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E-Mail Interactions

The e-mail interaction service is defined by the IInteractionMailService interface of the com.genesyslab.ail.ws.interaction.mail namespace. To integrate this service, your application deals with classes and enumerations of this namespace, and also with the classes and interface of the com.genesyslab.ail.ws.interaction namespace.


The e-mail interaction service performs actions on e-mail interactions and enables your application to benefit from collaboration features. E-mail interactions are specific objects representing e-mails—that is, interactions using the MediaType.EMAIL media.
The following subsections provide overviews of e-mail handling and collaboration handling, and identify the services upon which the e-mail service depends.

Common E-Mail Features

The e-mail service is designed to allow your application to provide standard e-mail handling features, such as:

  • Creating an e-mail.
  • Sending an e-mail.
  • Replying to an e-mail.
  • Transferring an e-mail.

Collaboration Features

The collaboration features allow your agent desktop application to send invitations to other agents, requesting their assistance.
For example, the agent using your desktop application might be writing an outgoing e-mail replying to a customer’s questions. But, this agent needs more information to answer a specific point, and therefore, requires collaboration with other agents.
The agent sends invitations to a set of other agents who might be able to provide assistance. Those invitations contain the agent’s question and the problem e-mail. These agents receive invitations; if they have information to help, they reply to the invitation. The e-mail service collects the replies so that the initiating agent can complete the e-mail and send it.
The e-mail interaction service provides the following collaboration features:

  • For the agent initiating the collaboration:
    • Creating and sending invitations.
    • Recalling, or reminding other agents about, invitations.
    • Reading collaborative answers.
  • For the agent receiving an invitation:
    • Accepting, declining, replying to an invitation.
    • Sending a collaborative reply.
    • Saving, closing, or deleting a collaborative reply.

E-Mail Service Dependencies

The e-mail interaction service only deals with actions on e-mail interactions. When integrating this service, your application has to take into account the events that can occur due to this service. The e-mail interaction service depends on the following other services:

  • The event service, to subscribe to and receive events.
  • The agent service:
    • To deal with e-mail interactions, your application must log an agent into an EMAIL media type with the agent service.
    • While the agent is logged into an EMAIL media type, your application can use the IInteractionMailService to perform actions on e-mail interactions.
See The Agent Service.
  • The interaction service:
    • To access to IInteractionMailService attributes, your application uses the IInteractionService DTO methods.
    • Event attributes of theinteraction.mail

domain are published in InteractionEvent defined in the IInteractionService interface.

See also The Interaction Service.

E-Mail Essentials

The IInteractionMailService requests a single action on a single e-mail interaction at a time. Your application receives InteractionEvents when events occur on e-mail interactions.

E-Mail Attributes

The IInteractionMailService has no methods to read attributes. Your application must call one of the IInteractionService.getInteractionDTO*() methods. See also Handling Interaction DTOs.

Common Interaction Attributes

For each e-mail interaction, the attributes of the IInteractionService interface are also available. Your application should often use the following attributes:

  • interaction:interactionId—The system interaction identifier, required in calls to the methods of the e-mail interaction service.
  • interaction:status—The interaction status, defined with the InteractionStatus enumeration.
  • interaction:eventReason—The InteractionEventReason value published when an InteractionEvent event occurs for a voice interaction.

Common E-Mail Attributes

Attributes common to all types of e-mail interactions are defined in the IInteractonMailService interface, and belong to interaction.mail domain. The following list is representative (but not exhaustive):

  • interaction.mail:toAddress is a string containing the e-mail address field for the e-mail’s receiver.
  • interaction.mail:fromAddress is a string containing the sender’s e-mail address field.
  • interaction.mail:messageText is a string containing the text of the e-mail.
  • interaction.mail:ccAddresses is a string containing the e-mail addresses that are to receive a copy of the e-mail.

The subject of an e-mail is defined in the interaction:subject attribute of the IInteractionService interface.

Other E-Mail Attributes

The IInteractionMailService interface includes two additional subdomains dedicated to common e-mail interactions:

  • interaction.mail.in—Subdomain dedicated to incoming e-mails.
  • interaction.mail.out—Subdomain dedicated to outgoing e-mails.

These attributes are available according to the type of the e-mail interaction being processed. Those types are detailed in the E-Mail Types subsection below.
See the Agent Interaction SDK 7.6 Services API Reference for further details about the attributes of the interaction.mail domain and its subdomains.

E-Mail Types

Your application accesses types for e-mail interactions by reading the interaction:interactionType attribute of the IInteractionService interface.
The types of interactions handled by the e-mail service can be divided into two categories:

  • EMAIL_* for common e-mails interactions.
  • COLLABORATION_* for collaborative interactions.

The following table presents the types of common e-mail interactions that the e-mail service handles.

Interaction Types for the E-Mail Service




Incoming E-mails


Interactions for e-mails received by the agent

Outgoing E-mails


Interactions for e-mails sent by the agent

Outgoing Reply E-mails


Interactions for e-mail replying to incoming e-mails

The e-mail interaction types are detailed in the following subsections. See Collaboration Interaction Types for further information about collaboration interactions.

Incoming E-Mails

The e-mail interaction type corresponding to incoming e-mails is InteractionType.EMAIL_IN. It represents e-mails received by an agent. For this type of e-mail interaction, common e-mail attributes—interaction.mail:* such as message, subjects, and addresses—are already filled.

The interaction.mail.in:currentReplyMailoutId attribute is specific to incoming e-mails, and is filled with an e-mail interaction identifier if there exists an outgoing e-mail (whether created or sent) replying to this incoming e-mail.

Use the IInteractionService.getInteractionDTO*() method to read this attribute value. To deal with incoming e-mails, see Answering an E-Mail and Replying to an E-Mail.

Outgoing E-Mails

The e-mail interaction type corresponding to outgoing e-mails is InteractionType.EMAIL_OUT. It represents e-mails interactions that your application creates and sends with the IInteractionMailService interface.
For this type of e-mail interaction, most of the writable attributes—such as message, subject and addresses—are empty when the interaction is created. Your application should fill them with IInteractionService.setInteractionDTO() method.
Some specific attributes are defined in the interaction.mail.out subdomain. interaction. Use also the IInteractionService.getInteractionDTO*() method to read those attributes.
To deal with outgoing e-mails, see Sending an E-Mail.

Outgoing E-Mails for a Reply

The corresponding e-mail interaction type corresponding to outgoing reply e-mails is InteractionType.EMAIL_OUT_REPLY. It represents outgoing e-mails replying to an incoming e-mail. These interactions are created due to aInteractionMailAction.REPLY action performed with aIInteractionMailService.reply() call.
The attributes available are those for common outgoing e-mails, that is, interaction.mail:* and interaction.mail.out:*. For this type of e-mail interaction, common e-mail attributes—interaction.mail:* (such as subjects and addresses)—are already filled with information extracted from incoming e-mails.
To deal with reply e-mails, see Replying to an E-Mail.

E-Mail Actions

The InteractionMailAction enumeration defines all the available e-mail actions of the IInteractionMailService interface. Constants each correspond to one e-mail interaction service method. For example, the ANSWER constant corresponds to the IInteractionMailService.answer() method.
Your application can access possible actions for e-mail interactions (except for a collaboration interaction) by reading the value of the interaction.mail:actionsPossible attribute of the IInteractionMailService interface.
The IInteractionMailService interface has no methods to read attributes. Your application must use one of the InteractionService.getInteractionsDTO*() methods. See also Handling Interaction DTOs.

E-Mail Statuses

The status of an e-mail interaction is represented by a common interaction attribute defined in the IInteractionService as the interaction:status attribute. Your application cannot read this attribute with an IInteractionMailService method, so you must use one of the IInteractionService.getInteractionDTO*() methods. See also Handling Interaction DTOs.
The possible statuses of an e-mail interaction are parts of the InteractionStatus enumeration of the com.genesyslab.ws.interaction namespace.
The status of an e-mail interaction changes if:

  • A successful action is confirmed by an event to the server-side application; for example, the e-mail has been sent and the e-mail interaction status change to InteractionStatus.IDLE.
  • A CTI event occurred; for example an error occurred and e-mail interaction status change to InteractionStatus.IDLE.

The following diagram shows non-exhaustive transitions that can occur between e-mail interaction statuses.

Generalized State Diagram for E-Mail Interactions (Incomplete)
This figure is provided as an informative example. It is non-exhaustive: it does not include all the possible transitions.

The diagram above shows a sequence of e-mail interaction statuses, with InteractionEventReason values as transitions. The InteractionEventReason value for a status change is propagated with the interaction:eventReason attribute in InteractionEvent.

Do not assume any status sequence in your application design. Design your application always to update with the possible agent actions provided and the current interaction status.

E-Mail Interactions Events

The IInteractionMailService works with the InteractionEvent of the IInteractionService.
Most events that occur on e-mail interactions are InteractionEvents. Therefore for these events, published attributes are IInteractionService and IInteractionMailService attributes that have the event property.
You have to subscribe to a TopicsService defined for the IInteractionService. This TopicsService must specify (in its TopicsEvents) the e-mail interaction DTO to retrieve.

For further details on the InteractionEvent mechanism, see Using IInteractionService.

The following code snippet shows how to receive InteractionEvent occurring on any interaction belonging to agent0, and how to ensure the propagation of e-mail interaction DTOs for an e-mail interaction event.

/// Defining a Topic Services for interaction service
TopicsService[] myTopicsServices = new TopicsService[1] ;
myTopicsServices[0] = new TopicsService() ;
myTopicsServices[0].serviceName = "InteractionService" ;
TopicsEvent[] myTopicsEvents = new TopicsEvent[1] ;
myTopicsEvents[0] = new TopicsEvent() ;
/// the targeted events are InteractionEvent
myTopicsEvents[0].eventName = "InteractionEvent" ;
myTopicsEvents[0].attributes = new String[]{ "interaction:*", "interaction.mail:*"};
/// The InteractionEvent concern agent0 interactions
myTopicsEvents[0].triggers = new Topic[1];
myTopicsEvents[0].triggers[0] = new Topic();
myTopicsEvents[0].triggers[0].key = "AGENT";
myTopicsEvents[0].triggers[0].value = "agent0";
/// The InteractionEvent must concern some EMAIL types interactions
myTopicsEvents[0].filters = new Topic[3];
myTopicsEvents[0].filters[0] = new Topic();
myTopicsEvents[0].filters[0].key = "INTERACTION_TYPE";
myTopicsEvents[0].filters[0].value = "EMAIL_OUT";
myTopicsEvents[0].filters[1] = new Topic();
myTopicsEvents[0].filters[1].key = "INTERACTION_TYPE";
myTopicsEvents[0].filters[1].value = "EMAIL_OUT_REPLY";
myTopicsEvents[0].filters[2] = new Topic();
myTopicsEvents[0].filters[2].key = "INTERACTION_TYPE";
myTopicsEvents[0].filters[2].value = "EMAIL_IN";
/// ... Subscribe to the event service

See also The Event Service

Common E-Mail Management

The common actions of the IInteractionMailService on e-mail interactions are presented in Common Features for an E-Mail Interaction.

Common Features for an E-Mail Interaction


InteractionMail Action

IInteractionMail Service

Relevant InteractionTypes

Send an e-mail




Answer an e-mail




Reply to an e-mail




Delete an e-mail




Transfer an e-mail




Release an e-mail




Mark done an e-mail




Your application uses the IInteractionMailService features to send requests to the server-side application. Once the Genesys Solution—that is, the server-side application and the Genesys Framework—has performed the corresponding action, the event service receives InteractionEvent s if the application has subscribed to the correct topics.
The InteractionEvent propagates the interaction status changes and the new possible actions corresponding to the e-mail interaction identifier (interaction:interactionId).
The following sections detail the common e-mail interaction actions and provide you with sequence diagrams to help you to understand the action sequences.

You should not use the sequence diagrams to make assumptions about actions’ availability. Instead, use the InteractionMailAction possible actions provided in DTOs.

Sending an E-Mail

The IInteractionMailService interface lets your application send e-mails. There are two scenarios for sending an e-mail:

  • Your application has replied to an incoming e-mail and needs to send the reply. See Replying to an E-Mail.
  • Your application sends a brand new e-mail as detailed in this section.

This section and its subsections detail how to create and send common outgoing e-mails. The corresponding e-mail interaction type is InteractionType.EMAIL_OUT.
When your application needs to send an e-mail, it requires a logged-in agent on an EMAIL media type. Your application can test this condition with the agent:loggedMedias attribute of the IAgentService interface.
Sending the e-mail requires four steps, as follows:

  1. Create an outgoing e-mail with one of the IInteractionMailService.createMailInteraction*() methods. See Creating an Outgoing E-Mail Interaction.
  2. Fill the outgoing e-mail interaction fields with the IInteractionService.setInteractionDTO() method. See Filling an E-Mail Interaction.
  3. Send the outgoing e-mail interaction with the IInteractionMailService.send() method. See Sending an E-Mail.

The following sequence diagram shows the sequence of actions, requests, and InteractionEvents received when sending an outgoing e-mail.

Sequence Diagram for Sending an E-Mail

In Sequence Diagram for Sending an E-Mail, once the outgoing e-mail interaction is created, this interaction status is InteractionStatus.TALKING as notified in the received InteractionEvent.
This status lets your application modify the e-mail data—that is, addresses, text, and so on—with IInteractionMailService attributes that have the write property. Because the e-mail has just been created, these types of attributes have null values.
Then, the IInteractionMailService.send() method performs itself a release of the interaction once the outgoing e-mail is sent.

To use IInteractionMailService methods, update the possible actions propagated in the received InteractionEvent.

The following subsections detail the method calls for creating and sending an e-mail.

Creating an Outgoing E-Mail Interaction

IInteractionMailService has two available methods for creating an e-mail interaction:

  • createInteractionFromPlaceDTO() creates an e-mail interaction with a place identifier if:
    • An agent is logged on the place.
    • An agent is logged on the place’s e-mail media type.
  • createInteractionFromAgentDTO() creates an e-mail interaction with an agent identifier if the agent is logged into an e-mail media type.
  • Important
    Both methods create an outgoing e-mail interaction.

The following code snippet creates an e-mail interaction using the IInteractionMailService.createInteractionFromAgentDTO() method:

/// Creating the e-mail interaction with the e-mail service
InteractionDTO myEMailDTO = myInteractionMailService.createInteractionMailAgentDTO( myAgentId, // identifier of the logged agent
  myAgentQueue, // identifier of the agent queue 
  null); //an array of key attributes to retrieve in the DTO
/// if the creation succeeded, retrieving the interaction id
   String myNewEMailId=myEMailDTO.interactionId;

The above code snippet shows that if the interaction is successfully created, its identifier is available in the InteractionDTO object returned by the method.

Upon the outgoing e-mail creation, its writable attributes have null values.

Sending the E-Mail Interaction

The following code snippet shows how to send the previously created outgoing e-mail:

myInteractionMailService.send(myNewEMailId, // Id of the e-mail interaction to send
  myQueue); // The Queue (should not be null)

If the send action is performed, the outgoing e-mail interaction status changes to IDLE because the send feature has released the e-mail interaction. Your application receives an InteractionEvent with this new status and with the updated possible e-mail actions.

Filling an E-Mail Interaction

The e-mail interactions fields that your application might have to fill are interaction:* and interaction.mail:* attributes with the write property. See the Agent Interaction SDK 7.6 Services API Reference for further details.
Filling the e-mail interaction’s fields requires the interaction identifier, an InteractionDTO object, and an IInteractionService instance. The following code snippet fills an empty outgoing e-mail identified with myNewEMailId.

/// Creating the DTO to fill with attributes key-values
InteractionDTO myEmailDTO = new InteractionDTO();
// Setting the id of the outgoing e-mail to fill
myEmailDTO.interactionId = myNewEMailId;
// Creating a Key-value array
myEmailDTO.data = new KeyValue[3];
// Setting the message text
myEmailDTO.data[0] = new KeyValue();
myEmailDTO.data[0].key= "interaction.mail:messageText";
myEmailDTO.data[0].value= “Text of the e-mail to send”;
// Setting the e-mail addresses
myEmailDTO.data[1] = new KeyValue();
myEmailDTO.data[1].key= "interaction.mail:toAddresses";
myEmailDTO.data[1].value= myContact@company.com;
//Setting a subject for the e-mail
myEmailDTO.data[2] = new KeyValue();
myEmailDTO.data[2].key= "interaction:subject";
myEmailDTO.data[2].value= "Subject of the e-mail";
// Writing the DTO with the interaction service
myInteractionService.setInteractionsDTO( new InteractionDTO[]{ myEmailDTO });

For further detail on InteractionDTO and IInteractionService, see The Interaction Service.

Answering an E-Mail

The answer feature of the e-mail interaction service is equivalent to the answer feature of the voice interaction service. Your application uses it on an incoming e-mail interaction so as to “accept” the interaction. Once your application has answered the e-mail interaction, the e-mail interaction is assigned to the agent’s place.

For example, your application receives an InteractionEvent for an incoming e-mail interaction with the InteractionStatus.RINGING status. Your application might then display a dialog box to inform the agent of the new incoming e-mail. If the agent chooses to answer the e-mail, your application can add the incoming e-mail to the agent desktop’s mailbox.

The IInteractionMailService.answer() feature works for incoming e-mail interactions. The corresponding e-mail interaction type is InteractionType.EMAIL_IN.
The following diagram shows the sequence of actions on incoming e-mail interactions, and the received InteractionEvents.

Sequence Diagram for Answering an E-Mail

This diagram shows that an InteractionEvent occurs for an incoming interaction e-mail with InteractionStatus.RINGING status. Once the IInteractionMailService has answered, the new interaction status is Interactionstatus.TALKING, which means that the incoming e-mail belongs to the logged-in agent.

The following code snippet illustrates the IInteractionMailService.answer() method call:

myInteractionMailService.answer( myIncomingMailId,// Id of the incoming e-mail to answer
   null); // KeyValue[] reasons

Unlike with a newly created outgoing e-mail, the incoming e-mail interaction attributes do not have null values. While the incoming e-mail interaction status is InteractionStatus.TALKING, your application might display pertinent information about the incoming e-mail—such as, the sender identity, the subject, and the message itself identified in IInteractionService and IInteractionMailService attributes.

For further detail about readable attributes of these services, see the Agent Interaction SDK 7.6 Services API Reference.

Replying to an E-Mail

Your application can use the IInteractionMailService reply feature only with e-mail interactions of type InteractionType.MAIL.IN. Moreover, this feature must be available in the possible actions of an incoming e-mail.
When the IInteractionMailService interface requests a reply, it creates an outgoing e-mail interaction of type InteractionType.EMAIL_OUT_REPLY, which your application must fill and send.
If you use the IInteractionMailService.replyDTO() method, replying to an e-mail involves the following steps:

  1. Create an outgoing reply e-mail with the IInteractionMailService.replyDTO() method.
  2. Mark the incoming e-mail interaction as done when you no longer need it. See Marking Done an E-Mail Interaction.
  3. Fill the outgoing reply e-mail interaction fields with the IInteractionService.setInteractionDTO() method. See Filling an E-Mail Interaction.
  4. Send the outgoing reply e-mail interaction with the IInteractionMailService.send() method. See Sending an E-Mail.
If you call the IInteractionMailService.replyExDTO() method and set the auto-mark-done parameter to true, you do not have to mark the incoming e-mail interaction as done.

The following sequence diagram shows the sequence of actions, requests, and InteractionEvents sequence for a typical reply to an incoming e-mail, that is, by calling the IInteractionMailService.replyDTO() method.

Sequence for Replying to an Incoming E-Mail (no auto-mark done)

In the above diagram, mail1 is an incoming e-mail interaction identifier. When the IInteractionMailService interface has made the reply request, the server-side application creates an outgoing reply e-mail, mail2, filled with some information of mail1.
The event service receives an InteractionEvent for the mail2 interaction, notifying its InteractionStatus.TALKING status. The agent application can mark mail1 as done and the event service receives the corresponding InteractionEvent event for the status change.
The agent desktop application can fill the remaining fields ofmail2 with the IInteractionService interface. Once the replied mail2 interaction is sent, the server-side application releases the mail2 interaction. The event service receives the corresponding InteractionEvent for the status change.
The following code code snippet shows how to implement the IInteractionMailService.replyDTO() method to reply to mail1 and retrieve the corresponding interaction ID.

InteractionDTO myReplyDTO= myInteractionMailService.replyDTO("mail1", 
   myQueue, // the queue ID
   true,    // Reply to all
   null);   // string keys of the attributes to retrieve
// Displaying the ID of the created interaction
System.Console.WriteLine("Replying Interaction Id: "+ myReplyDTO.interactionId);
The InteractionDTO object can retrieve attributes that have the read property.

Marking Done an E-Mail Interaction

Your application should mark done an e-mail interaction when the agent no longer needs it. For instance, if the agent sent several replies to an e-mail and decides that this e-mail no longer requests agent processing, he or she marks it as done.
The following code snippet shows how to mark the previously created outgoing e-mail as done:


When the interaction is marked as done, your IInteractionMailService and IInteractionMailService interfaces can no longer access this interaction or perform your application’s requests using its identifier.

Collaboration Essentials

A collaboration session involves several types of interactions. A collaboration interaction is an e-mail interaction that manages additional collaboration data. The e-mail interaction service includes collaboration attributes to access that data, which includes collaboration status.
During a collaboration session, your application can use the e-mail service to:

  • Manage the collaboration, if the agent is the initiator.
  • Participate in a collaboration session.

When an agent initiates the collaboration, he or she sends invitations to the participants. After a refresh of their applications, the agent can monitor the collaboration activity, and all the participants can access the corresponding invitations. When a participant has replied, the corresponding invitation is fulfilled.
If the agent is a participant, your application only manages interaction events and uses the e-mail service to perform collaboration actions on the collaborative interactions.
The following sections present the details behind this general description.

Collaboration Attributes

Your application can call one of the IInteractionService.getInteractionDTO*() methods to read the collaboration attributes. Opening a Workbin Interaction.

Collaborative Interaction Attributes

As the collaborative interactions are e-mail interactions, the following attributes are available for a collaborative interaction:

  • interaction:*—Common interaction attributes.
  • interaction.mail.*—Common e-mail attributes.
  • interaction.mail.in.collaboration:*—Additional collaborative attributes for parent invitations.
Outgoing E-Mail Attributes

An agent initiates a collaboration session when writing an outgoing (reply) e-mail. Your application can monitor this session with some attributes dedicated to the collaboration management and defined in the interaction.mail.out domain:

  • interaction.mail.out:invitations—All the invitations sent by the agent who initiated the collaboration session.
  • interaction.mail.out.invitationSentId—The system identifier of an outgoing e-mail whose invitations were successfully sent to participants.

Your application can use the following IInteractionMailService DTO methods to get interaction data:

  • getSentInvitationsDTO()—Retrieves the interaction data of each sent invitation.
  • getCollaborativeReplyDTO() —Retrieves the interaction data of a received reply. See Retrieving a Collaborative Reply.

Collaboration Interaction Types

Your application accesses types for collaborative e-mail interactions using the interaction:interactionType attribute of the IInteractionService interface.
The following diagram presents the types of collaborative e-mail interactions that the e-mail service handles.

Types of Collaborative E-Mail Interactions




Inbound invitation


Interactions for inbound invitations that the participant (or child) receives or that the agent (or parent) sent in a collaboration..

Reply to invitation


Interactions for a collaborative reply sent by a participant (or child).

Incoming Invitation

The parent can see and manage the invitation interactions of the participants:

  • Child invitation (invitation from the child point of view):
    • Each participant in the collaboration session receives an incoming child invitation.
    • This interaction informs the participant of the collaboration request.
    • For information about managing child invitation, see Participating in a Collaboration Session.
  • Parent invitation (invitation from the parent point of view):
    • For each invitation sent to a participant, the agent who initiates the collaboration can access the corresponding interaction.
    • The agent uses parent invitations to monitor the collaboration and the participants’replies.
    • For information about managing parent invitations, see Managing a Collaboration Session.

Collaborative Reply

The collaborative reply is an outgoing e-mail replying to a child incoming invitation. As with an outgoing reply e-mail, some fields are filled at the interaction’s creation—for instance, interaction.mail:to andinteraction.mail:from.
Use a collaborative reply in the same way as an outgoing e-mail interaction. For further details, see Participating in a Collaboration Session.

Collaboration Status

The CollaborationStatus enumeration lists the possible collaboration statuses. Only collaborative interactions can have a collaboration status, available in the interaction.mail:collaborationStatus attribute. This status is an additional data. The interaction:status attribute is available for any collaborative interactions.
An application that initiates a collaboration has a specific interest in the collaboration status of its parent invitations.When a parent invitation takes on a FULFILLED status, the application can get the system identifier in the interaction.mail.in.collaboration:collaborativeReply attribute of this interaction to access the corresponding reply.

Collaboration status changes do not launch additional InteractionEvent events. There is no notification.

To refresh the collaboration status of a collaborative interaction, your application must periodically read that status.
The following state diagram shows common transitions existing between collaboration statuses.

Generalized State Diagram for an Incoming Invitation (Incomplete)

Collaboration Handling

The typical IInteractionMailService actions upon e-mail invitations are presented in the following table.

Features For Collaboration



IInteractionMail Service



Send an invitation



Remind an invitation



Recall an invitation



Retrieve DTOs for sent invitations.



Retrieve the DTO for a collaborative reply interaction.




Accept an invitation



Refuse an invitation



Reply to an invitation



Send a collaborative reply



This table separately shows actions related to parent versus child invitation interaction. The InteractionType specified in the table’s last column is the interaction type of the identifier parameter in the IInteractionMailService method call.

Managing a Collaboration Session

To request the collaboration of other agents, your application must be working on an outgoing e-mail interaction, as shown in Features For Collaboration. As your application initiates the collaboration, it becomes the parent of all sent invitations.
The following steps detail the general sequence of actions that your application is likely to follow:

  1. Sending invitations to the participants.
  2. Recalling, or reminding about, invitations if required.
  3. Retrieving a DTO for each collaborative reply sent by a participant.
  4. Sending the outgoing e-mail. For details, see Sending the E-Mail Interaction.

Sending Invitations

Depending on the method called to send invitations, your application activates a specific mode:

  • sendInvitations()—Sends the invitations to the participants in the pull mode. The child invitations are available in workbins.
  • transferInvitations()—Transfers the invitations to the participants in the push mode. Each participant receives the invitation as an incoming interaction.

A single call to these methods send all invitations, as shown in the following code snippet:

Participant[] myParticipants=new Participant[2];
myParticipants[0] = new Participant();
myParticipants[0].name = "agent0";
myParticipants[0].type = ParticipantType.AGENT;
myParticipants[1].name = "agent1";
myParticipants[1].type = ParticipantType.AGENT;
InteractionDTO[] mySentInvitations= myInteractionMailService.sendInvitations(myInteractionId, myParticipants, "Do you have info about that?", //the trouble "Troubleshooting", //the subject of the collaboration new string[]{"interaction.*:*"}); //the invitation attributes //to return in DTOs.

The method returns an array of interaction DTOs. Each interaction DTO contains the data of a sent invitation.

Reminding About Invitations

Sometimes, agents who received invitations might forget to reply. Your application can use the IInteractionMailService.remindInvitation() method to remind a participant that a collaboration session is still in progress. This method does not inform all participants—only a single one. Call this method if the invitation’s collaboration status is: ACCEPTED or ACCEPTANCE_PENDING. It takes as a parameter the interaction identifier of the parent invitation that corresponds to one participant.
The following code snippet shows a call to this method:

myInteractionMailService.remindInvitation( "parentInvitationIdForAgent0", "myPlaceId"); // place ID of the agent reminding the invitation

Retrieving a Collaborative Reply

When a collaboration participant sends a reply to the inviting agent, your application propagates the identifier of the collaborative reply in the interaction.mail.in.collaboration:collaborativeReply attribute.
The following code snippet retrieves a collaborative reply interaction with the getCollaborativeReplyDTO() method:

InteractionDTO myReplyDTO = myInteractionMailService.getCollaborativeReplyDTO( "myReplyID", // interaction ID of the reply
new string[]{"interaction.*:*"}); // attributes to get in DTO
Replying to a collaborative reply is not possible.

Recalling an Invitation

If the initiating agent no longer needs the collaboration session—for example, he has found the necessary information—he or she can decide to recall some pending invitations.
In this case, your application uses the IInteractionMailService.recallInvitation() method to cancel the invitations. This method does not recall all invitations—only a single one. Call this method if the invitation’s collaboration status is: ACCEPTED or ACCEPTANCE_PENDING. It takes as a parameter the interaction identifier of the parent invitation that corresponds to one participant. If the recall is successful, the collaborative status of the invitation changes to CANCELLED.
The following code snippet shows a call to this method:

myInteractionMailService.recallInvitation( "parentInvitationIdForAgent0",
"myPlaceId"); // place ID of the agent recalling the invitation

Participating in a Collaboration Session

In push mode, when an agent receives an incoming invitation, he or she receives an e-mail interaction of type COLLABORATION_INVIT_IN which has both InteractionStatus.RINGING and CollaborationStatus.ACCEPTANCE_PENDING statuses.
If the agent accepts the invitation, that agent participates in the collaboration session. To end his or her participation, the agent must reply to the invitation, as described in the following subsections.

Accepting an Invitation

Once the application has answered the interaction (see Common E-Mail Management), your application can accept the incoming invitation to enter the collaboration session, by calling the IInteractionMailService.acceptInvitation() method, as shown in the following code snippet.

myInteractionMailService.acceptInvitation( "myChildInvitationID", //Interaction ID 

If the ACCEPT_INVITATION action is successful, the collaboration status of the the invitation interaction should become CollaborationStatus.ACCEPTED.

For further details about collaboration statuses, see Collaboration Status.

Replying to an Invitation

Your application can use the IInteractionMailService.replyInvitationDTO() method to create a collaborative reply interaction of type COLLABORATION_REPLY_OUT, as shown in the following code snippet.

InteractionDTO myCollaborativeReplyDTO = myInteractionMailService.replyInvitationDTO( "myChildInvitationID",// Interaction ID
new string[]{"interaction.**:*"}); /// attributes to retrieve
String myCollaborativeReplyID = myCollaborativeReplyDTO.interactionId;

The returned InteractionDTO contains the identifier of the created interaction. Use this identifier to fill the e-mail using the IInteractionService.setInteractionDTO() method, as detailed in Filling an E-Mail Interaction.
Once the collaborative reply is filled, your application can send it as an outgoing e-mail using the IInteractionMailService.send() method, as shown in the following code snippet:

myInteractionMailService.send( myCollaborativeReplyID, myQueue); // The Queue (should not be null)
This page was last edited on January 8, 2014, at 16:22.
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