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Configure the ACME Sample Web Application

This procedure is optional. There are two ways to generate tasks that will be processed by the ACME solution. One is to generate tasks through an ACME sample web site. The second is to generate tasks by using some xml files that are provided with the ACME sample. You need only follow this procedure if you wish to generate tasks using the ACME sample web site.
  1. Install a supported database server. The database scripts for the sample ACME Web site are provided for both MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server.
    Only scripts for the MySQL database are provided with the ACME sample that comes on the iWD Manager CD. However, the Web site from which you downloaded these instructions includes a script for Microsoft SQL Server, as well as some updated php files to use with your ACME web site, that support both MySQL as well as MS SQL Server.
  2. Create a new database for the ACME web application. Give it a meaningful name such as acme.
  3. Execute the SQL script against your new database, to create the data that is used by the sample ACME Web site.
    1. If you are using MySQL, use the create.sql script that is located in the …\acme\db\ subdirectory inside the iWD Manager directory created when you installed the iWD Manager installation package. By default this path will be:
      C:\Program Files\GCTI\iWD Manager\acme\db\
    2. If you are using Microsoft SQL Server, use the create_mssql.sql file from the Web site where you downloaded this document. This file can be found in the create_mssql.zip archive.
  4. Install Apache HTTP Server 2.2 You can find the software at http://httpd.apache.org/download.cgi
  5. Install PHP 5.2 (thread-safe version of the Windows installer). You can find the software at http://windows.php.net/download/archives/ Use the newest available version(php-5.2.17-Win32-VC6-x86.msi. Installation options you should select:
    • Web Server Setup—Select Apache 2.2.x Module Select as the Apache Configuration Directory (assuming you picked the default path when you installed Apache 2.2; otherwise, select the path to the \conf\ directory based on where you installed Apache 2.2:
    C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf\
    • In Choose Items to Install, select the following Extensions:
      • SOAP
      • MySQL (if you are using MySQL as the database for the ACME Web site)
      • MS SQL (if you are using Microsoft SQL Server as the database for the ACME Web site)
  6. Edit the Apache httpd.conf file located here (if you accepted the default installation directory when you installed Apache earlier):
    C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf\httpd.conf

    and add the following line to the end of the file:

    DirectoryIndex index.php

    Additionally, check that the values for PHPIniDir and LoadModule php5_module are correct, and update them if they are pointing to the incorrect location of these items.

  7. Edit the php.ini file located here (if you accepted the default installation directory when you installed PHP):
    C:\Program Files\PHP\php.ini

    and change:

    short_open_tag = On
  8. Copy the content of the …\acme\web\ subdirectory from the iWD Manager installation directory to:
    C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\acme

  9. Make a copy of dbInfo.template.php and rename the copy as dbInfo.php. Place this file into C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\acme, overwriting the version that is already there.
  10. Edit the renamed dbInfo.php and set the following properties. Save your changes when you are done:
    1. $DBENGINE to either mssql or mysql
    2. $USERNAME to the username of your acme database
    3. $PASSWORD to the password for your acme database
    4. $DATABASE to the name of your acme database
    5. $HOSTNAME to the hostname of your database server
    6. $WEB_SERVICE to the correct Web Service Capture Point URL. You need to provide correct hostname and port for your interaction server and the name of the Web Service Capture Point to be used.
    7. $SERVER_URL = to the correct URL for your ACME web site (e.g. http://localhost/acme/)
  11. Start (or restart, if it is already running) the Apache 2.2 service
  12. Open a Web browser and navigate to http://localhost/acme/ Verify that the web application works correctly. For example, select United Kingdom -> Contact Us -> Information Request Form. All the fields in the form should be pre-populated with values.
This page was last edited on August 25, 2014, at 11:52.
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