Viewing Contact Center Data
The Contact Centers pane (or the hierarchy) enables you to monitor operations from a high level. You can expand the hierarchy to the lowest level to carry out root cause analysis, based on the violations highlighted in the tables or the alerts in the Alerts pane. The ways in which you can view data in the Contact Centers pane differs, depending on whether you are in CCAdv or the WA.
There are also many common ways to change or customize all views. These are described in the sections below.
In Contact Center Advisor, you can view data in the Contact Centers pane, Applications pane, and Agent Groups pane.
In Workforce Advisor, you can view data in the Contact Centers pane, Contact Groups pane, and Agent Groups pane.
Highlighting the Relationships Between Base Objects
In Contact Center Advisor, highlight the relationship between applications and agent groups:
- To highlight the agent groups, select an application in the Applications pane.
- To highlight the associated applications, select an agent group in the Agent Groups pane.
CCAdv refreshes the relationships on startup and then once a day, overnight. Therefore, if the highlighting does not work as you expect, you may need to wait until the next day for this to happen.
In Workforce Advisor, highlight the relationship between contact groups and agent groups:
- To highlight the agent groups, select a contact group in the Contact Groups pane.
- To highlight the contact groups, select an agent group in the Agent Groups pane.
Finding Data in the Dashboard Panes
Common ways in which to find additional information in the dashboard panes, or to better view displayed data, are the following:
- Expanding the regions in the Contact Centers pane—Select the arrow icon (
). The selected row remains highlighted until you select another row that changes the information in the Applications pane in CCAdv or in the Contact Groups pane in WA.
- Displaying the technical name for an application, contact group, or agent group—If provided, the descriptive name displays in the pane. To display the technical name, put your cursor over the descriptive name.
- Sorting a column in ascending or descending order in the Applications, Contact Groups, or Agent Groups pane—Click the header of the respective column.
- Changing the width of a metric column—Click a vertical line between two metrics, then drag left or right.
- Displaying a metric description in a tooltip—Place the mouse pointer over a metric column header.
Checking the Health of the Dashboard
A data source status indicator () displays on the toolbar, only in Contact Center Advisor. The indicator changes from green to red (
) if an external data source has not updated within a configured time frame. When it is red, if you put your cursor over it, it will show you the name of the external data source that has not updated. Designated individuals are typically notified by email when a violation is triggered. An administrator in your Contact Center configures the distribution list for this type of email notification, if it is required.
In addition to the data source status indicator, a data connection status indicator () displays on the toolbar in both Contact Center Advisor and Workforce Advisor. This indicator changes to red (
) when the dashboard cannot detect any data to display.
Pausing Dashboard Updates
You can pause the dashboard if you want to temporarily halt the automatic data updates. For example, you might want to analyze data in detail, or discuss some aspect of the information currently in your dashboard with a colleague. To pause the data flow to your dashboard, click the Pause button () on the toolbar. The button changes to a Play button
. Pausing the data flow causes the data connection status indicator to change to yellow (
); this is normal behavior.
To resume data updates using the toolbar buttons, click Play. The button changes back to the Pause button, the data connection status indicator changes to green (), and the real-time updates resume.
Resizing the Panes
You can manually resize the height and width of each pane on your dashboard. Move your cursor over the space between two panes until you see the split bar symbol ( or
), and then click and drag.
To quickly hide a pane in order to enlarge another, use the collapse/expand arrows ( or
) that are available between panes.
Open and Close Times
The open and close times of contact centers represent the official time for active data analysis. During non-operational hours, summaries that draw data from base objects related to the contact centers (such as regional or application summaries) are calculated without that information.
In addition to actual open and close times for a contact center, there are other factors that can cause a contact center to not appear on the dashboard:
- The effective date for the contact center is at some future time (that is, the contact center is not open for business yet).
- The expiration date for the contact center has passed (that is, the contact center is not open anymore).
- The contact center has been made inactive by the administrator, in which case Contact Center Advisor treats it as if it were always non-operational.
Understanding the Threshold Violations
Thresholds define the critical, warning, and acceptable conditions for each metric for all of its time profiles. You, or another administrator or supervisor in your contact center, can specify an acceptable value or range of values for each metric. Highlighting in table cells on the Contact Centers and Applications (CCAdv) or Contact Groups (WA) panes indicates that a threshold violation has occurred.
The color of a threshold violation is meaningful:
- The yellow-colored violation is a warning that an object's activity, tracked by the metric that is displaying the alert, does not quite meet expectations.
- The red-colored violation is a critical violation. You should try to correct the activity associated with this violation as soon as possible.
The color of the alert violation that displays in the Contact Centers pane is dependent on the color of the violation in the Applications or Contact Groups pane:
- If all of the threshold violations for a metric in the Applications or Contact Groups pane are yellow, then the threshold violation color for the metric for the affected contact center in the Contact Centers pane is also yellow.
- If only one violation for a metric in the Applications or Contact Groups pane is red, then the violation color for the metric for the affected contact center in the Contact Centers pane is red. The highest severity violation determines the color of the alert in the Contact Centers pane.
A red violation in the Contact Centers pane might appear misleading if most of the threshold violations on the Applications pane are yellow, but the color is displayed to call attention to the violations for the application and application group.
Threshold violations display as either an outlined table cell or as a solid-colored table cell:
- An outlined table cell displays at the aggregation level and indicates that there is at least one threshold violation somewhere within the aggregation group. (Advisors dashboards do not capture group performance metrics; rather, they indicate group performance by aggregating the metric values of measurable objects at lower levels of the hierarchy, such as applications.) If you see an outlined table cell in the Contact Centers pane, then drill down to the application or contact group level to find the actual violation.
- A solid-colored table cell indicates that the object associated with the violation is the object that violated the threshold settings and triggered the alert. For example, a specific application or contact group might have caused a warning violation.
Zero Suppression
There might be times when you do not see an object on your dashboard that you had viewed previously. This could be due to a change in your security permissions, or it might be because the dashboard is configured to hide objects for which there is currently no activity.
An administrator can configure Contact Center Advisor and Workforce Advisor to use a feature called zero suppression. When the zero suppression feature is in effect, objects for which there is no activity do not display on the dashboards. This keeps dashboards clear of unnecessary data.
The following objects can be zero-suppressed:
- applications (CCAdv)
- application groups (CCAdv and WA)
- agent groups (CCAdv and WA)
- regions (CCAdv and WA)
Contact groups cannot be zero suppressed.
For more information about the rules that govern zero suppression of specific objects, see Zero Suppression in the Genesys Contact Center Advisor and Workforce Advisor Administrator User's Guide.