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Submit Tasks Through the ACME Sample XML Files

As an alternative to creating the ACME sample Web site, you can also create sample tasks in iWD by using some or all of the sample XML files that are included with the ACME sample.

Prior to submitting the tasks, make sure:

  • Your application server is started.
  • iWD services under the ACME Solution are deployed and running.
  • Genesys Configuration Server, Interaction Server, and Universal Routing Server are started.
  • The IWDBP business process is present in your configuration and all the routing strategies in IWDBP are activated.
The iWD Google site has two additional sample XML files that you can use, to supplement the three that are provided on the iWD Manager CD. These can be found in the extraACMESampleXMLFiles.zip archive on the Google site. Also note, there is one change you need to make to CatalogRequest.xml if you want to use it. Open the file, and change <RequestType> .. </RequestType> to <Request_Type> .. </Request_Type>. Resave the file.
  1. Be sure that your XML File Capture Point service has directories configured where you will place the sample XML files in order to be captured. The directories should actually exist on your file system; otherwise you should not have been able to deploy the XML File Capture Point successfully.
  2. When you are ready, copy one or more of the sample XML files into the directory that is configured under the incomingFileDirectory property of the capture point service.
  3. If you refresh the Windows Explorer after a few seconds, you should see these files disappear, which means they were picked up by iWD.
  4. If the files were captured by iWD, they will disappear from the incoming file directory after a few seconds, and a copy of each of the files will be written to the capturedFileDirectory directory.
  5. If there are problems with your files, a copy of the problematic file will be placed into the errorFileDirectory directory, along with a text file describing the problem. You can test this by modifying one of the sample files by removing the closing XML tag for one of the task attributes.
  6. If it's not already running, launch iWD Manager. Navigate to the Global Task List from the navigation menu. Select a node in the Global Task List navigation tree to see the tasks at that node. For example, you can select the ACME Solution node to see all the tasks at the Solution level. You can also select a particular Department or Process to see the tasks at that level of the business hierarchy. The navigation tree also has nodes for each capture point service you have running, so these tasks would appear under the XML File Capture Point node.
  7. At this point, if you have Genesys Agent Desktop, Interaction Workspace, or some other agent desktop configured, you can log in any agent who belongs to the IWD agent group, and accept a task in queue. Otherwise, you can manually cancel any task through the Global Task List. Otherwise, it will remain in Queued status indefinitely. Most of the tasks have business rules configured that include reprioritization. This means that if you wait long enough, you will see the Priority of that task increase.
  8. You can select a task in the Global Task List and review both the Attributes tab, which will show you all the attributes (key-value pairs) of the task, as well as the History tab, which will provide an audit trail of everything that has happened to the task since it was captured.
  9. You may want to review the business rules behind the ACME sample. See the section Description of the ACME business configuration below.
  10. You may also want to experiment with changing some of the attributes of the tasks in one or more of the sample XML files, and seeing how that affects what you see in the Global Task List.
This page was last edited on July 18, 2014, at 15:29.
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