Section: settings
Default Value: 180
Valid Values: Any integer from 1 to 1,440 (24 hours)
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies the handling timeout (in minutes) for any interaction that an agent handles. If no requests
are received from the agent who handles the interaction during this time
interval, the agent application is considered inactive and the interaction is
revoked and returned to the queue. This option applies to requests between the
desktop application and Interaction Server only. Value changes do not affect interactions
that are already being handled.
The same option might be specified in interaction user data or media type options.
The first found option is taken into consideration with the following check order:
1. The value of the “handling-timeout” key in user data of an interaction.
2. The media type option “settings/ handling-timeout”.
3. This “handling-timeout” IXN Server option.
Section: settings
Default Value: none
Valid Values: none, simple
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Allows ("simple") or prohibits ("none") Chat Server's processing of requests for session
restoration (when Chat Server is working in high availability mode).
Section: settings
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
If this option is set to true, Chat Server creates and updates records in the
Universal Contact Server database for each session that is created. If set to false, Chat
Server does not interact with Universal Contact Server.
Section: settings
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: 0, 1, 2
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
If this option is set to 1 (recommended for HA) or 2, Chat Server sends the updated
chat session transcript to Universal Contact Server after each submitted message.
If set to 0, no UCS records are updated until the chat session ends.
For the value 2, Chat Server also sends a special TRANSCRIPT_SAVE_DONE
notification for basic clients (which can be used in custom agent desktops only).
Section: settings
Default Value: never
Valid Values: always, never, noagents, noanswer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Modified: 8.5.301.06
Specifies how Chat Server handles chat interactions (in Interaction Server) when the chat session is finished. Possible values:
- always: interactions are always stopped when the chat session is finished (not recommended value).
- never: interactions are never stopped by Chat Server (recommended value).
- noagents: interactions are stopped only if there are currently no agents or supervisors in the session (use value wisely).
- noanswer: interactions are stopped only if no agents ever joined the session - in other words, the session was never answered (use value wisely).
Note: When the chat session is closing, it ignores the presence of bot participants when evaluating this option (in other words, bot participants are not considered "agents"). The legacy "true" and "false" values are also supported and converted to new values as following:
- "false" is interpreted as "never"
- "true" is interpreted as "noanswer"
By default, Chat Server does not stop any interaction after the chat session is finished. Instead, Chat Server updates the IsOnline interaction property to false and attaches reporting statistics. If your deployment includes Genesys Info Mart reporting, Genesys recommends that you set the value of this option to "noanswer", to enable accurate reporting of abandoned chats. In all other deployments, Genesys recommends that you set the value of this option to "never", and have the agent desktop and/or a workflow stop the interaction. Values other than "never" must be used cautiously, as stopping the interaction from Chat Server may lead to conflicts with updates from the agent desktop.
Section: channel-*any name*
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any valid string
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Specifies the media subtype that is assigned to interactions that are submitted to Interaction Server by Chat Server based on incoming messages.
Section: channel-*any name*
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: wechatsession
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Specifies the media type that is assigned to interactions that are submitted to Interaction Server by Chat Server based on incoming messages.
Section: channel-*any name*
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any valid string
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Specifies the key assigned to the WeChat account.
Section: channel-*any name*
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any valid string
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Specifies the unique ID assigned to the WeChat account.
Section: channel-*any name*
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any valid string
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Specifies an encryption key for the AES symmetric encryption algorithm that the WeChat Official Account System uses to encrypt messages to be pushed to a developer's backend system. Refer to the following website for information about how to register Digital Messaging Server: http://admin.wechat.com/wiki/index.php?title=Overview
Section: channel-*any name*
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any valid string
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Specifies an access token set by the customer on the WeChat Official Account Admin Platform. An access token is a globally unique token that each official account must obtain before calling APIs. For instructions on using and generating an access token to call APIs on the WeChat Official Account Admin Platform, see the Genesys Messaging Apps user documentation.
Section: channel-*any name*
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Allows the use of Universal Contact Server to save data. The option should be set to 'true'.
Section: channel-*any name*
Default Value: 180
Valid Values: Any integer greater than or equal to 10.
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Specifies the delay, in seconds, before the server starts the reconnection procedure for this media channel if the connection was lost.
Section: channel-*any name*
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Comma-separated list of endpoints
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Specifies the endpoints for inbound messages arriving from the media channel.
For example:
101:wechat_endpoint -- endpoint for 'regular' interactions, which are processed in 'paging' mode
101:wechat_endpoint, 101:chat_endpoint -- same as previous, plus additional end point that Chat Server uses to place interactions in 'chat session' mode
Section: channel-*any name*
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: com.genesyslab.mcr.smserver.channel.wechat.WeChatDriver
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Specifies the class name of the media driver for a specific media service.
Section: channel-*any name*
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: After restart
If set to 'true', an extended form of logging is set for the server. If set to 'false', a reduced form of logging is set for the server.
Deploying the WeChat Driver
- A computer with:
- Public IP/URL and port 80 (HTTP) accessible from the Internet (for inbound messages sent by WeChat).
- Port 443 (HTTPS) opened (for outbound messages sent to WeChat).
- JRE or JDK version 8 or above with "Unlimited Strength Java Cryptography Extension Policy" files installed (see http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jce8-download-2133166.html).
- Supported platforms are Windows Server 2012 (x64) and Linux 7 (x64).
- Genesys components:
- Chat Server version or later
- Workspace Desktop Edition or later
- A WeChat account of the Verified Service type. Some directions on doing this are available here.
Deploy Digital Messaging Server
Follow the installation procedure for Digital Messaging server.
Install the Channel Driver
Run the installation for Genesys Driver for Use with WeChat, selecting the desired Digital Messaging Server object.
Configuring the Channel
All options are documented in the Options Reference.
Driver Options
The Genesys Options Reference provides documentation of all options for Digital Messaging Server, including the options provided by the WeChat Driver.
Before setting options you must record some information associated with your WeChat account:
- Sign in to your WeChat account at https://mp.weixin.qq.com. See the following figure.
- The resulting page presents a QR code; scan it with a smartphone.
- On the resulting basic configuration page, make a note of the following:
- Application ID
- Application Secret
- Public IP/URL
- Access Token
- AES Key (Cryptography key)
Then set or review the following options:
- x-debug-mode—Required value: false
- driver-classname—Required value: com.genesyslab.mcr.smserver.channel.wechat.WeChatDriver
- inbound-route—Example: ,1:wechat_session
- reconnection-timeout—Required value: 60
- ucs-in-use—Required value: true
- x-acc-token—(Access Token value from your WeChat account)
- x-aes-key—(AES Key from your WeChat account)
- x-app-id—(Application ID value from your WeChat account)
- x-app-secret—(Application Secret value from your WeChat account)
- x-media-type-chat—Required value: wechatsession
- x-media-subtype-chat—No value
Chat Server
You must use a separate Chat Server for WeChat messages. Set the following Chat Server options:
- stop-abandoned-interaction = never
- transcript-auto-save = 1 or 2.
Ensure that the following Chat Server options are set to their default values:
- use-contact-server = true
- session-restoration-mode = none
Review the Interaction Server handling-timeout option. Genesys recommends that you set this to a higher level than its default setting of 180; to 600, for example. This helps the system handle scenarios in which the WeChat session goes offline and the agent cannot reply to the customer.
There is a limit on the concurrent chat sessions Chat Server can support at a time. It depends on the hardware and chat session scenario, but as a rule of thumb you can expect a maximum of 1,000 concurrent sessions on one Chat Server.
Other Configuration
- Create media types in the Configuration Server database:
- Type wechatsession
- Subtype wechat
- Configure role permissions.
Deploy WeChat Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition
- Configure Interaction Workspace. Note that to use role-based access control, you must use Genesys Administrator to configure Workspace Desktop Edition and the plugin.
- Install Interaction Workspace using the non-ClickOnce deployment procedure, also known as "installing the Interaction Workspace Application" (the WeChat plugin does not support ClickOnce deployment).
- Configure and install the plugin, being sure that your configuration procedure includes importing the template and metadata for the plugin (see Genesys Administrator 8.1 Help for information on importing metadata). This makes roles and other required items available.
- If you are using role-based access control,
- You must assign all Workitem privileges. The plugin does not support unassigned Workitem privileges.
- Assign InteractionWorkspace.WeChat.canUse privileges. This allows agents to load the WeChat plugin. If this permission is not set, the plugin will not load.
- Provide values for the configuration options that you added to your Interaction Workspace Application, as described in the next section.
Configuring the Plugin
Plugin Options
All options for the WeChat plugin are located in the [interaction-workspace] section. Options are documented in the WeChat Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition section of the eServices Options Reference.
Workspace Desktop Edition Options
Workspace Desktop Edition options are documented in the Configuration Options Reference section of the Workspace Desktop Edition Deployment Guide. The following settings are recommended:
- contact.directory-displayed-columns = LastName,FirstName,PhoneNumber,EmailAddress,_msg_ProfileNickname,_msg_ProfileUserId_WeChat
- contact.directory-search-attributes = LastName,FirstName,PhoneNumber,EmailAddress,_msg_ProfileNickname,_msg_ProfileUserId_WeChat
- contact.displayed-attributes = Title,FirstName,LastName,PhoneNumber,EmailAddress,_msg_ProfileNickname,_msg_ProfileUserId_WeChat
- display-format.case-name-format = $Contact._msg_ProfileNickname$|$Contact.FirstName$ $Contact.LastName$|$Interaction.MainParty$
- display-format.customer-name-format = $Contact._msg_ProfileNickname$|$Contact.FirstName$ $Contact.LastName$|$Party.DisplayName$
- interaction.window-title = ($Contact.FirstName$ $Contact.LastName$ $Interaction._msg_ProfileNickname$|$Interaction.MainParty$) - $Interaction.Type$ - $Window.Title$
- toast.window-title = ($Contact._msg_ProfileNickname$|$Contact.FirstName$ $Contact.LastName$|$Interaction.MainParty$) - $Window.Title$