This page was last edited on September 7, 2018, at 10:34.
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GET /profiles |
Identifies a customer based on the Identification Key information submitted with the query. In addition to the identified customer ID, your application can retrieve profile and extension information based on the query fields. Query strings should be URL Encoded. If the "id_key" parameter is not specified, then UCS uses the following algorithm:
ID | CV.WS.CUSTID.1 | ||
Method | GET | ||
URL | /profiles | ||
Field Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
URI Parameters | |||
id_key | string | no | The key name used for identification.
UCS can infer the key based on the attributes included in the "expr" parameter. However, explicitly specifying the identification key with your application improves performance. |
include_profile | token | no |
extensions | string | no | The names of the extension to return with the customer profiles. Your application can specify multiple values separated with comas, such as: extensions=contacts,purchases |
include_extensions | token | no |
<attribute name> | string | yes | One or more identification keys used to identify the customer, for instance: last_name=Doe&first_name=Jane
Attribute names with no prefix are supposed to be profile attributes. To refer to the attributes of an extension, your application must use the extension name as a prefix for the attribute: <ext-name>.<attribute-name> |
The Context Management Service API answers with HTTP codes for every request. The following table shows the correct response for a successful request. See HTTP Response Codes and Errors for further details on the possible codes that this operation can return.
HTTP code | 200 |
HTTP message | OK |
Body |
GET /profiles/contacts.phone_number=408-888-3214&extensions=contacts,purchases&include_profile=yes &include_extensions=unique
Result: Multiple profiles
If multiple customers called from the specified phone number, then the output contains profiles for each matched customer:
200 OK [{"customer_id": "2DC255C02AF", "name": "Doe, John", "birthdate": "1976-05-10"}, {"customer_id": "DDF295802AF", "name": "Doe, Jane", "birthdate": "1978-02-25"}]
Result: One profile
If a single customer is called from the specified phone number, then the complete profile for that customer is returned.
200 OK { "customer_id": "0004Va58A92T0017 ", "name": "Doe, John", "birthdate": "1976-05-10", "EmailAddress": [ "", "jd34@hotmail.dom"], "contacts": [ {"phone": "408-555-1234", "ext": "1234"}, {"phone": "408-832-7712"} ], "preferences": { "newsletter": "y", "new_offers": "n", "email": "html" } }
Result: No result
If no customers match the specified criteria, then the output is an empty array: