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User Originated Immediate


This Callback scenario is an inbound voice service that goes through the following stages:

Start Callback

  • Callback service: Returns access information immediately to the mobile device.
  • Callback service: Waits for voice call to arrive.
  • Next: Mobile device is expected to dial the access number.

Dial Access Number

  • Inbound service: Locates the GMS service associated with the arrived voice call.
  • Inbound service: Delegates the call to be processed by the Callback service.
  • Callback service: Plays treatment until target is available.
  • Callback service: Reserves target to route call.
  • Callback service: Routes the call to the target.
  • Callback service terminates.

Configuration Options

The table below lists the key options applicable to this scenario.

Use the GMS Service Management UI to set the configuration options. On the Services > Configured Services tab, add a Callback service with User-Originated-Immediate as the Common Default Configuration (see Adding a Service). When you add this service and default configuration, many options are automatically populated with the appropriate default values. Some options, however, will require you to enter your own values. See the Comments column in the following table for these details.

Category Option Value Comment
General _call_direction USERORIGINATED These are the default values, which are automatically populated when using the pre-defined User-Originated-Immediate service. You must not change these values.
_media_type voice
_wait_for_agent false
_wait_for_user_confirm false
URS Queuing _target <string> You must enter a string value for this option. This option is the routing target that specifies the agent/queue resource that should process this request. Format the string according to the URS target specification. For example:
  • Billing@StatServer.GA routes to the Billing Agent Group
  • English=20&Loans=2@StatServer.?? routes to any agent matching the skill expression

See the Universal Routing Server (URS) documentation for additional information about URS targets.

_urs_server_url http://<urs primary hostname:port> You must enter the URL for your primary Universal Routing Server (URS).
_urs_virtual_queue <virtual queue to be used by strategy> You must enter the virtual queue to which the service request will be added.
_urs_prioritization_strategy WaitForTarget The default value shown here matches the name of the URS strategy that you imported into IRD. If you changed the name of the strategy, update this value to reflect the correct name.
_urs_strategy_update_sub_routine SetRouteDelay The default value shown here matches the name of the URS subroutine that you imported into IRD. If you changed the name of the subroutine, update this value to reflect the correct name.
Voice-User Originated _booking_expiration_timeout 30 All options in this category are applicable. You can use the default values, or you can set your own values.
_provide_code false
_resource_group DNIS
_userorig_connect_limit 3
Voice Treatment _treatment_find_agent_fail GMSApplications/<treatmentfile> Enter the value shown here if you are using Genesys Media Server. If you are using a different media server, enter the path where you have placed your voice treatment files.
_treatment_waiting_for_agent GMSApplications/<treatmentfile>

Sample Request and Response Sequence

Create inbound immediate service

Request URL:http://localhost:8080/genesys/1/service/callback/voice-userorig-immediate
Request Method:POST
Status Code:200 OK
Request Headersview source
Content-Type:multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundarypn9IDb0VLCgiULed
Cookie:JSESSIONID=142p9me7hc3ht635n8mkx3eit; BAYEUX_BROWSER=86721orubxagcqhw0hj14cpyaqk2
User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/27.0.1453.110 Safari/537.36
Request Payload
Response Headersview source
Date:Tue, 30 Jul 2013 06:37:45 GMT
Expires:Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT

Response Body:
    "_access_code": "n/a",
    "_access_number": "6504663204",
    "_action": "DialNumber",
    "_dialog_id": "0",
    "_expiration_time": "29",
    "_id": "369-37f2ab38-ec98-4316-a28d-dec01d622ae8",
    "_label": "Connecting ...",
    "_tel_url": "tel:6504663204"

Sequence Diagram

Click on the diagram to access full resolution.

Voice user orig.png

This page was last edited on April 7, 2020, at 08:49.
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