Genesys Integration Server Options
You must configure the following GIS Application object configuration options before starting GIS:
On the
Options tab, specify the location or address of the FlexLM license file, see Configuring the License Section of the Option Tab (for GIS:SOAP).
Further, the GIS Application object can be customized, with options available for the Session service, Statistics service, Core service, Open Media Interaction service, and Agent Interaction service, as described in the following sections:
ail-services Section
core-services Section
license Section
log Section
session-services Section
stat-services Section
ail-services Section
- Default Value: 100
- Valid Values: Integer values from 0 to 1000.
- Changes Take Effect: After restart.
- Description: Time, in milliseconds, to wait for the agent to complete the login action. If set to 0, do not wait at all.
- Default Value: 30
- Valid Values: Integer values.
- Changes Take Effect: After restart.
- Description: Time (in minutes) that the objects DN, Agent, and Place remain in the internal cache. If set to 0, the objects are not cached.
- Default Value: 30
- Valid Values: Integer values from 0 to 60.
- Changes Take Effect: After restart.
- Description: Maximum time (in minutes) to maintain an interaction in the status NEW, following a call to the createInteraction() method. If this time period expires, then the interaction is removed.
- Default Value: 60
- Valid Values: A valid integer.
- Description: Seconds to wait before a reconnection attempt. This option applies to all the AIL back-end connections after a GIS restart.
- Default Value: false
- Valid Values: true, false
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: If set to true, GIS will send to its clients the same UserEvent message that it sent to the T-Server.
- Default Value: 1
- Valid Values: A valid integer.
- Description: Number of reconnections to attempt in case of connection or disconnection. This option applies to all the AIL back-end connections after a GIS restart.
- Default Value: 30
- Valid Values: Any positive integer.
- Changes Take Effect: After restart.
- Description: Specifies the timeout value, in seconds, of requests sent to back-end servers. For example, loading cfg data.
core-services Section
- Default Value: true
- Valid Values: true, false
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: Enables the commons sender HTTP adapter, using SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) over HTTP 1.0. This is the default adapter.
- Default Value: true
- Valid Values: true, false
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: Enables HTTP 1.1 mode for the commons sender HTTP adapter.
- Default Value: 50
- Valid Values: Integer values from 1 to 50.
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: Sets the maximum of connections, per host, that the commons sender HTTP adapter uses.
- Default Value: 500
- Valid Values: Integer values from 5 to 500.
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: Sets the maximum of connections that the commons sender HTTP adapter uses.
- Default Value: false
- Valid Values: true, false
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description:
- If true, calls the notifyEvents() method on the subscriber in one-way mode.
- If false, calls this method in requestresponse mode. Applies only in push mode.
- Default Value: 3
- Valid Values: Integer values from 0 to 5.
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: Number of retries upon notification failure. If this threshold is exceeded, the subscriber is removed. Applies only in push mode.
- Default Value: true
- Valid Values: true, false
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: If true, calls the notifyEvents() method on each subscriber that has no events, to verify that the subscriber is still present.
The call is repeated at intervals specified by the events-subscriber-timetolive polling option’s value. If a call fails, the subscriber is removed. Applies only in push mode.
- Default Value: 100
- Valid Values: Integer values from 0 to 1000.
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description:
Period, in milliseconds, by which events are buffered before they are sent to subscribers (or subscribers retrieve them).
If this option is set to 0, the events are not buffered.
- Default Value: 200
- Valid Values: Integer values.
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: Maximum number of events buffered before they are sent to subscribers (or subscribers retrieve them). If this option is set to 0, events are sent immediately. If the buffer overflows, the oldest events are removed.
- Default Value: 5
- Valid Values: Integer values from 1 to 60 .
- Changes Take Effect: After restart.
- Description: Number of minutes to keep threads alive while they are waiting in the notification pool.
- Default Value: 100
- Valid Values: Integer values from 20 to 100.
- Changes Take Effect: After restart.
- Description: Maximum number of threads in the notification pool.
- Default Value: 10
- Valid Values: Integer values from 0 to 20.
- Changes Take Effect: After restart.
- Description: Minimum number of threads in the notification pool.
- Default Value: 10
- Valid Values: Integer values from 5 to 60.
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: Time limit, in minutes, within which the subscriber must call the getEvents() method. If there is no call to this method, the subscriber is removed. Applies in both push and polling modes.
- Default Value: 7
- Valid Values: Integer values from 1 to 10.
- Changes Take Effect: After restart.
- Description: Notification threads’ priority (where 1 represents minimum, 5 represents normal, and 10 represents maximum). Applies only in notification mode.
- Default Value: true
- Valid Values: true, false
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: Enables automatic recovery when a dead node is detected in the cluster. If false, the cluster will wait until the next client request before recovering. Applicable only to cluster based HA, in events-push mode.
- Default Value: false
- Valid Values: true, false
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
In GIS, cache lease time of objects is activated by default (30 minutes in the CME options tab). When working with multimedia, the cache lease time option automatically logs out the user (and removes any event subscription) on inactivity when the timeout is reached, even if the user session timeout has not expired.
To avoid an inappropriate logout in multimedia server(s), setting the session-cache-enabled option to true links the lease time to the user session. As long as the user session is alive, lease time will not be involved. If the user session is no longer found, the lease time is evaluated.
By setting session-cache-enabled to true, you also prevent subscribers in pull mode from being automatically removed by the events-subscriber-timetolive-polling timer option.
A negative lease time value never removes objects from cache. A null value forces GIS to refresh objects each time. Objects are not kept in cache and activates the logout mechanism described.
license Section
- Default Value: 1
- Valid Values: Any positive value.
- Description: Specifies the number of interaction corporate licenses for connections to FlexLM server. The valid value must not exceed the number of licenses that your company has purchased.
- Default Value: 0 (no specific first request)
- Valid Values: Any positive value.
- Description:
Specifies the number of interaction corporate licenses for the first request to FlexLM server. The valid value must not exceed the number of licenses that your company has purchased.
ImportantOverwrites gis_interactionservice-block-size option value for the first request.
- Default Value: 0 (no maximum)
- Valid Values: Any positive value.
- Description: Specifies the maximum number of interaction corporate licenses for connections to FlexLM server. The valid value must not exceed the number of licenses that your company has purchased.
- Default Value: 1
- Valid Values: Any positive value.
- Description: Specifies the number of statistic corporate licenses for connections to FlexLM server. The valid value must not exceed the number of licenses that your company has purchased.
- Default Value: 0 (no specific first request)
- Valid Values: Any positive value.
- Description: Specifies the number of statistic corporate licenses for the first request to FlexLM server. The valid value must not exceed the number of licenses that your company has purchased.
- Default Value: 0 (no maximum)
- Valid Values: Any positive value.
- Description: Specifies the maximum number of statistic corporate licenses for the requests to FlexLM server. The valid value must not exceed the number of licenses that your company has purchased.
- Default Value: 1
- Valid Values: Any positive value.
- Description: Specifies the maximum number of configuration service corporate licenses for connections to FlexLM server. The valid value must not exceed the number of licenses that your company has purchased.
- Default Value: 0 (no specific first request)
- Valid Values: Any positive value.
- Description: Specifies the maximum number of configuration service corporate licenses for connections to FlexLM server. The valid value must not exceed the number of licenses that your company has purchased.
- Default Value: 0 (no maximum)
- Valid Values: Any positive value.
- Description: Specifies the maximum number of configuration service corporate licenses for connections to FlexLM server. The valid value must not exceed the number of licenses that your company has purchased.
- Default Value: license.dat
- Valid Values: port@hostname1, port@hostname2
- Description: Addresses of FlexLM license servers.
log Section
- Default Value: network,../logs/all.log,stdout
- Valid Values: network, ../logs/all.log, all.log, stdout
- Description:
Sets output options for the all log level. The values are each optional, and can be combined:
network specifies that these logs will be output to MessageServer if GIS is connected to it.
../logs/all.log specifies an output file for this log level, for a GIS:SOAP connector.
stdout specifies that this log level will be output to a console if the console is available.
WarningIf you have deployed a GIS:SOAP connector as a Web Module, replace the default relative path to the log file (../logs/all.log) with a fully qualified path/file name, of the form: <logpath>/<logfilename>.log -
network specifies that these logs will be output to MessageServer if GIS is connected to it.
- Default Value: true
- Valid Values: true, false
- Changes Take Effect: immediately
- Description:
If set to true, enables operating system file buffering. (This option only applies to stderr and
stdout output.)
File buffering improves output performance, but can result in the loss of buffered logs in the case of a server crash.
- Default Value: [none]
- Valid Values: network, ../logs/all.log, all.log, stdout
- Description:
Sets output options for the debug log level. The values are each optional, and can be combined:
network specifies that these logs will be output to MessageServer if GIS is connected to it.
- ../logs/all.log specifies an output file for this log level, for a GIS:SOAP connector.
stdout specifies that this log level will be output to a console if the console is available.
WarningIf you have deployed a GIS:SOAP connector as a Web Module, replace the default relative path to the log file (../logs/all.log) with a fully qualified path/file name, of the form: <logpath>/<logfilename>.log -
network specifies that these logs will be output to MessageServer if GIS is connected to it.
- Default Value: false
Valid Values:
false: No expiration; all generated segments are stored.
- <number>, or <number> file: Sets the maximum number of log files to store. Specify a number from 1-100.
<number> day: Sets the maximum number of days before log files are deleted. Specify a number from 1-100.
false: No expiration; all generated segments are stored.
- Changes Take Effect: immediately.
- Description: Determines whether log files will be deleted, and if so, the deletion interval (set as a maximum number of log files or retention days).
- Default Value: [As specified by a particular application.]
- Valid Values: <string> .lms (message file name)
Changes Take Effect: Immediately, in the case when an application cannot find its
- .lms file at startup.
- Description:
Specifies the file name for application-specific log events. The name should be valid for the operating system on which the application is running. The option value can also contain the absolute path to the application-specific
- .lms
- .lms file at startup cannot generate application-specific log events or send them to Message Server.
- Default Value: false
- Valid Values:
false: No segmentation allowed.
- '<number>' or '<number>' KB: Sets maximum segment size, in kilobytes. (The minimum segment size is 100 KB.)
- <number> MB: Sets maximum segment size, in megabytes.
- <number> hr: Sets maximum segment size, in hours. (The minimum segment size is 1 hour.)
false: No segmentation allowed.
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: Specifies whether log file has a segmentation limit, and if so, the segment maximum (measured in size or elapsed time). If the current log segment exceeds the size set by this option, the current file is closed and a new one is created.
- Default Value: [none]
- Valid Values: network, ../logs/all.log, all.log, stdout
- Description:
Sets output options for the standard log level. The values are each optional, and can be combined:
network specifies that these logs will be output to MessageServer if GIS is connected to it.
../logs/all.log specifies an output file for this log level, for a GIS:SOAP connector.
stdout specifies that this log level will be output to a console if the console is available.
WarningIf you have deployed a GIS:SOAP connector as a Web Module, replace the default relative path to the log file (../logs/all.log) with a fully qualified path/file name, of the form: <logpath>/<logfilename>.log -
network specifies that these logs will be output to MessageServer if GIS is connected to it.
- Default Value: [none]
- Valid Values: network, ../logs/all.log, all.log, stdout
- Description:
Sets output options for the
trace log level. The values are each optional, and can be combined:
- network specifies that these logs will be output to MessageServer if GIS is connected to it.
- ../logs/all.log specifies an output file for this log level, for a GIS:SOAP connector.
- stdout specifies that this log level will be output to a console if the console is available.
WarningIf you have deployed a GIS:SOAP connector as a Web Module, replace the default relative path to the log file (../logs/all.log) with a fully qualified path/file name, of the form: <logpath>/<logfilename>.log
- Default Value: trace
- Valid Values: all, debug, standard, trace
- Description: Sets the target log’s level.
multimedia Section
- Default Value: false
- Valid Values:true, false
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
If true, the place is automatically logged out from the Interaction Server
when the last remaining media is logged out. If false, the agent can remain logged in the place with no media
from an Interaction Server point of view.
session-services Section
- Default Value: 3600
- Valid Values: 0 to 2,147,483,647
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
This sets a timeout, in seconds, for incoming
POST HTTP requests. After expiration, the agent is logged out. A value of
0 (zero) disables the timeout; a value cannot be negative.
stat-services Section
- Default Value: 30 seconds
- Valid Values: 3 seconds or greater
- Description: This parameter specifies how long the client must wait between retrieveSubscribedStatistic requests.
- Default Value: true
- Valid Values: true or false
- Description: This option establishes whether GIS uses error checking during statistics subscriptions. To disable error checking, set this value to false.
scopeStatEvents (optional)
- Default Value: 15
- Valid Values:
- Description: Use this option to set the maximum number of statistic events that a client application can retrieve for one statistic.