will display the contact groups associated with both the contact center and the object at level one. Associated agent groups appear in the Agent Groups pane.
If the selected contact center is at level three in a grouping, then the base objects are also filtered by the application group at level two.
Associated with an Application Group
To display the contact groups and agent groups associated with an application group, in the Contact Centers pane, select the application group at level two or three.
The Contact Groups pane will display the contact groups associated with both the application group and the object at level one. Associated agent groups appear in the Agent Groups pane.
If the selected application group is at level three in a grouping, then the base objects are also filtered by the contact center at level two.
Associated with an Agent-Group Contact Center
Agent-group contact centers appear only when you choose one of the final four groupings to show in the the Contact Centers pane.
The agent-group contact centers appear at level three in those groupings. Their related network contact centers appear at level two. The first level, a region or application group, is the filter that also applies to the related base objects in the other two panes.
In these final four groupings, when you select a network contact center at level two, the other panes show all the base objects related to it and to the object at level one. But when you select an agent-group contact center at level three, the other panes show only the base objects associated with the agent-group contact center.
Dashboard Timestamp
The dashboard toolbar includes a Last Updated timestamp. The timestamp has been assigned by the WA server to the metrics currently displayed in the dashboard. The timestamp indicates the time at which the WA server finished calculating the metrics.